mace introduces bill aimed at keeping transgender member out of the ladies' bathroom

I'm just glad that mace has reduced the sexual assault of women in Capitol restrooms from 0 to 0.

That's a 0% reduction.

Good job everybody. đź‘Ź
I think you got things a little mixed up there.

Did you mean: “Pre-op trans females (male to female body) are required to live as a woman for a minimum of 2 years before gender reassignment surgery”?


I agree that requiring a trans female to use a male only bathroom while being required to present as a woman does pose a significant risk to the trans female.

yes, just a typo but a significant one! I was distracted and have edited. Having a trans daughter I do know the correct term :)
Ahh, unable to understand metaphors. You should fix that before saying others can't think.

Mental illness.
And your expertise in psychiatry is...? How about literary criticism? What you know about metaphor wouldn't fill a toy thimble.

You Dork Web denizens just can't admit that you're owned.

( O O )
UK rules don't apply in the US. Pretty simple.
Here in America transwomen, of who i am one, are required to do nothing except present to a clinic as desiring clarification of their gender status.

The clinics provide counseling as needed for depression and other symptoms of dysphoris.

HRT requires nothing more than a signed prescription from a provider.

Surgeries require extra counselling.

There are no legal requirements involving dress or name change.

This site is a Russian-controlled disinformation factory.

Be proud!

( O O )
Here in America transwomen, of who i am one, are required to do nothing except present to a clinic as desiring clarification of their gender status.

The clinics provide counseling as needed for depression and other symptoms of dysphoris.

HRT requires nothing more than a signed prescription from a provider.

Surgeries require extra counselling.

There are no legal requirements involving dress or name change.

This site is a Russian-controlled disinformation factory.

Be proud!

( O O )
ESL, bish.
Leftist political ideology isn't science.

So called "natural" or "jungle" law isn't. The man made laws however are.
Of course you're right. 17th c. travesties
were invented by Marx.

On the other hand, this propagandist for the Weathermen was in with the Comintern and the Homintern:

Orlando: A Biography (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)

The level of ignorance on this site is astonishing.

Why can't we just get rid of this generation (or two) and import a whole new one from a nice civilized place like this?

( O O )
No they're just tired of being told how to think and run their lives because some microscopic number of people have a mental illness and Democrats for some reason think complete and total submission to said mentally ill minorities fee fees is the most important thing in all of gods creation. It's actually NOT.
Please inform who in the Natl Dem leadership pushes your imbecilic fantasies, Nazi.

Meanwhile whistle this:

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You'll probably visit my city eventually. Everyone does. Ask about me. But wear a cup, little boy.

( O O )

About one half of one percent (0.5%) of adults identify as trans in the US.

0.5-0.6% age 13+ was the steady US benchmark for decades.

In recent years, 1.3% of people 13-17 in the US now identitfy as trans.

Obviously, the public campaigning and grooming push has been effective.

The recent pushback against that grooming is appropriate… society is not going to mainstream trannies. 0.5% is an anomoly, an aberation of social norms.

Trans has always been and will remain a very very very small part of the population compared to homosexuals for example at around a constant 10% for many decades or the mentally ill at around 15%.

Each of those groups are by and large now mainstreamed, though not perfectly by any measure.

So, my advice to you is to cease the aggressive threats and violence against others.

Unless you’re a masochist of course, in which case you’re on the right track to being targeted by haters.
MAGAs still think gender dysphoria is just perverted men who want to get into the women's restroom so they can pee next to a bunch of obese, menopausal women.
There is no need to exaggerate the caricatures on either side.

I am a transwoman. I am bisexual but always lived as a straight male.

I am in a poly pod with two cis women and was married to two more.

I know about as much about female sexual and digestive characteristics as anyone designated male at birth could.

There is no history of rape by transwomen of cis women. Just as there is no such history of rape of men by any women.

There is no history of child sex exploitation by transwomen.

If you believe such cases exist, cite them. You can't because they don't.

Rape and child sex atrocitities are male phenomena. They represent assertions of power.

The entire transfemale phenomenon represents a rejection of such.

Transwomen aren't like gays and lesbians who seek to mirror the patriarchy by forming traditional unions, adopting, etc.

We don't "groom." I consider the whole hysteria about "grooming" to be a libelous smear. We wouldn't inflict the pain of transfemale life on another human.

We have great difficulty forming relationships. Transwomen may try to mirror the patriarchy by marrying abusive cis males.

Those like me who formed deep love relationships with cis women before coming out as trans are blessed.

America has a deeply sick constellation of attitudes about bodily and sexual functions. Neo-Puritanism threatens the whole society.

Transwomen are politically passive. But the time is coming very soon when we will echo our forebears:

The Lisseth Sánchez Sex Workers Union asks with Malcolm:

"Who taught you to hate being what God made you?"

This is not an ambiguous question.

The Creator Goddess made us something in between. We have no reason to hate this condition. We carry a new world in our hearts. We are a Darwinian mutation.

This is our banner now:

I believe we must prepare for this:

Our struggle will be in the streets. Not in the suites and certainly not in bathrooms.

It's a revolution. Not our revolution, but one in which we will play a vanguard role.

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There should be a bill passed to keep Nasty Mace out of women’s restrooms. She should be so lucky to be checked out in the women’s restroom. She’s a fucking nasty excuse for a woman. No telling how many small creatures have been forced up her cooch and have died in there. If she doesn’t like it, she needs to just hold it in. It seems like she’s probably had a lot of practice doing that with small dead animals. She’ll be fine.
Answer Mace With Mace:

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Imagine how many gay or trans people (and their families and friends) either voted for DonOld and these MAGAt republicans, or didn’t vote at all because of Gaza, etc.

Next, inagine that the Serbs fought on the Ottoman side at the Battle of Kosovo, if such a battle rilly occurred.

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