Making Glasses Sexy

I think it’s all about confidence, if you are confident it doesn’t matter what type of glasses you wear. Confidence is the key to being sexy!
YOU make glasses sexy. They don’t make you unsexy. I’m not sure that’s even been a thing for several decades now, has it? The whole “glasses = unsexy” bit?
My slightly different take, though I agree with most of the comments...confidence is key, as is style and look, and how glasses shape your face. But what you do with your glasses is also important. I realize this is connected to how well you can see without them, what situation you are in. In social situations for example, lowering glasses to get a look at someone or something can be hot. Looking over the rims of your glasses too. Raising eyebrows when you smile. Wearing them pulled back on your head, as we often do with sunglasses. Reading a book and nonchalantly looking a round. Find ways that help you get attention. And yes a smile is always an open invitation, glasses or none.
I got my first pair of glasses when I was 6.
MUCH later, I used my glasses to flirt and seduce, but it wasn't the glasses that made the difference.
I'll stick with my original comment.
I got my first pair of glasses when I was six. "Sexy" wasn't must of a choice.

Even though I know what "sexy" means, I still choose the nerdiest frames because it disguises the passion deep inside me.

I love science!

so you became a sexy physicist? ooohh LA LA
I agree with the above, some people have a face that glasses increase the intensity of their gaze and I then have a smouldering nerd fantasy playing through my mind.
Like all fantasies, a nerd fantasy is in the mind. So glasses just help the nerd mind go somewhere where a fantasy can be unlocked, opened, and enjoyed.
So... enjoy!
That is so true, Snowbunny020. It's not the glasses, it's the attitude. Glasses can be used to hide behind or they can be used as a point of focus...if you've got the right attitude.
Glasses are just another 'tool' to use, same as makeup, hairstyle, clothes, etc. My wife has a very different facial expression to wearing them when she's at work than at home for me. I don't think looking over the top of them as she runs her tongue along the bottom of her cherry red upper lip would go down to well at work. Mind you, there's a lot of guys work in her office so maybe...:)

If we turn this around slightly, my wife finds it a turn on if I'm dressed sharp for a major meeting, plus wearing some of her favourite smelling cologne along with my specs. She likes it if I stand and look at her with a hungry gaze, for some reason she says that she can focus on my eyes through the lens. Any other women have a thing for guys in glasses?
Glasses are very sexy look, imo.

Last week I was on a business trip. I connected with this woman who is quite beautiful anyway, and we had a date and hit a baseball game.

I’m happily married and so was she.

But when she put on her readers to look at something, I was immensely turned on. (No, not that 😂)

I also like women who can pull off big, larger, clunkier frames.
People have said it before me.

You make the outfit pop, your attitude will make the glasses sexy. Yes, as a glasses wearer, there can be awkward moments: that hesitant pause in making sure you know where to put them down so they don’t get broken in the heat of passion.

I think Anna said it best: it adds to a fantasy.
Lots of good points; the way the frame shape interacts with your face, and the frame color complements your complexion. Then think of them as an accessory, you can slide them up, look over them, take them off, gently chew on the end of a stem...all kinds of seductive fun to be had.