making submissives melt

(Forgive me for posting to an 'old' thread - but am working my way through the forum ...)

For me, it is not so much the words, as the way they are spoken. There are specific words that do have an affect on me! [Ohhhhhhh willow - said with a slight sigh, be it in a disappointed tone or one of arousal]

Music can move/melt me too.

But - nobody has mentioned aroma ... certain smells bring such memories back that I am instanly hot and begin to melt. For example ... the smell of ferns (especially if they have been crushed and are oozing sap)

willow :rose:
It is the smell of patchouli oil/incense and fresh peppermint for me; such are the intangibles that bittersweet memories are made of.
Just have to line upp as a scent addict - incense/oil, the right perfume for the moment as enhancement, the heavy smell of roses, Kama Sutra Honey Dust (scent and taste!), chocolate.......

I love the smell of my Man after he mows the lawn. It's like pure sex to me. It's the salty musky scent of him mixed with grass. I have no idea why but it makes me just wanna fuck.

God I'm gross.
KillerMuffin said:
Isn't it interesting how one woman's call to pleasure is another's call to battle?

cymbidia melts and gets all mushy.
I felt my hackles rise and that undefinable urge to sink my teeth into him and rend his flesh from his bone.

But muff, even with your hackles rising you still want me.

Submissives agree with me
cymbidia said:

I crave being controlled but won't hand myself over to just anyone who claims to want that from me; it has be taken, gently, but taken from me nonetheless. It has be earned. It has to be real.

I crave that same control, and I want to serve... but I won't just let anyone control me. I'm very specific about who I will give that much power and respect to. And I choose the word 'give', as I believe that no one can TAKE respect and control from me. Like you said, it has to be earned... and when earned, I will give it freely. Perhaps just semantics, but an important distinction to me. And words... there are words that just reach into me... when the right person says ' babygirl', in just the right way, it just makes me sink to my knees, because I know, first, that he cares for me, second, that he's taken control, and that I am the submissive, and thirdly, that he will be gentle with me, no matter what he decides we will experience. He will always look out for me, and protect me. There are other names, other terms that he uses for me, and with those terms and phrases, it just rips into my heart, and warmth and love pour from it....
KillerMuffin said:
Isn't it interesting how one woman's call to pleasure is another's call to battle?

I am seriously fascinated by the total dichotomy of womanhood presented here.

*giggled the second time I read this too!*

I am afraid that the words and terms that make me get all wet and melt would lead to a homicide in the Muffin Ranch!

However, my own dichotomy interests me.
I enjoy the control, the control words, the hot, seething whispers of names many women would be offended or cry over.

Then, I get all weak kneed and my heart warms when he calls me "honey" or "baby."
Pretty amazing stuff - where paradox reigns, and 'nilla perception is turned inside out and upside down.

"Pain" as pleasure. "Weakness" as strength. "Insult" as affection. "Darkness" as light. "Fear" as bliss.

It's no wonder there is a fascination with BDSM, even if not understood or accepted. There's something quite extraordinary in claiming and exploring it all.

Control and power pushes people's buttons - period. :)

You keep talkin' lark sparrow, honey. You're good at that! You've put your pretty finger right on the sensitive little tickle spot of the whole subject.

BDSM may seem backwards and twisted to those who don't look with the heart, but this is typical really. There are so many things in life that just don't really make sense until you've looked at them the "wrong way round".

i think we should all have the right to take a look and talk to our friends about what we've seen.

HEY! Maybe we could use this place to DO that! Just talk about "twisted stuff" until it makes sense. Then all the "normal" stuff lines up kinda different too.

i think it's beautiful! It makes me melt...
