Male vs. Female Orgasm: a steel cage match!

:rolleyes: t'weren't nothin' ma'am *stuffing hands in pockets dropping eyes and lightly kicking some dirt*
congratulatory ice cream cone? Gee..thanks.

I was thinking more along the lines of a congratulatory know, just to perpetuate the science of theis experiment....but if an ice cream cone is all I'm entitled be it. *sigh*

How am I ever gonna think of anything else cool to say if you people don't help me? ;)
SimplySouthern said:

I was thinking more along the lines of a congratulatory know, just to perpetuate the science of theis experiment....but if an ice cream cone is all I'm entitled be it. *sigh*

Yea! You deserve that!

Ice cream cone, smice cream cone!

Maybe he could be convinced to give you both??
i... uh... erm...

man, i just keep shoving my foot further into my mouth, don't i?

Southern... you know as well as i do that i'd love to try :D and you definitely deserve both, i just though that the ice cream would be better revceived coming from me...

but, if i may paraphrase Wayne (of Wayne's World fame)...

i'm not worthy! i'm not worthy!

so much to learn..... are still young enough to train...I could make you worthy *wink*
I thought I could at least give my REAL answer to this. I'm not sure who has better or women?

I would have to say that it all depends. I'm not sure you can compare the 2..seems a little like apples and oranges. i am a firm believer in the fact that every orgasm is different. No two feel the same. I have had some that sneak up on me and before I know it I am in the middle of an orgasm so powerful it almost makes me faint (*wink*) and then there are other times when the orgams builds and builds. I can feel that it's almost there and would do anything to make it come RIGHT NOW...but, alas, it takes its own sweet time like a wave rolling slowly to shore. But when it gets oh wow. what was I talking about? *s*

Anyway...can't say that any one sex has the better orgasm...but I would say that women corner the market on quantity. :)

just my .02
Southern, dear, that sounds suspiciously like an invitation.... :D you're tempting me.... (not that i could resist you even if i wanted to :))
no.... not at all... (can you HEAR the sarcasm? ;))

no, of COURSE Southern isn't a tease... why would anyone ever think that? :D
Which feels better? The chicken or the finger?

Jade: SS you RULE!!!

Justin: Southern... a day or no, that's the spiffiest response i've heard to anything in a long time... kudos.

SS: How am I ever gonna think of anything else cool to say if you people don't help me?

SS: I had all day to come up with a cool answer

There's nothing UNcooler than spouting off an old saying and claiming it to be something that YOU came up with. Yes, it's good, but please don't take credit for something you didn't think up yourself. Just a pet peeve, and it's just not right. Sorry.
OH don't ya just love the "guests"?

First of all, SS never claimed she created that quote, she just quoted it b/c it fit the topic!

Um, about the chicken thing...
the topic here was NOT supposed to be torture and why don't you get some "ganas" and post under a registered name "guest."
Perhaps if you had read the post, you would realize that I didn't say I came up with the quote....just a cool response to his question. What I said about having all day to come up with something was in reference to the fact that he and I had talked about this very subject the day before. I recalled that I had read that in an email at some point in the past, and even mentioned it to him then.

Further, I hate chicken shit people like you. If you have something to say about someone, use your own registered name. Don't use a little "cover". Just a pet peeve and it's just not right. Sorry :)
Excuse me A FINGER
I have two for you
finger-type-guest-dude... if i may make a suggestion: (or several)

-read the entire thread before posting what seems to be a rather vindictive response.

-think about the personalities of the people posting. you should be able to pick that up from their tone, right? it's pretty obvious that Southern isn't the sort of person who'd do that.

-before posting something like that, calm down, dude. that sort of post belongs somewhere like Ars Technica's Battlefront forum.
Oliver Clozoff said:
Earthmuffin~ Physiologically, no differences have been found between so-called "clitoral" and "vaginal" orgasms first postulated (I think) by Freud. Both result in similar increases in heart-rate, skin-flushing, increased pelvic blood flow and lubrication, and the tell-tale contraction of the uterus and vaginal barrel (creepy term, huh?) at a rate of approx. .8/second. And it's thought that both are the result of clitoral stimulation anyway, although this is debated.

But who am I to argue the subjective feelings of an orgasm? If they feel different to you then they are.

Thanks for the great responses. Keep 'em cummin! (forgive me father, for I have punned...) [/B]

Oliver, there are actually differences in the orgasms. For a woman having a clitoral orgasm, it can either feel painfully good, or excrutiatingly good. Simply because the clitoris is just a smaller version of the tip of a penis. To put it in layman's terms, it is jam packed with nerves and nerves. Now a vaginal orgasm feels sooo much different, simply because normally with a clitoral orgasm, there is no internal stimulation, where as a vaginal orgasm, there is something massaging our G-spots.
Re: Thought this interesting...

Lovely Latina said:
a man's tendency to roll over and play dead after the big O really has nothing to do with how hard or how goodly he cums.

At last a woman who can teach me some physiology! <swooning> So it's oxytocin thats knocking me out, huh? I guess that also explains the jets of milk spraying from my nips in my "moment of glory". ;)

If you can tell me what gland secretes oxytocin, I'm coming over to steal you from your hubby, LL.

Southern: but what feels better if your finger's the part that itches? (I know, I know... you don't scratch your finger with your ear, but it's the best retort I can come up with.)

Believers in clitoral and vaginal orgasms: As I said before, if the orgasms feel different to you, that's all that really matters. It's just that science hasn't come up with a way to measure any physiologic differences between the two. But there are plenty of other natural human phenomena (e.g. consciousness) that remain unmeasureable.

Ditto for the "g-spot" argument. Although there's never been any definitive proof of its existence, I take the "50 million Elvis fans can't be wrong" approach to the question (i.e. if so many women claim that there's a g-spot, then there probably is). There could also be other explanations, though. The best I've heard is that the g-spot isn't a pleasure spot of its own, but is pleasurable, because it's the part of the vagina most directly adjacent to the clit and thus stimulation of that spot is simply indirect clitoral stimulation.

Don't know... I'm still looking for volunteers to settle this conundrum once and for all.
They ARE different

Vaginal and clitoral orgasms are not the same for me, either. The feeling of being "full" and having an orgasm where you have something to tighten your pussy muscles around is very different from just manipulating the clit to orgasm. Guess which I like better?

Oliver the answer, which you already know:
Posterior Pituitary an endocrine gland which is a small, gray, rounded that develops from ingrown oral epithelium and is attatched to the lower surface of the hypothalamus by the infundibular stalk.
Now, how do I become part of the empirical data?

I'm impressed and you're right, it IS the posterior, but you're a bit confused about the rest. The posterior pit. is merely an extension of the hypothalamus and is derived from neural ectoderm. The part of the hypothalamus you're thinking of derived from Rathke's Pouch (oral ectoderm) is the anterior.

As far as becoming part of my research, I'll have you skip the usual paperwork and we'll proceed straight to experimentation!
Oliver Clozoff said:
I've always been curious about how the female orgasm feels; is it the same as mine? or qualitatively different?

So step right up and plead your case. Don't forget to cite all relevant physiology research to support your position. Warm up your plethesmographs and let the best gender win!

My wife and I discuss this issue on occasion. She likes to remind me how superior she is because she has multiple orgasms all the time. I have learned at this point to remind her who gives her these multiple orgasms and she stays quiet until she begins her first! :D We both seem to have a point!

BTW Oliver, that particular apparatus is often used to evaluate sexual offenders. Is anyone going to claim it has been used on them?

you're right about the plethesmograph. As a general term it means any device that measures sexual arousal. This is measured differently in men and women. As you mentioned, the male plethesmograph is used to measure convicts/suspects level of arousal upon viewing different images, including depictions of young children, rape, etc. It's basically a rubber band fitted around the penis and it measures the tension on the band created by an erection.

The female version is a cylinder that's placed in the vagina and as I remember it being described reflects light off the vagina and measures the amount of reflected light, which is a function of lubrication. This seems to be a much more subjective measurement to me, as there seems to be wide variation in the amount that different women lubricate.

[Edited by Oliver Clozoff on 07-29-2000 at 11:26 PM]

Sorry, imperfect note taking led to imperfect recall.
How 'bout thank heavens mine works no matter where it is? LOL!