March Poetry Contest ~ Final Round

Liar said:
Congrats to Pat!

...and all the others to. Another damn fine round of poetry. :)

Once again I think it's great to see a lot of new names, at least new to me, among the contestants and especially in the finalist field. Gives me a whole array of new pets to keep an eye out for. I hope this is not the last I've seen of them.

I think your poem is wonderful.

Just sayin.
Congratulations Pat!!

and congratulations to all finalists and entrants, it was a wonderful array of poetry. I think the level of poetry here in the contest speaks volumes of the inspiration. Well done 2rivers... Smithpeter and well done moderators for coming up with the idea. It was an incredible experience to climb so deeply into those poems.

Congratulations, Pat. Really wonderful poem, as were all the poems submitted by all contestants. :rose:

Thank you, Angeline, for doing all the heavy work on this contest, covering for me during the whole month my internet connection was practically out of comission.

And thank you, Anna, for sparking the idea from which this contest was born.

And Laurel and Manu.

And Smithpeter. :heart:
Lauren Hynde said:
Congratulations, Pat. Really wonderful poem, as were all the poems submitted by all contestants. :rose:

Thank you, Angeline, for doing all the heavy work on this contest, covering for me during the whole month my internet connection was practically out of comission.

And thank you, Anna, for sparking the idea from which this contest was born.

And Laurel and Manu.

And Smithpeter. :heart:

Don't cut your hair. It looks great long like that.

I know this has nothing to do with the contest, but don't do it Hynde.

Congratulations Mr Carrington, sir!

Thanks to Smithpeter for inspiring this challenge, annaswirls for putting into words, The Poets for all their efforts and, last but far from least, the contestants who gave us such a great collection of works.
Congratulations Mr. Carrington

Congratulations Mr. Carrington and to everyone who participated. There were some wonderful poems.
Congrats to Pat and to all those who participated; each one was great poetry honoring an awesome poet.
Sorry I'm late.

Congrats, Pat!

and kudos to all the others. I agree; some really great work here.
We did it the fairest way we could--we each rank ordered the tied poems, so that the one with the highest score won. It was not an enviable position to be in, but you know everyone won really because you all have the poems you wrote.


I still wonder who was in the running for the tie! I forgot all about this!