March Same title Challenge .... Poems

25 UnderYourSpell

I planted you in the garden
hoping for Hollyhocks,
but although I watered and weeded
up grew Dandelions and Docks.
You were always a contrary bastard
full of importance that made me spit
I reckon the seeds I panted
moved away and left the shit.
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26 Guilty Pleasure

The Good Seed

From planting of the fertile seeds
The kneeling on the new turned soil
Freshly void of unwelcome weeds
Evidence of our sweat and toil
The kneeling on the new turned soil
A ritual performed each year
Evidence of our sweat and toil
Desired cornucopia clear.
A ritual performed each year
When frost no longer threatens us
Desired cornucopia clear
But with the minimum of fuss
When frost no longer threatens us
Freshly void of unwelcome weeds
But with the minimum of fuss
From planting of the fertile seeds.
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