
Math is no more difficult to learn than any other systematic subject. Consider the challenge of learning a foreign language in school as an equally systematic subject that is hardly rocket science but which is hard for some people.

However, much cultural baggage regarding the challenges of TEACHING math abound. Consider all the laugh lines built around poorly-constructed word problems: if Jose leaves a train station at noon, traveling east at 43 miles per hour, at what time will Waldo get laid in Miami?

Our children - and there's only one scientist/engineer in the bunch - were all introduced to some of te simplest concepts of algebra and geometry in early elementary school (around age 8 I think). The next year they learned a little more and then again in each following year they were presented slightly more complex concepts. By age 12 they were all fully proficient in the concepts that puzzled me in high school algebra I at age 14. Tis recursive method of teaching the concepts of math first is one of the predecessors of the math approach that's being taught through Common Core. It works.
math joke :)

Back in 2009 when GW Bush Sr. attacked Iraq to kill Saddam Hussein, it was because Saddam had a stockpile of protractors, rulers, compasses, and slide rules (Iraq is a very backwards country). Why did GW Bush want to attack Saddam for having these items? For answer, look down ...
(keep going, you are almost there ...)
because ... are you ready???
Saddam was stockpiling ....

(yeah, I know ... it's an old joke ... but if you haven't heard it before, it is new to you :)))
another math joke

Three mathematicians walk into a bar and order a round. They toast "Math people are the smartest!" and drink it down. They order a second round, toast "Math people are the smartest!" and drink it down. They order a third round, toast "Math people are the smartest!" and drink it down.

The bartender walks over to the trio and asks, "Hey guys, what are you celebrating tonight"?

The mathematicians take out a jigsaw puzzle, hold it up, and one of them says "We're celebrating because mathematicians are the smartest! The three of us together completed this jigsaw puzzle in less than two weeks!"

Barkeep asks, "so what's so smart about that?"

Math guy answers .......... "Look on the box ... it says "three to six YEARS!!!!!"
Back in 2009 when GW Bush Sr. attacked Iraq to kill Saddam Hussein, it was because Saddam had a stockpile of protractors, rulers, compasses, and slide rules (Iraq is a very backwards country). Why did GW Bush want to attack Saddam for having these items? For answer, look down ...
(keep going, you are almost there ...)
because ... are you ready???
Saddam was stockpiling ....

(yeah, I know ... it's an old joke ... but if you haven't heard it before, it is new to you :)))

Sun's out, puns out?!
bunch of math-o-phobes! I should report y'all to the hate crimes police.

mathematics is a rich culture with a beautiful language.

Viva la calculus!

I understand what your saying, but it doesn't add up.

How do you calculate the volume of a pie (cylinder?)

You multiply pi times the radius (let's call it "z") squared,
then multiply that by the height, or altitude (a)

That makes the volume pi x z x z x a ... or pizza for short.
I sleepwalked through most of high school math, but I eventually got around to learning the concepts and equations. The part that never clicked is Statistics and Probability.
I met an old buddy for lunch the other day and was telling this story from the early 90s. My old boss asked me a ridiculous question once (I want the weight of whatever I had with out whatever I had). Somehow i remember being in algebra I in high school in 1981 and recalled that a + (-a) = 0.

So my answer to my boss was zero.

Woman next table over started laughing. She explained that she was a former math teacher and she said she was delighted that I remembered the additive inverse of zero law.
Oh, I love looking through a bumped thread and remembering folks who haven’t posted here in ages. Hope things are going wonderfully for you, NippleMuncher. :heart:

Math fan here, too. I cringe so hard on the mass shared FB posts with a math problem and people arguing over the answer in the comments, especially those shouting PEMDAS while not following it.
saw this a few years ago

So my calculus professor found this posted on the door to his office today by a student
