May 10=Happy Birthday eagleyez!

Angeline said:
It definitely was. ;)

But last night we were watching Platoon, which was on tv. Well, he was watching it; I was half watching it and half reading a John Irving novel. If he ever gets out of bed (where he is now watching the news and swilling coffee), I'm sure he'll thank you all himself. :cool:
John Irving? Let me test myself, if I've got it right...
Hotel New Hampshire? Garp?
LOL I googled and sheesh.. the guy's prolific. But, most importantly... :nana: :nana: ...I was right!
champagne1982 said:
John Irving? Let me test myself, if I've got it right...
Hotel New Hampshire? Garp?

Yup. Until I Find You, his most recent. I like Irving a lot. He strikes me as a modern-day Dickens. :)
Angeline said:
It definitely was. ;)

But last night we were watching Platoon, which was on tv. Well, he was watching it; I was half watching it and half reading a John Irving novel. If he ever gets out of bed (where he is now watching the news and swilling coffee), I'm sure he'll thank you all himself. :cool:

I took a Film as Art class back when I was "in college" and loved every second of it. Discovered things that absolutely shocked me about the film industry and how currents films are sometimes, well, usually tied to social situation, what surprised me the most was that the Blob was not just the enemy, but a metaphor for Communism, wild, huh!! I would suggest that anyone who has the chance to take a class liek that, well, you should! and, um, nevermind me, I am babbling, I was working in my yard yesterday, on top of a hefty dose of morphine and got severely heat exhasted, wasup almost all night puking and with a pounding headache... even now hubby is doing laundry and giving me a concerned look that says I should still be in bed, okay< i am going, lol...anyway, i had to write a term paper on Platoon. :D

I loved that movie!

I just thought, wouldnt that make a good challenge? choose a movie and wrute a poem about how it relates, even in some abstract way, to a social or political theme?

orrr, probably not...

have a great day you all :)
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Maria2394 said:
I took a Film as Art class back when I was "in college" and loved every second of it. Discovered things that absolutely shocked me about the film industry and how currents films are sometimes, well, usually tied to social situation, what surprised me the most was that the Blob was not just the enemy, but a metaphor for Communism, wild, huh!! I would suggest that anyone who has the chance to take a class liek that, well, you should! and, um, nevermind me, I am babbling, I was working in my yard yesterday, on top of a hefty dose of morphine and got severely heat exhasted, wasup almost all night puking and with a pounding headache... even now hubby is doing laundry and giving me a concerned look that says I should still be in bed, okay< i am going, lol...anyway, i had to write a term paper on Platoon. :D

I loved that movie!

I just thought, wouldnt that make a good challenge? choose a movie and wrute a poem about how it relates, even in some abstract way, to a social or political theme?

orrr, probably not...

have a great day you all :)

I had visions of the Hoodwinked Squirrel as I read your post. Listen carefully hon. Put down the coffee cup. Caffeine, presently is not your friend. Second. Arm yourself with the biggest, generally goofiest wide brim floopy hat you can find and plenty of water before you bake your brain in the sun again.

Third if you are actually reading this, go put on soft music and relax just like the hubby said. Drink plenty of liquids, beer and soda doesn't count.
EriAliSaa said:
I had visions of the Hoodwinked Squirrel as I read your post. Listen carefully hon. Put down the coffee cup. Caffeine, presently is not your friend. Second. Arm yourself with the biggest, generally goofiest wide brim floopy hat you can find and plenty of water before you bake your brain in the sun again.

Third if you are actually reading this, go put on soft music and relax just like the hubby said. Drink plenty of liquids, beer and soda doesn't count.

umm, Hey Ali :)

What is a Hoodwinked squirrel? Im not hijacking the thread, EE & Ange, just had to ask her,

and I dont drink coffee, hate the stuff, and I dont drink alcohol, it makes my BP soar and I just dont like the way it makes me feel)

I am probably the only person here that doesnt drink coffee or write coffee poems) and I drink decaf tea, and when I came in yesterday, chugged a third of a 12 oz pepsi, and thats what set me off vomitiing....have no desire for a soda now either, lol.

thanks for caring, youre a darling!! and yeah, hubby went to get me some chicken soup and BoJangles biscuits and said I better be in bed when he gets back, so I am off to the cool dark room to snuggle my cats


Maria2394 said:
umm, Hey Ali :)

What is a Hoodwinked squirrel? Im not hijacking the thread, EE & Ange, just had to ask her,

and I dont drink coffee, hate the stuff, and I dont drink alcohol, it makes my BP soar and I just dont like the way it makes me feel)

I am probably the only person here that doesnt drink coffee or write coffee poems) and I drink decaf tea, and when I came in yesterday, chugged a third of a 12 oz pepsi, and thats what set me off vomitiing....have no desire for a soda now either, lol.

thanks for caring, youre a darling!! and yeah, hubby went to get me some chicken soup and BoJangles biscuits and said I better be in bed when he gets back, so I am off to the cool dark room to snuggle my cats



LOL I was joking... and I'm like one of the few people here with young kids so I see all the recent cartoon movies. Hoodwinked is a movie That came out last year that sort of twist the old fables into a modern tale of intrigue. The squirrel is well squirrelly :p I was laughing because you didn't seem to take a breath.... text-ually speaking :D Hoodwinked is fairly sharp for a cartoon and worth a watch if you are up for some silliness.

And I don't want to hijack the thread either. So glad you guys had a good EE birthday. And laying about in bed might be a good way to spend a birthday weekend anyways :nana:
Maria2394 said:
umm, Hey Ali :)

What is a Hoodwinked squirrel? Im not hijacking the thread, EE & Ange, just had to ask her,

and I dont drink coffee, hate the stuff, and I dont drink alcohol, it makes my BP soar and I just dont like the way it makes me feel)

I am probably the only person here that doesnt drink coffee or write coffee poems) and I drink decaf tea, and when I came in yesterday, chugged a third of a 12 oz pepsi, and thats what set me off vomitiing....have no desire for a soda now either, lol.

thanks for caring, youre a darling!! and yeah, hubby went to get me some chicken soup and BoJangles biscuits and said I better be in bed when he gets back, so I am off to the cool dark room to snuggle my cats



Silly girl! eagleyez and I are the last people to care about threadjacking. He started his "Not Sure" thread because of all the threads (well, two, lol) where you had to count the number of words. He likes his poetry totally spontaneous. So no worries. :)

And sorry to hear you're ill. We both are getting over a nasty virus that's going around up here. Eat your soup and rest! If I were there, I'd make you homemade chicken soup.

:heart: :kiss:
Angeline said:
Silly girl! eagleyez and I are the last people to care about threadjacking. He started his "Not Sure" thread because of all the threads (well, two, lol) where you had to count the number of words. He likes his poetry totally spontaneous. So no worries. :)

And sorry to hear you're ill. We both are getting over a nasty virus that's going around up here. Eat your soup and rest! If I were there, I'd make you homemade chicken soup.

:heart: :kiss:

I keep telling you not to fall for that " fake spring/summer" that shows up here in New England every April and May
No Naked house work till July
Hope you both feel better soon
Tathagata said:
I keep telling you not to fall for that " fake spring/summer" that shows up here in New England every April and May
No Naked house work till July
Hope you both feel better soon

We do sweetheart--it was just a 24-hour thing. And I do now understand about those "other seasons." We had spring here. It was last Wednesday. ;)

Angeline and Tath :)

Hey Sweet Sis!!

Well, he took good care of me, he has come such a long way in the past few years. I didnt think I had even a shot at him being human type man, EVER, lol. But he proved me wrong. I would say the most important,step he took in changing for the better was that he stopped drinking hard liquor. He drinks a LOT of beer, but no more Jack, Thank God :(.

As for the garden, well of course, you know,I was out there again this morning, everything is growing so fast and so beautifully. I have dahlias and coleus about to explode color all over my temporary yard and when they pop, I will put pics of them on Myspace .

Hey Tath!!

Good to see your monkey face around :rose:

Funny you mention naked housework, I do that quite often now that my younger girlie is off to college. Naked makes the work go much faster and hubby always volunteers to help me


thanks for the hugs when I was feelin' yucky
Glad to hear your better J. And naked housework always goes slow for me. Never get to the housework :devil: :nana: :p