May I throw a party???

oops I forgot my teddy ..

Ted said:
Isabella, is that you in the pics section??

... now please Teddy don't throw me out of bed just cause I posed for a couple of lousy pictures ... you always knew I was a naughty girl ..

yes darling it's me :)
Xander sweetheart...I'm right here love! Would you mind grabbing me a drink too? Make it a bj w/the whipped cream on top and I'll show you how a woman can drink 'em. ;)

Now how 'bout dancin' for me s'more baby...c'mon, shake that cute little ass of yours. :D
Angelique my love!!!!
One bj coming "up" sweetheart. Now, are you sure that this is the way you want it? ;)

Well, if it's coming UP darling, then I suppose I'll just have to remind you how your darling Angel can make her horns appear.

Are we talking drinks here? *looking innocent*
Drinks?? What kind of drinks??:D

Now looksy here my love.

serious pelvic movement

C'mon guess which animal I'm trying to be ;)

Enigma, great party you're throwing.
Enigma, would you mind grabbing a bucket of ice for me doll?

Xander baby...did I get a rise outa you? Are you happy to see me or is that an elephant in your pants?

Yowza! What a trunk!

Oops, sorry folks...a webcam moment. :D
Throw you out of bed?? No, no Isabella, I was gonna throw you back IN a Polaroid handy Enigma?? Maybe if I ask Isabella nicely she'd let me add to her sexy pics???

Hey, Im not a virgin anymore!! WOOOHHHHHOOOOOOO!!! Sounds like a reason to have another round.

[Edited by Ted on 07-12-2000 at 01:13 PM]
OK... let me get this straight...

Bucket of ice for Angelique... (and keep calling me doll you can have anything you want...)

Polaroid (and congratulations) for Ted...

WetNaps for Southern and Creamy...

Can I get anything for anyone else while I am up? (no pun intended)
What do you think My Love???

doing the elephant "'chopper"

Can I interest you in some of this ;)
Ahem...Enigma, doll, I'm not gonna take that last comment of yours personally. *wink*

Xander babe, it's getting near your bedtime honey.
I'm afraid we're going to have to tuck you and that "chopper" of yours into bed. Besides, if we don't, I'm sure Lasher is gonna show up anytime now and order us to get a room, or retreat to the Role Playing threads. ;)
Dam, just when it was getting interesting. Thought Angel might get naked ;)
Cool party Enigma :cool:
Well then Simply Sexy, what are we waiting for? :D

Pardon me for assuming something so crazy Angel. Though you got to admit, its a pretty good idea ;)

Thanks Enigma :)
Congrats Teddy on your experience.

Hey, did I overhear you say somewhere you look like Rob Zombie??? mmm k babe ... where do you want me to pose? :)
One band camp

Rob Zombie...heard of him but I have no idea what he looks like. The music though, is good. Not much into heavy stuff, but have been enjoying it here of late. More accurately depicts my mood. On the same line...anyoe but me like Papa Roach?
Oh cool..I gotta see that. Have no clue what he looks like...just like the new tune. Had to DL it to my computer so Ic ould listen to it while I post to you you know what motivates me..LOL. May help you to understand why I am the way I am.
Now Miss Scarlett dear .. you never said anything before about us having to understand the way you are. whew .. :)
Yep, thats close to what I look like. You like?

How bout you pose for me anywhere your little heart desires :D On my lap would be a good place for me ;)

Sorry, never heard of Papa Roach. Is he related to Smoka Roach :D
Izzy Tart ~ I think you understand me all too well already. After all, we did do a road show together once.

Ted..LMAO at Smoka Roach. Nope...not anything like that.

Enigma ~ Thanks for the TV heads up
Licking the cream off her fingers, slowly . . .

Enigma, I don't spread the cream on myself, except for the fingers.

I spread it on more vertical structures.

I am picturing a scene in my head and all I can say is...

Thank you thank you thank you!