MD Peeps....where you at?

I can't watch a movie without popcorn either. And the Coke in the BIG MOTHERFUCKING CUP THE SIZE OF CHESAPEAKE BAY!
I know, I ordered a small drink with my popcorn and it way more than I can drink during a movie. That was the first movie I had been too since last year when I saw the Fast and Furious movie. Right now I am watching TCM and a Harold LLoyd movie is on. It was made in 1923. It is hard to fathom that movie is almost 100 years old.
I know, I ordered a small drink with my popcorn and it way more than I can drink during a movie. That was the first movie I had been too since last year when I saw the Fast and Furious movie. Right now I am watching TCM and a Harold LLoyd movie is on. It was made in 1923. It is hard to fathom that movie is almost 100 years old.
I love TCM. I don't have cable, so I don't get that channel, and it saddens me. They had a tribute to Virginia O'Brien this past week, who is a sadly forgotten actress. :( Harold Lloyd is also underappreciated; so are most stars of the Silent Era.

My Dad turned 95 years old in February. He was born three months before Lindbergh crossed the Atlantic. I have a little trouble with that one myself.
I love TCM. I don't have cable, so I don't get that channel, and it saddens me. They had a tribute to Virginia O'Brien this past week, who is a sadly forgotten actress. :( Harold Lloyd is also underappreciated; so are most stars of the Silent Era.

My Dad turned 95 years old in February. He was born three months before Lindbergh crossed the Atlantic. I have a little trouble with that one myself.
I find most of the Slient movies fascinating. I read that Harold Lloyd did a lot of his own stunts and he did some crazy ones like the hanging from the clock one. The comedies don't normally make me really laugh but they are very clever in their gags. It also interesting to get a glimpse into life back then, what it was like for our parents when they were growing up. Like when I watch Gone with the Wind knowing that my mom saw it during its first run in the theater.

I watched Errol Flynn in The Charge of the Light Brigade last night on TCM. I guess there would be no interest nowadays but they made such a wide variety of movies with interesting stories back in the 20s, 30s and 40s. I like the super hero movies but there does not seem like much else nowdays.
I find most of the Slient movies fascinating. I read that Harold Lloyd did a lot of his own stunts and he did some crazy ones like the hanging from the clock one. The comedies don't normally make me really laugh but they are very clever in their gags. It also interesting to get a glimpse into life back then, what it was like for our parents when they were growing up. Like when I watch Gone with the Wind knowing that my mom saw it during its first run in the theater.

I watched Errol Flynn in The Charge of the Light Brigade last night on TCM. I guess there would be no interest nowadays but they made such a wide variety of movies with interesting stories back in the 20s, 30s and 40s. I like the super hero movies but there does not seem like much else nowdays.
Hollywood, like America itself, has run out of ideas. There's plenty to be found, but this country has been sanitized for its own protection so much that we can't see them.

Most of the old stars did their own stunts, because stuntmen just weren't a thing back then. John Wayne got started in the late 1920's as a stuntman, and he did most of his own stunts in his films, almost to the end. Clint Eastwood, I believe, did the same. Maybe not now in his 90's. . . .
Hollywood, like America itself, has run out of ideas. There's plenty to be found, but this country has been sanitized for its own protection so much that we can't see them.

Most of the old stars did their own stunts, because stuntmen just weren't a thing back then. John Wayne got started in the late 1920's as a stuntman, and he did most of his own stunts in his films, almost to the end. Clint Eastwood, I believe, did the same. Maybe not now in his 90's. . . .
John Wayne is my favorite actor all time. I like Clark Gable and Errol Flynn too. I like Clint Eastwood in his cowboy movies. I sometimes watch Rawhide on cable.

Hollywood has a number of problems, fear of trying something new and I believe that making sure the casting checks all of boxes off has become more important than the story. I use to love movies, had a nice home theater setup but I have found in the last 5-6 years that I just did not have the interest in movies that I use too. The stories just do no resonate with me. Probably because I am not their targer audience anymore.

I look at the red carpet pictures of all of the award shows and most times I am saying, "Who is that?" lol. I guess I am just out of touch.
Last night I came to bed around midnight and the knucklehead dog is sleeping on my pillow so I push her off, climb in bed and go to sleep. I waked up at some point and I see that the dog is sitting there in the dark staring at me. I know what was going through her mind... "How do I get this idiot off of my pillow" Creepy dog.
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Last night I came to bed around midnight and the knucklehead dog is sleeping on my pillow so I push her off, climb in bed and go to sleep. I waked up at some point and I see that the dog is sitting there in the dark staring at me. I know what was going through her mind... "How do I get this idiot off of my pillow" Creepy dog.
Star -- I hear you! But easier to kick a female dog out of bed than the human variety of "bitch," right?
Ok Marylanders, time to wake out of your stupor and post something interesting. I played pickleball for the first time the other evening. I think it will be fun. Of course the first night was cold and windy so all of the ladies that will be playing in the league were all bundled up but there was one younger woman there with amazing blue eyes. They were gorgeous. I am sure she was wondering why this old fart kept looking at her. lol
Ok Marylanders, time to wake out of your stupor and post something interesting. I played pickleball for the first time the other evening. I think it will be fun. Of course the first night was cold and windy so all of the ladies that will be playing in the league were all bundled up but there was one younger woman there with amazing blue eyes. They were gorgeous. I am sure she was wondering why this old fart kept looking at her. lol
Star -- It's warming up now so maybe Ms. Blue Eyes (and other ladies) will start peeling off some layers and give you more than eyes to look at. Just don't get too distracted and get hit in the nuts by an errant pickleball, LOL!
Star -- It's warming up now so maybe Ms. Blue Eyes (and other ladies) will start peeling off some layers and give you more than eyes to look at. Just don't get too distracted and get hit in the nuts by an errant pickleball, LOL!
That just gave me chills. OUCH. Of course it would not be the first time I got distracted and had an accident. I was about 14 and down in Ocean City. A buddy and I were riding our bikes down the boardwalk and this girl in a tiny bikini walked by and I turned to look at her and I ran into some other guy on a bike. He was mad until I pointed out what I was looking at and he understood my distraction. lol.

I am all for the warmer weather and the ladies peeling off some clothing and wearing some skimpier outfits. Woo hoo.
What’s up y’all coconuts? What are y’all up to this beautiful weekend?
Happy Saturday, fellow freestaters. It feels like we are finally coming out of this two year nightmare.
Hey there Ms Caramel, long time no see. How have you been?

What I did this past weekend? I played 9 holes on both Sat and Sun, planted some flowers, turned the dirt and readied the veggie garden beds and grilled some Shish Kabobs so it was a good weekend.

I have been going out without a mask lately so hopefully we are coming out it. Covid will always be around, just like the flu so hopefully it will evolve into something less lethal like the flu and colds and it just becomes a routine thing.
My weekend was a show at the local high school, yard work all day Saturday and a bike ride on Sunday. Overall, pretty good.

I typically have a mask with me at all times now, but I do not wear it all of the time. For example, I can keep my space at the grocery store and I go when it is not crowded, so I do not wear it there. However, in the lobby of the school and sitting in the gathering room for jury duty yesterday, I was wearing my mask. At this point, I am just waiting for the next spike in numbers.

I hope everyone has a good week and we can get some consistently good weather ... need to get that garden planted soon.
I keep a mask in the car just in case I need it but in all honesty I am not sure how effective masking is. I guess they had some effectiveness but most of the masks that people wore, as I did, did not have a tight fit like the n95 masks so the airborne virus could easily get past the mask. And don't get me started about the people who wore theirs below their nose.

I had a few n95 type masks at the beginning which have a nice tight fit but are hard to breath in. I believe those were effective but not generally available to the public. I had bought those for working in dusty woodshop environments where I was doing a lot of sanding or doing drywall work. I have a mask with the canasters for when I use chemicals or pesticides. That mask has no leaks but not something I would want to wear for any real length of time. I certainly have never been opposed to wearing a mask but I believe it was more to give the public a sense of safety. It probably helped some, better than no mask, but I don't know if masking actually decreased the risk of infection by a significant amount.
I hope to get out and play some golf too this weekend. Will be doing yardwork too but at least it looks like it will be nice weather.