Mentally Ill Democrats Are A Threat To Society

There is no indication of the guy's politics, it appears that you just made it up that he was a Democrat.

But what is clear is that mentally ill people (by your definition) have access to firearms. More outrage please.
The deviant sexual assault folks usually end up being Republicans. (We know one who was convicted recently…)

Also the ones who commit voter fraud, usually the same.

And we know another who kneels in front of Vlad, so there is that too. Loneliness is powerful motivator. Poor @Rightguide
Its too bad people have to look for a news source that's unbiased, that used to be most of the media.

People can yap about this or that, but the day democracy was lost is when the media sold out to the parties and picked sides and agendas.

We have huge issues with our media. That is undeniable but the media has never been unbiased. Any source claiming to be unbiased is lying or completely ignorant and should be excluded from trusted sources outright.
His inability to learn new things cracks me up. I'm sure he has the Clapper and a US Celluar phone.
The Clapper has been in his junk drawer since the second day he had it. Couldn't figure out to use both hands.
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A mentally ill MAGAt who is literally a threat to society.

Every accusation is an admission of guilt.


There is no indication of the guy's politics, it appears that you just made it up that he was a Democrat.

But what is clear is that mentally ill people (by your definition) have access to firearms. More outrage please.
Pretty much a safe bet he did just that. Trolls like the OP assume that any time some degenerate does something fucked up, it follows that "of course he was a Democrat" despite any evidence what their actual views were.
The deviant sexual assault folks usually end up being Republicans. (We know one who was convicted recently…)

Also the ones who commit voter fraud, usually the same.

And we know another who kneels in front of Vlad, so there is that too. Loneliness is powerful motivator. Poor @Rightguide
Sorry dipshit but my state isn't ranked in those statistics. Here's some stats for you:

Offender and Offense Characteristics3• 92.1% of sexual abuse offenders were men.• 51.6% were White, 21.7% were Black, 12.9% were Hispanic, 11.9% were Native American, and 1.9% were Other races.♦ 75.1% of offenders in cases involving child pornography were White.♦ 43.1% of offenders in cases involving travel for prohibited sexual contact were White and 37.3% were Black.♦ 52.8% of offenders in cases involving criminal sexual abuse(rape) were Native American.♦ 73.2% of offenders in cases involving abusive sexual contact were Native American.♦ 84.6% of offenders in cases involving statutory rape were Native American.• Their average age was 37 years.• 95.9% were United States citizens.• 65.2% had little or no prior criminal history (Criminal History Category I).♦ 8.8% were CHC II;♦ 9.9% were CHC III;♦ 5.9% were CHC IV;♦ 5.1% were CHC V;♦ 5.1% were CHC VI.• 8.3% of sexual abuse offenders were convicted at trial, compared to 2.6% of all other federal offenders.• The top five districts for sexual abuse offenders were:♦ Northern District of Texas (48);♦ Eastern District of Michigan (42);♦ District of Arizona (35);♦ District of South Dakota (32);♦ Middle District of Florida (31).

The point here is those groups who offend in percentages that far exceed their numbers in the overall population.
Sorry dipshit but my state isn't ranked in those statistics. Here's some stats for you:

It's noticeable that you don't include Republicans v. Democrats in those stats.

To help you out, here are a couple I found without difficulty.
Former state Rep. David Stringer has filed again to run for Yavapai County Attorney.

Stringer resigned from the state House of Representatives in 2019 after he was recorded making racist speeches, including one about public school children, when ethics complaints began to pile up. At the time, Stringer said, in part, that his resignation did not scare him away from fighting for those who needed his help.

In addition to the recordings, a 1983 police report obtained by Arizona’s Family alleged that Stringer paid boys younger than 15 to have sex with him and allegedly molested the boys more than 10 times.
  • Randy Kaufman was charged with public sexual indecency after police alleged he was masturbating.
  • Kaufman is a candidate for the Maricopa County Community College District's governing board.
  • He was backed by several Republican groups and regularly railed against Democrats.
A Republican-backed Arizona college board district candidate, who once said he wanted to protect children from "the progressive left" in a now-deleted social media post, was charged with public sexual indecency after police alleged he was masturbating less than 200 feet away from a preschool.
Sorry dipshit but my state isn't ranked in those statistics. Here's some stats for you:

Offender and Offense Characteristics3• 92.1% of sexual abuse offenders were men.• 51.6% were White, 21.7% were Black, 12.9% were Hispanic, 11.9% were Native American, and 1.9% were Other races.♦ 75.1% of offenders in cases involving child pornography were White.♦ 43.1% of offenders in cases involving travel for prohibited sexual contact were White and 37.3% were Black.♦ 52.8% of offenders in cases involving criminal sexual abuse(rape) were Native American.♦ 73.2% of offenders in cases involving abusive sexual contact were Native American.♦ 84.6% of offenders in cases involving statutory rape were Native American.• Their average age was 37 years.• 95.9% were United States citizens.• 65.2% had little or no prior criminal history (Criminal History Category I).♦ 8.8% were CHC II;♦ 9.9% were CHC III;♦ 5.9% were CHC IV;♦ 5.1% were CHC V;♦ 5.1% were CHC VI.• 8.3% of sexual abuse offenders were convicted at trial, compared to 2.6% of all other federal offenders.• The top five districts for sexual abuse offenders were:♦ Northern District of Texas (48);♦ Eastern District of Michigan (42);♦ District of Arizona (35);♦ District of South Dakota (32);♦ Middle District of Florida (31).

The point here is those groups who offend in percentages that far exceed their numbers in the overall population.
Ohhhh? Talk about the red states there…
...and who's in them.
More than half of what you pointed out as being higher…

And for some, they are higher since folks there in those red states keep getting knelt on their necks -which I know you think is their place- but that treatment does tend to make folks feel and act a certain way.

Stop being a racist misogynist and the world can be a better place.
More than half of what you pointed out as being higher…

And for some, they are higher since folks there in those red states keep getting knelt on their necks -which I know you think is their place- but that treatment does tend to make folks feel and act a certain way.

Stop being a racist misogynist and the world can be a better place.
So you think that is a viable reason for American Indians to abuse their children?:rolleyes:
Wrongguide can make one for Vlad to rapist, but he will be willing sheep so it’s not really rape. But he will have some very primal knowledge to speak from.

Maybe Vlad will have some surprises for him, and then he will know it.
Wow, for once....a good post here. (even a stopped clock is right twice a day.) I agree; mentally ill people are a threat to society, and yes, some are democrats. Some are Republicans, some are conservative and some are liberal. People single out one group or other for everything wrong with society but it really is never that simple.
i disagree. just because someone is mentally ill does not mean they are a threat to society. if that were the case you would be sucking your thumb hiding in the corner from the waves of "retards"who want to rape and kill you.
truth is, about one out of three people are mentally ill, and registered to vote.
depression is a mental illness, adhd is a mental illness, trumpism is a mental illness. and they ARE society. sounds like someone needs to get to know a mentally ill person, Donald Trump doesnt count we all know him....have since waaaay before he ever entered politics .
Marge Taylor Green is a good example of a mentally ill person who is a threat to society,Stephen Miller is a mentally ill person who is a threat to society, Rudy Guliani another one.
i AM NOT a threat to society but its only been since 2016 that i have been mentally ill.
i havnt killed anybody. yet. but the violent rehtoric coming from the insane right might force me to some day, it drums away inside my head.....constantly.... i imagine myself with a gun, stroking it, sleeping with it, loving it.....