Metal Head Thread

Burn letters, Magnetron? That feels a bit like emo metal. :D But I liked the caps in the middle, definitely feeling the vocal there.

I wrote this one imagining Lita Ford singing it.

Emo metal was the Smashing Pumpkins. I couldn't stand that whiny brat Billy Corrigan.

I am going to write and post my own lyrics using a similar idea.

The upside of critiquing the works of others is coming up with ideas that would strengthen and invigorate their writings.

The downside is the feeling of selfishness when you choose to withhold some of those ideas for yourself.

The bottom line is, you have to draw a line between making helpful suggestions and giving away too many killer ideas / lines.

In this case, I want to show sexgundam666 his basic idea from my perspective.
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I am going to write and post my own lyrics using a similar idea.

The upside of critiquing the works of others is coming up with ideas that would strengthen and invigorate their writings.

The downside is the feeling of selfishness when you choose to withhold some of those ideas for yourself.

The bottom line is, you have to draw a line between making helpful suggestions and giving away too many killer ideas / lines.

In this case, I want to show sexgundam666 his basic idea from my perspective.
you're too much
however, I left a bit of a snarky comment, and I'm feeling like a coward, 'cause I shut the fuck up.
Except, your downside - get over it. Even if you give it away, most will not follow through.
Darkness Reigns

Macabre eating machine
Chomping off another pissant peasant head
Irrelevant bloodlines spilled
Baskets overflowing with the killed
Filled with dripping poetic verse
Recitals of the disembodied dead

One by one, destituate father and son
Mother and daughter ascend the cold stone steps
Eyes averted away from the instrument of choice
The Silencer cutting out any outspoken voice
Daring to defy that which is decreed by the Throne
Soon to be swallowed whole by shadow
Moments before dying alone
Consumed by one's own hot breath
Listening to the ludicrous declarations
The ass-inine excuses for your being put to death

And the reign of darkness continues
With every black hood drawn over eyes vacant of hope
The only saving grace is the merciful exit
Swifter than a neck broken at the end of a rope

Industrial package sorting machine
Cargo laden baskets loaded into a horse drawn cart
Pulled through the townsquare
Cinched up black sachels tossed through the air
Without a care
Containing your loved one's body part

A warning to all that come evening into nightfall
Choose your words wisely
Speak not ill of any Royal
Your incentive to stay loyal
Do as they say
Do as you are told
And increase your chances of growing old

Objections guarantee removal of obstinate brains
Lyrics gushing from severed arteries and veins
Freedom is knowing the limitations of your chains
Neverending is our darkness that reigns

Darkness reigns
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Most stuff I leave simmering on the stove - rarely am I spontaneous enough that pots boil over.

Ah, I'm just the opposite. Most of my stuff bubbles out and I've got to hurry to catch it all and form it into something before it evaporates. Even when I make notes it's usually just not there if I have to come back to it later.
As a matter of interest what is your opinion of form poetry? I only ask because here you are writing it.
As a matter of interest what is your opinion of form poetry? I only ask because here you are writing it.

Am I?

I'd say so, you mix and match your rhymes but there's nothing wrong with inventing your own form (I've done it! ) but I'd call most songs form ......... especially Rap!

I do tend to lean towards structure and rhyming. Something in my brain is OCD about organizing and making things fit. I've always been like this, even when it comes to walk in closets or working in warehouses.

Our Heavenly Father is Loving and Just

Obey his laws, you certainly must

For He hath surely condemned
Each and every Homosexual

It clearly states this in my Twentieth Century
Revised Modern English Translation
Of The One And Only Holy Bible

With weapons of mass destruction
Sodom and Gomora were annihilated
Without a single ounce of regret
Not even a shredded sliver of remorse
Every single resident violated
The little known Thirteenth Commandment
Chiseled in stone, communicated to all
Thou Shalt Have Heterosexual Intercourse

Just you nevermind the part of the story
In which the Lord in all his Shining Glory
Ignored Lot's proposal to have his daughters
Gangraped and Sodomited
Or turned his wife to salt
The bitch was deserving, it was her fault
It's crystal clear, no muddy waters here
Nothing for you to get excited

Nevermind those other verses
Joe Religionist oft insists are properly translated
Obscure words of Leviticus
In which the Almighty clearly mandated
Animal sacrifices to purge your sins
The Death Penalty for disobeying His laws
Toleration of slavery among other things
Try not to focus on these flaws

Homophobe, through my telescope
I see you orbiting the globe
In your linear, cunt twitching
Witchhunting anal probe

What sadistic angel perched on your shoulder
And tugged at your lobe
Filled you brain with such hatred
For the average ordinary everyday Job

It would please us if Mister Jesus
Returned and not a minute too soon
And Raptured those lacking independent thought
To some distant, secluded moon

Let them colonize their own private Heaven
Far away from every normal Christian
Paradise Lost on the edge of the solar system
How nice it would be for us and them

A planet free of homosexuality
To compliment their own warped reality
Like Adam and Eve and all the rest
Who felt that incest was the best

Homophobe, through my telescope
I see you orbiting the globe
In your linear, cunt twitching
Witchhunting anal probe

What sadistic angel perched on your shoulder
And tugged at your lobe
Filled you brain with such hatred
For the average ordinary everyday Job
Tell It Like It Is

Why don't you lie to yourself some more
About how God is for, not against the war?
And when you find yourself knocking on Heaven's door
Don't act suprised

If nobody let's you in

No holding back as you justify attack
Under technicality of self defense
Calm and serene is an ocean between
Without hill or bunker across the vast expense
Striking pre-emptive in a hardly redemptive
Locking on of missiles, letting God sort the remains
Annihilate the enemy in your perverse necessity
To live onward, have children and poison their brains

Why don't you tell yourself another bedtime story
Brimming with honor, victory in war and glory?
As you're on your knees praying, rewriting history
Don't be alarmed

When you are awakened at Midnight

With Jesus standing over you
Bleeding profusely from his wounds through and through
As he marks your forehead with the Sign of the Dead
All the better

For the Angel of Death to find you

Spiraling down into the blackened abyss
Your new Father awaits, your fate His to decide
All is amiss, How did it come to this?
Satan laughing, greets you with wings opened wide
Eternity in Hell to rot, but not all alone
Surrounded by those unfortunates who died
At pushbuttons directing mindless Predator Drone
Mistakenly targeting where terrorists hide

Wrong and Right not quite so Black and White
Anymore, never was, not up for debate
Mutiliated, burned Muslim, Shiite, Kurd
The rage in their eyes as they anxiously wait
With consciences stripped away, you're on your own
Empty is your place in line at St. Peter's gate
No Allies to aid you, mislead, bully, disown
Winds howling with furious blind hate
The opportunity has come and gone for you to atone
The time is now

For you to defend yourself

Let's hear you tell them how you were only doing the right thing
That it was friends, family and country you were protecting
How long will you dance, tap your shoes and sing
Before it occurs to you that

Tough Love is God's Hate

And you don't want to be around when He is really pissed
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A Medley Of Deadly Consequences

( God Hates These Wars / T.W.A.T )

Liquid gold buried under the coveted burning sand

Imperialism and Christianity
Journeying hand in hand

Bound together in pure hypocrisy

The thinning veil between Church and State
Perpetuate democracy, subjugate
And on and on goes the debate while

God hates these fucking wars
Body count rising
Not keeping score
He hates Osama
George Bush even more
For the violence that we should all abhor

Kill or be killed, the seasonal pastime

Peace through violence never fails
Works every single time

Unpoetic are the rhymes of the insecure mind

Dissected map for a new enemy to find
For oil pipes to cap over which to salivate
And on and on goes the debate while

God hates these fucking wars
Nevermind those commandments
You profess to adore
Thou Shalt Not Kill
What else is this for?
You know God hates these fucking wars

Yeah, motherfucker
He fucking hates them
This isn't how Peace is sought
Just try to debate that
And still Osama isn't caught
It doesn't take a genius
Or even George Bush to see
In His vision of Heaven on Earth
Combined, you assholes
Are both the enemy

The path to Peace
This most definately is

Panic button pushed firing up the war machine
Air raid sirens of hysteria
Blaring what politicians never really mean
Through the smoke, the mirrors, your capitalized fears
Is The War Against Terrorism that remains to be seen


Grand was the experiment in arrogance
Incompetence at the helm of national defense
Budget cuts, under orders, neglect of the borders
Missing boards, gaping holes in the security fence

Long after the enemy was allowed to slip in
Came the rapid one-hundred eighty degree spin
Global shift in policy, attitude
Eyes kept on the prize
Always kept on the crude

It is NOT
A valid excuse to occupy any foreign country
The shocking and aweful reality

Imperialists hijacked the military

Hot on the heels of Osama's newfound accomplice
Search and seizure of bombs
Saddam's regime supposedly possessed
While scapegoats rocked the boat, confessed
To the faulty data Stated when the Union was Addressed

You're NOT a Patriot
Questioning the war makes you a Pacifist
Accused of inviting home the All Purpose Terrorist
While the emergence of violence
From the reciprocated insurgence
Is blamed on the boogeyman Islamic Fascist

It is NOT
A valid excuse to occupy any foreign country
The shocking and aweful reality

Imperialists hijacked the military

This war was not what it was perpetuated to be

Not in the least

Bring back the men and women serving in Iraq
That were sent overseas in premeditated attack
As you evoke the name of God in this American Jihad
The body count rises while you turn your back
On families of ally, fellow countrymen
On our newfound friend, the Iraqi civilain
Now caught in the crossfire of hegemonistic desire
Your T.W.A.T. reeks of prolongued impossibility to win
They're dropping by the hour in the abuse of power
Unsuspecting flies trapped in a woven web of lies
Suicide roaches, stinging wasps, camoflauged locusts
Take aim at our soldiers, allies
Under smoke and hate filled skies

Written between the lies
The shocking and aweful truth of it
Just another bullshit excuse to occupy a foreign country
Furthest thing from legitimate
Yes, it most definately was
Go Team Iron Dome

Would you like to be
A part of something grand in scale
So great
Come join the practice squad
Go Team Iron Dome
No one is ever cut
Positions always open due to high mortality rate
You aren't required to speak
You're most welcome to play from home

WANTED: Gazans only need apply
Gazans who are willing to die
Oh, say can you see
The rocket's red glare in the starry night sky?
Right over there
Crisscrossing the border
Mortar exchanged through the air

Who fired the first shot?
The order of occurrence matters not
Who was responsible?
The answer is inconsequential
Any excuse for more shelling from each side
Upon this battlefield
All retribution is justified
The true nature of the power they wield
Operation Human Shield

Innocent bystanders aplenty in this spectator sport

Scurrying like rats in their concrete maze
Beneath cities smoldering
Reduced to ashen rubble
Lingering sulfuric cloudy haze
Hamas proudly makes its arena sport power plays
Banking on Israel being so goddam predictable

Always going over the top
Bat shit crazy
Eager to unleash the war machine
And let the hellfire rain

Running up the body count
That's the strategy of the game
It's all the same

A single rocket guarantees retribution
In the form of excessive force

Excessive force guarantees retribution
In the form of a single rocket

Sock it to'em
Back and forth
No one ever wins
Back and forth
A single rocket
Punishes thousands of civilians
Back and forth
Put into harms way
Every single day
The elderly
Entire families
Who never volunteered to play

You cheered on Hamas
Go team Iron Dome
Invited bloodshed into your neighborhood
Inside your very home
Don't come crying to us
Armchair quarterback hero
When your arms and legs are blown away
Just get on your bloody stumps
And pray

Pray that this doesn't go into Overtime
And no one survives

Score : Zero to Zero
Israel versus Hamas

Playing games with human lives
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The God That Always Was

Architecturally flawed demise
Revelation gone unheard by the oblivious amassing
Slow to realize what is happening
Unfolding right before their puffy eyes
Passing underneath every stuffy nose
Watch as religion that no longer grows
Like the communal virus that it is
As it slows
Continues to wither
Then dies



D-I-E-S !

Dioceses eaten away by the heresies
Over the centuries of perpetuated lies
Brick by brick
The foundation crumbles
The final Pope stumbles
Takes his last breath
Christianity teetering on the brink of death
Beyond resurrection
No hope left
Watch as it tumbles off it's polarized axis
Straying off course
Into its own propagandized Abyss

Into Hell

Goes to Hell

Witness as religion fucking goes to Hell

It could only come to this
Control and structure
Birthing chaos
Chewing away at the mortar
Taking the piss
From the Holier Than Thou
Perched high above in ivory towers
In their self rightous zealot trees

Torn away
Rotted branches of heirarchies
Bushes burnt
Ripped from the ground'
Roots and all
Cracks infiltrated by eager anarchies
Exposing the woodwork
Ever ailing
Collapsing inward on itself
Destined to fall

With nowhere to hide
They melt to their knees
Bowing before the latest God
Fashioned in their own image
Projected mass insecurities
Stone idol
Golden calf
Sacred cow

And how?
Watch the curtain fall
There behind it all
Taking in the show
Shoveling in the popcorn
Is the God of Now
Is the God of
Now is the God of
Now is the One that always was
And will be
Cannibalistic Bliss

Wiping away the soaped over windows
Inside, the politicians
Making the fast buck
From your concerns, your woes
With their agendas
Self serving missions
Hear them declaring the shelves empty
In the backrooms of soup kitchens

As the poor
And tired
Line up outside the door

The hunger, thirst
Gone beyond insatiable
Need to feed
Supercedes any measure of self control
Disenchanted masses
With distended bellies never to be full

Salivating over the prospect of a wishbone

Eyeing the governing body
Like a roasted beast upon a silver platter
The bitter lining of their stomachs swallowed whole
From the inside out

Satin curtains ripped away
The windows shatter
Exposing the great illusionists of our day and age
Revealed for what they truly are
Pigs getting fatter
Hogging all the temple grain
Charletains on a stage

Kicking and screaming
Into the audience

Torn apart
Limb from limb
By the emaciated

Bitten once too often
The hands that fed you bite back
With a deadly kiss

Starved for too long
The people attack
In a rage that can only amount to this

Cannibalistic bliss

Feigning ignorance as he takes the throne
The Great Deceiver of untold lies
Awaiting for his enemies to atone
After their silver Falcons cross the skies

Cast westward by King of Terror into flight
Tearing asunder mirrored monument
A forceful display of wicked might
Drawing forth a wary Eagle perched for descent

Enter the insatiable belly of the Beast
With ten horns
Rising up in the Middle East

A mockery of the One adorned
With a crown of many thorns
Long ago this was forewarned

Prepare for the bloodbath
Of the millenium
When brother hath
Buried the dagger deep
Inside each other

Marching across the desert sand
His people will go
Led by the Falsest of Prophets
Into the land of


Prelude to madness
By which the fabled were enticed
Be witness to the dawning
Of the third generation Antichrist

As he crushes nations into nation
Within his iron vice
This is the New World Order
Of the final Antichrist

Bow down before the one you serve
Sever loyal ties
Let old bonds be sliced

Here comes the armies
The armies of the Antichrist
144,000 - 1

One hundred
Forty-four thousand
Daughters and Sons

Ringing doorbells
Spreading the Word of God

Graced by the Lord to be the Chosen Ones

There's something about the math that doesn't add up
Recruiting on His behalf seems suspiciously odd
Pardon me if I don't care to drink from that cup

You're not the first messenger here that wasn't Heaven sent

Will I really be special if I join in your cult?
And if I don't, will your Master take it as an insult?

I'm not leaving this Earth behind before my life is spent

Not when the End Times come

Not for this glossed over kingdom of yours

This rowboat of Michael's without any oars


A hundred forty-four thousand minus one
I refuse to believe Jesus was God's only son
Your salespitch about the world going to Hell
I don't buy it
Why don't you find yourself another sucker to sell
Your rhetorical literature of an ill conceived Rapture
Selective quotations from the Book of Revelations
All your trumpetings of an end to warring nations
Scare tactics of forecasted Tribulations
Temptations of infinite Jubilations

Time for you to be on your way

You had your say
Why don't you do your God a favor
Stop pretending to be a savior
You're more of a disgrace

Do you really want me to say it to your face?

Be gone with you
If there's more of the Lord's work to do
No rest for the self annointed
Don't be disappointed
When you yourself aren't saved

You better do some more reading
About false prophets
And their misleading

That's how the road to Hell is paved