Minx The Sphinx's Boudoir

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Nods, smiling

I might also vanish for a little! But never fear my Luna...I shall be here...my dad just wants me to teach him about Facebook


Poor bugger is a dinosaur for technology!
Leaves a note for Miss Luna to find

I'm sorry my darling wolven playmate! My dad is kicking me off and banishing me to bed...tis 1am here and I've had a bit to drink so I guess I understand his thinking...though I'm quite sad that I have to leave you for the RW again! I promise, promise we shall play sometime...I hope...

I kiss the paper, leaving a single tear on the page as I set it down with a sad sigh and vanish into the RW
Wanders into my silent boudoir, streaming tears as I pick up a pen and quickly write, when I've finished, I throw the pen aside and slam the page, pinning it to the door before I vanish into the RW again. The note reads...

To my dear friends and co writers,

Minx is tired, Minx is done, Minx has had it! I'm sick of the flying bits of drama circling around me, they're affecting me more than they should, I'm tired of my own paranoia at all of it.
I'm vanishing from Lit and MSN for a few days...for that matter the entire internet until I feel I can handle it again...to those I IM with...I'm sorry, I really am and for most of you, this is not your fault.
To those I write with...I shall have posts in a few days time, I apologize to you guys most of all.
To those causing the dramas...seriously, fix it, mend it, move it, do whatever you like but I'm tired of games, sniping, secrets and flying rumours!
It's spiteful, childish and totally ridiculous!
I cannot handle it any longer...I hear about everything anyone says...it all goes through me and gossip central is friggen bursting!
Mistress; I miss you so much...
Miss Luna...I'm sorry my darling
Silva...my total Lining!
Fira...god I wish you were online right now woman but I shall...fill you in later I guess...
Partner...Helot is so sorry but I can't anymore...
Logan, miss you my wolf!
Marauder...told you already but I shall miss you as well
Babygurl, I'm expecting not to be able to open my door for all the M&M's you shall fill my boudoir with! :)
Ausus...you owe me when I return!

And everyone else...I'll miss all of you but this shouldn't cut me like it has been and it might just be my RL dramas interfering as I've had a war of a week but I need to get away til I can handle it.


A very sad and disturbed...

Leaving a message for her!

You total drama queen, I should boot your ass for making me go this alone biatch! Get the hell over it and be here tomorrow. Even checking all my spelling for you ya bitch, just look at what you've done to me...then you go all dramatic! Purlease!
What are you two different people?
Be the Nique I know, party with me, drink with me and knock your bullshit tears off...you don't really care anyway! You never fucking do so cut it out slut!

Heaven walks out feeling all victorious - had to use spell check a million times over for this!
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-just noticed this- Arirraa?!

I hope things get better for you Miss Minx and we're all going to wait for your return.
*snarls as only now he is finding out the real story behind the post and his rage only builds as he turns it on himself, made to look the ass doesnt improve his mood as he vanishes in a swirling dark myst*
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Pens a note for my wolf


You're not an ass for defending me in my absence, thank you in fact and I know Heaven is quite confusing but she truly does mean well. She's very sorry if she upset anyone and especially to you for making you feel silly.
I should've told her a bit more lingo to help her out, she didn't know how to tell anyone she knew me in RL...forgot to mention that part to her!

Ummm Heaven wants Nique and Logan I think he is?
Just want ya'll to know I'm sorry, didn't mean to cause a fuss or whatevs'!
That's just how I talk to my girl and she definitely shoulda told me bout this RW and RL stuff sooner! Woulda helped me ya bitch! :D
So anyhow ummm if I look like I'm insulting her...just wanna let ya'll know that that's how I talk to her...serious bout that drain pipe threat though Nique...Ima crawl into ya bed tonight so make room for me you cover hog!
Enters my boudoir, shaking my head and grinning at my Heavenly lil Harper! Wish I'd known she was totally serious about the bed thing! I tear the letter from the door, scrunch it up and throw it into my roaring magical fire before I move to my desk to pen something new and improved. I pin it to the wall and let it take pride of place with a smile as I move back to recline on my bed. The letter reads...

Heavenly brought a nice dose of reality to me, I'm grateful to my girl even if she is a little rough around the edges. I'm completely and utterly over all the bullshit round here, it's real sweet if you want to be jealous of me but I honestly could careless either way. It's also really darling if you want to be spiteful, I'm flattered beyond words that I warrant oh so much attention!
But it matters not! Fira and your_vice both made impressive points recently and Heaven made another to me last night that I simply have to mention.
How dismal and boring one's life must really be if they feel the need to create online drama! In the words of my sweet Heaven; "Get a life!"
It is true, I have made great friends here but it would seem that some would rather be my enemies...for reasons far beyond my understanding.
If you wanna throw down with me then by all means go nuts but stop your petty bullshit and step up to the plate with it! Be a fuckin' adult for christs sakes, I can't believe I can say I'm more mature than some people twice my age around here!
I'm only a few years out of high school but I guarantee I remember all the rules of play involved in games!
I hated them then and I hate them now. How spineless can it get honestly?
I've been depressed lately but got a severe wake up call from my girl; thanks babe! To my friends you know who you are and you know that this doesn't concern you, to those dramatic little brats however, it does concern you, wipe your tears and get over it!


A Minx who is happily done with all the drama!

Click me >> Step up - Drowning Pool
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Looking over everyone else's rooms for their own social circles I finally decided to bring mine together but being the mysterious woman that I am, I am not going to make it easy for you.




The Poem

You have a simple task,
Answer my riddle and you may pass.
Get it wrong and be put out,
But get it right and take another route.
Though I doubt that anyone will be correct,
I know how many of you will surprise me just yet.
Enjoy my poetry and google won't assist,
I created it myself so we could have this tryst.
If you fail don't be alarmed,
For even I can be charmed!


My Riddle:

Think of an animal as fast as a car,
Who can only run just so far.
Next tell me the sound of a snake,
The one it makes when it is awake.
Then a letter that falls in the middle,
Of the ABC that's longer than this riddle.
After this an unending word,
Synonym of an eternal adverb.
Following that abbreviate,
A lawyer, accountant or costly sex mate.
Revert back to the sound of a snake and add the next line,
A reference to each of something and you are doing fine.
Now put it all together and you come to a phrase,
What does each of us win out of this honesty maze?

Click me if you want me! >> THE ANSWER TO MY RIDDLE


Just so everyone knows! ;)
Minx's Boudoir is now open to everyone!
Thanks Ryo!
Though I did unfortunately have to dash off not too long after that little message!
Should be around bright and early tomorrow ;)
Check in with you lot then...and Miz Heaven?
I think I just missed you earlier cause you run so damn fast but thanks for the DnM babe! I'll call you later or something, don't count on it though cause you know how lazy I am! :D
That's bright and early tomorrow for you? I am not in the Aussie lands, I am in the land of USA. Or something. Glad to see you're doing better. -winks- It does usually take a friend's brash words to break us out of depression, ne?
((Yes Aussie time Ryo and yes it does :)))

Enters my boudoir wearing knee high boots, a silver halter top and a grey tartan skirt. I sit at the headboard of my bed as usual, smiling
Squeals and pulls Sakura into my lap, showering her with kisses

Hey babe! How are you?
licks her lips

No one has been playing with me lately, So very depressing.My body needs a female touch.
Slow realization

Ahhh I see...

Whispers in her ear hotly

...and what does the lovely Sakura seek from the Minx today? Just some fun pretty?
Grins at her

Of course pretty! You don't even need ask me though you do need to tell me what kind of play you're looking for...something vanilla today hmmm?
kisses her deeply placing my tongue on top of hers hugging her close to my body

Just you blushes
Smiles at her, running my hands over her sides seductively

Mmmm I don't mind that idea at all!
moans lightly feeling her as I kiss her deeply licking up and down her tongue playfully

I love the idea hehe
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