mirror will be washed

Tristesse said:
That's a lot of work and very timely, thanks anna.


Thanks Tess! :rose: It is a lot of work for one month from one poet to poem! And that does not count all his passion etc poems which I did not hunt down. :cool:
2Rivers December03 part 1

I know lots of people miss him, I have been remiss in keeping this thread going. I start to feel the effects of not reading his poetry and will try to do an update more regularly also to keep myself out of trouble.


blue sliver
by 2rivers ©


not a thing but a place in mind and material world, a whim a horse a long pool to swim and touch ends, making sure there is life still in me/us, a joke of wood and air, neither floats without the other, neither exists without an outer skin to hold in the guts of reality


a real door, a door of death sailed into and out of, actually motored into/out of, to the island of denial, come women and men bearing baskets for the natives that laugh but sell and multiply, fly Piper, Lear, Wright and Proper Tail indeed, till the wide horizon swears at too long strings of words no meaning in


while laying sideways lust and splendor,
long legged love and yellow suspender
my britches hitched
this still, Decembered night
funny to think back on


She has me
in a whim in a basket of fruit, cheese or smoked fish from far
not looking sideways feeling, sidekick reeling, oh that juicy foot that hit the cig out my face and planted a schefflera one stroke, told me what sex means and learned it’s a life of learning, leaning, capturing, fainting, obsession, memory (catch breath) and mystery same as the cats with eyes that see and the hard wooded floors we slide up and down feline like with eyes squint feeling like fur balls intended
She has me good


hating things

by 2rivers ©

toilets, they catch shit
self deprecating porcelain
a thing of beauty
to an engineer

it is art for engineers
a joke

that artist’s loft is noisy
too much glass and clanking steam

the artist I see is covered
for a peek, a finger point
a mouth full
drawn down to an edge

so this poem ends in want
not hate
want and beginning


helium sunset
by 2rivers ©

legs in shadow
hips aglow
giant poems floating
in Times Square

jumbo algorithmic hoops
I see dogs never seen before
and wish never again
in Times Square



ideas of Boat
by 2rivers ©

why so penitent when
hands must loose the tie,
why sad when it is the river
that knows crying,
why wonder when life is a tool
of destination,

~till one night~

pier falls from storm
little Boat goes alone
not pointing in the familiar way
always at,
but random slapped about by
current, wind, rude debris
that curses and threatens to rive her hull

no wood can bruise, no feelings hurt,
so float and roll along with
as smile as can upon her bow
till calm and pool, bog and bayou

gentle swept round cat bottom
smooth for rough and shallows
dragonflies lunatic skim
beneath kind willow keep…


purely spiritually
by 2rivers ©

long rolls of clay
a cylinder

let’s dance
up one wall down to the dirt
let me see your pretty legs
lift your skirt

introduce me to your mother
allow me handle your hurt
-let’s lay for a while
-let us stand on the tail end of a speeding train
-shoot guns, kiss with eyes wide

love doesn’t get any younger either
love is the variegated gem

2Rivers 12.03 part 2

by 2rivers ©

what that kind of kissing is called
your mouth a full bowl
with straw for making cheeks
hollow in sucking

cold hard frost

dipping deep, tilting darling
head back for better drink
from your waiting face
a stainless lit vision

blue frost light


why time is important
by 2rivers ©

a hole need fill
a stolen shiny
my heart
is important

sunrises/sets eggs on a platter going back to mother and womb one day out of many to sing and dance for color full tracks moving under trains all thunder of drum skin hit and hit and strummed like morning beams that ink into the world while this man wastes time all day.

one hole filled
another is the horizon
a breast pocket near little
miles away
tears so close it stings


to sleep
by 2rivers ©

gentle downing of head
to lover’s breast
lifting fingers to lips
above my face
the kiss of belonging
in deep breath
bare adore


waking memory
by 2rivers ©

sludge in my pocket
a friendly money

faded dream
this horrible moment


by 2rivers ©

neither gondoliers, bicyclists,
hog back ridden
flatcar seated brass band
blows me deaf
omni note epiphany


same thing with 33.3
by 2rivers ©

what is a satisfying chord
one that would make us
puff deeply from the stem of
our pampered pipe

make the smoke curl just
just so
for this one and only repeatable
take, given to me
five measures in at letter E

a moment in several lives
that comes again, once and forever
till the laser finally burns a hole
through that segment of that CD


satisfying curse
by 2rivers ©

this single pornographic fantasy
you on top
liberal douse
staining everything from shoulder
to hip, if I struggle
you rub harder
causing flash
of familiar strain
finally, letting me come,
taking my breath,
in exchange for treating
me as your carpet
oriental silk

now laid out
famished for pouring over
given to being taken
over my knee then flopped.
roll to the bottom of the tipping
bed, we force each other
at each other till sleep bends us,
we perform the act of extraordinary
dreams that dream
about themselves


sets, locations and creatures
by 2rivers ©

dangerous music
there is bad words, notions
a bath, a single group of flesh
a thief comes along, steals
passion and memory

Raul stumbles from the chute.
no one asks why he keeps
going in,
there is always mumble
of Tiger he insists be capitalized

it’s useless
we agree, the beat is nice,
this beast must sleep and go
the way
sleepers do

his Tiger is fiction
her fur: imagine
her Ruby lips:
a partial fraction


she enjoys reading
by 2rivers ©

leaning against an open ear
whispered point blank
at drum skin, owing echo

sent straight inside
the soul, around
the edge of bliss


wind has slowed
by 2rivers ©

~cary and deb~

sit in the dark
with the phone off hook
till the dial tone fades away
after the scream in my lap

there were voices
far and near reminders
attending to business
and distance

I cried all the way through
someone else’s affair
they drank pink champagne
from goblets cobalt blue

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5 Poems 010304

5 poems
by 2rivers ©

jack of olden

compunction junction
subterfuge annoyed
uber any old dam way
what a co-winky-dinky
we didn't, we did not
"we do not make spectacles
only to throw them" said jack

* * * *

hush haiku

blanket, arm length, fade
the chill of wanting, loss fades
she moves to better

* * * *

Al Green

I hate you
strong words couple with strong feelings
take a timeless walk with me
another stained pillow
kicking a vacuum does not promote peace
in the world

* * * *


a magnet, a full of hair fury
over terse curl
thrown into verse
to the animals of poetry
the lights in deep dark
deeper dark, the hutch
the knoll the keep the deep
the trodden path the redundant
pearls of justice. Period!

two pearls of inspiration
spells pursuant to-
sway to the right
sway'n to the left
jump down, stand up
equal rights, fight fight fight

* * * *


rhubarb and sand
no mystery why they bail
shaking heads
sour with grit
big feathers, the crew walking
away down the path
alternative title 02-19-04

alternate title
by 2rivers ©

trying to describe life through poetry
pushing sounded words against idea,

love, what was it?
men and thought and women’s dainties
puppies with skinned knees
over the shoulder trapeze jaw grip spin
muscle neck must have been a female Marine
or Navy Short Haired Sleek
up my adolescent boxers
at pitch night
baby sitter 40 years ago
discovers phone dating
gum smacking
mouth piece slapping
bare flame 0104

bare flame
by 2rivers ©

what is the recipe
unprotected makeup of
this ghost tissue,
untouchable matter

self contained halo
heat for the moment
suns are mothers
incestuous eons away

joining across
crowded infinite;
recollection burns,
boils, scorches

enlightens our load
beauty 0204

by 2rivers ©

unturned stones
life beneath
mired in health

under water flow
unseen current
nothing like electricity
more brilliant

half sucked candy
smaller but just as delicious
goes from mine to yours
back again inhaled,

like ears reel-in sound^
upper inflection at the end^
if this was audio^
holding, waiting

falling, the opposite
blue 0204

by 2rivers ©

a small cat
named blue
does not know
how to pussy foot

she dwindles
a cat step
dwindles near corners
and black dog hair
kicked by fire
in never to be seen basement
with monster kitten licken lizards

dwindles at the base of one
chair leg with handcuff
forgotten, when will
master learn?

saunter is not in blue
repertoire, love is food
stalk is love
dwindle is faux donder

as soon as she is older
we will dance about the living room
living lives with her tail curling
in time to nothing I can hear
We do need practice on our head moves
to please the judges

Andre’ taps his black tail
wagging all the way
in this fantasy of happy every
after every very very

Before I finally get to today's review, and for those unfamiliar with his writings here at Lit, here's a bump to this thread in light of WickedEve's new poem today.

2Rivers December03 part 1
I know lots of people miss him, I have been remiss in keeping this thread going. I start to feel the effects of not reading his poetry and will try to do an update more regularly also to keep myself out of trouble.


blue sliver
by 2rivers ©


not a thing but a place in mind and material world, a whim a horse a long pool to swim and touch ends, making sure there is life still in me/us, a joke of wood and air, neither floats without the other, neither exists without an outer skin to hold in the guts of reality


a real door, a door of death sailed into and out of, actually motored into/out of, to the island of denial, come women and men bearing baskets for the natives that laugh but sell and multiply, fly Piper, Lear, Wright and Proper Tail indeed, till the wide horizon swears at too long strings of words no meaning in


while laying sideways lust and splendor,
long legged love and yellow suspender
my britches hitched
this still, Decembered night
funny to think back on


She has me
in a whim in a basket of fruit, cheese or smoked fish from far
not looking sideways feeling, sidekick reeling, oh that juicy foot that hit the cig out my face and planted a schefflera one stroke, told me what sex means and learned it’s a life of learning, leaning, capturing, fainting, obsession, memory (catch breath) and mystery same as the cats with eyes that see and the hard wooded floors we slide up and down feline like with eyes squint feeling like fur balls intended
She has me good


hating things
by 2rivers ©

toilets, they catch shit
self deprecating porcelain
a thing of beauty
to an engineer

it is art for engineers
a joke

that artist’s loft is noisy
too much glass and clanking steam

the artist I see is covered
for a peek, a finger point
a mouth full
drawn down to an edge

so this poem ends in want
not hate
want and beginning


helium sunset
by 2rivers ©

legs in shadow
hips aglow
giant poems floating
in Times Square

jumbo algorithmic hoops
I see dogs never seen before
and wish never again
in Times Square



ideas of Boat
by 2rivers ©

why so penitent when
hands must loose the tie,
why sad when it is the river
that knows crying,
why wonder when life is a tool
of destination,

~till one night~

pier falls from storm
little Boat goes alone
not pointing in the familiar way
always at,
but random slapped about by
current, wind, rude debris
that curses and threatens to rive her hull

no wood can bruise, no feelings hurt,
so float and roll along with
as smile as can upon her bow
till calm and pool, bog and bayou

gentle swept round cat bottom
smooth for rough and shallows
dragonflies lunatic skim
beneath kind willow keep…


purely spiritually
by 2rivers ©

long rolls of clay
a cylinder

let’s dance
up one wall down to the dirt
let me see your pretty legs
lift your skirt

introduce me to your mother
allow me handle your hurt
-let’s lay for a while
-let us stand on the tail end of a speeding train
-shoot guns, kiss with eyes wide

love doesn’t get any younger either
love is the variegated gem

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collecting February

alternate title
by 2rivers©

trying to describe life through poetry
pushing sounded words against idea,

love, what was it?
men and thought and women’s dainties
puppies with skinned knees
over the shoulder trapeze jaw grip spin
muscle neck must have been a female Marine
or Navy Short Haired Sleek
up my adolescent boxers
at pitch night
baby sitter 40 years ago
discovers phone dating
gum smacking
mouth piece slapping

by 2rivers©

I much prefer stanza
like the body of a lover
spread below

a strophe is like a dim carcass;
a stanza length of fleshy poem
buttered brightly

by 2rivers©

unturned stones
life beneath
mired in health

under water flow
unseen current
nothing like electricity
more brilliant

half sucked candy
smaller but just as delicious
goes from mine to yours
back again inhaled,

like ears reel-in sound^
upper inflection at the end^
if this was audio^
holding, waiting

falling, the opposite

by 2rivers©

shape and size
your hair falling across your mouth
eating it, not caring
a condiment for your feast,

sometimes laying for it
other times pulling, grabbing, throwing
masked affirmations against brick,
straw bale, rammed earth walls

physical answer
constantly missing things that would have changed my life
upset all the factors in my life, let them all know about the others
throw them all in the air and watch to see which ones scramble,
cling to my seeing eye stabbing cane
not in church with three tier pipes
foot pedals loaned out to local jazz ack ack blues junkies
making the worlds turn and flow and jig

notice the forever hum
best felt during completeness

by 2rivers©

private conversation on public sidewalk
obvious lovers holding hands
fold in delicate intent
I do not possess

they will remember the chill
in my gaze

found in pocket
by 2rivers©

lately off dreaming
right up front
having a spell
of contemplation
on the tilt-a-whirl

holding hot
smiling at cold
stepping with the
sheep shearer
chatting with dead people

silent auctions
mute balloons
wind in hair
blind rage
with a sweet twist

left alone words
by 2rivers©

allow shifting
between long and short
show this student the mercy
your lover feels
give him an opening to die for

play with clocks not time
hold your only possessions
in one fist
as infinity held in its place
given to neck craning

what wind is hot in our single mind
is it a one thing or two or mass
your face comes in my turbulent bed
to wake me and toy and flicker needs
invent a number for not quite yet

mind please, press moist lips against
and confuse my retina never kissed till you
trap us inside your desire
barb us, cleave our will
apply the leather blinders of forwardness

press clove near wound
make us crawl the mile of your legs
invite the break of lust to rabid fever
transfer a single olive to my cavity

please, understand

by 2rivers©

with use, windows wish to slam shut
freed from paint and caulk
they prefer their own solemnity
to be closed by choice, no obedience to mechanism
imposed by men with tools and factory

hold open for the birds and leaves of season
flake and gale, burglars and casual passers by

an onlooker sees silk and fingers
a couched woman of depth
smoky fringes, fetish tolerant
heart stitched golden weave
caged thunder, chambers of the beat
a true, ”certain type of unusual”
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red wine
blue heart

purple passion
pounding pulse

answer my prayer

one person
not perfect

except for me
random selection

perfect dimple’s all day
by 2rivers©

an intentional rosebud,
the final whack
the indentation by 16 oz. Stanley,
ring shanks reach all the way to meat
no pulling back,
no rip, no split

depression becomes muddy pool
long before screw and motor