Mischief Makers (officially open)

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*Stops back in to hear Angelz say she won't be around long tonight. I simply nod, walk over and give her a hug and then head out for the night myself*

Have a good one Angelz, see you later!
*gives him a hug and a peck on the cheek*

Sweet dreams when you finally get there...
-Entering the cabin to flop across Angel's lap as she's seated on one of the couches.- ''I'm back :D Goodnight Angel.''
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-Entering the cabin to flop across Angel's lap as she's seated on one of the couches.- ''I'm back :D Goodnight Angel.''

Hi Wolfias. Only on a few more...nice to see you tho

*ruffles the fur on the top of his head*
no problem, all is... meh, but what are you gonna do?" he shrugs. beginning to make himself some tea.
*Walks in and plops down on a empty cough to crash for a bit, gives a big wave to anyone who happens to be lurking in here at the moment.*
*peeks in while waiting for homework to be ready for review*

Hello my friends!
Cough wise a lot better. Meds really working there, but still have zero energy.
And you?
*dashes in and out, wishing she could stay but home life prevents that at the monent*

Happy hump day.... Hope all is well. :)
~peeks inside, noticing no one seems to be around - drops off a plate of delectable goodies - dashes back out~

*Wanders through and swipes a few strawberries for himself, disappearing in a puff of shadow to devour his stolen treat*
*finds a stolen moment or two to visit the cabin, noting she'd have to give fr33ks33k a hard time for snatching some goodies and not sticking around and that she better restock the tea for a potentially troubled Glad*

*plops onto a couch with a sigh to scheme something sinful for the lovely FS before trying to work on some very overdue responses*
*Drops by and places some more Flowers on the table for Angelz then ducks out for the time being, not sure if the weather will knock the power/net off here. Dislikes bad weather, but glad to be able to be inside during storms like this*
*catches movement from the corner of her eye and spots the flowers*

thanks amc...

Update: Hope to be on later. If not, hope y'all have a fantabulous weekend. :kiss:
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I'm warning everyone now... Tequila is likely going to be consumed in quantity this evening.
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