Mischief Makers - Reborn

can you imagine what your post count would be Lupin if you weren't showing as a guest still? just from two nights with us?we'd have broken your lit virgin status for sure already.
Okay gentlemen, the time has come for me to seek my pillows. Good thing I have tomorrow off or I'd be in a world of hurt.

Sweet dreams when your heads finally hit your pillows :rose:
Okay gentlemen, the time has come for me to seek my pillows. Good thing I have tomorrow off or I'd be in a world of hurt.

Sweet dreams when your heads finally hit your pillows :rose:

Thank you Angel, you as well. I'll be around tomorrow here. :rose:
Okay gentlemen, the time has come for me to seek my pillows. Good thing I have tomorrow off or I'd be in a world of hurt.

Sweet dreams when your heads finally hit your pillows :rose:
A gentle hug and kiss for angel. "Goodnight, dear, should go to sleep myself. see you tomorrow."
*Pads into the room, strong coffee in hand and, seeing he's alone in the room, settles into an armchair with his book, sipping the brew every now and then*
Stretches "I'm tired of being right god my back hurts from that damned chair."
He wanders towards the kitchen and a muffin.
*Places my book on the end table and yawns, stretching*

Morning to you Glad...it's gonna be a lazy day today, my body is tellin me I overdid it yesterday...

*Heads over to the coffee pot to refill my mug*
Morning to you, busy day. So I will take my muffin and bow out to the rw. Enjoy will be around in the evening.
*walks carrying an extra large mug of caffeinated goodness*

Morning / afternoon all. I swear early morning phone calls on a holiday should be the cause of someone getting wedgied!
*sits down on the couch, drawing her legs under her, sipping some coffee*

He did make up for it by treating me to brunch, but sheesh!

And how are you today? Besides sore... :(
*smiles and sits beside you stretching my legs out*

Well that was nice of him.

I'm not bad, staying in and being lazy, especially since it's raining outside. Not as sore as I was expecting to be :)
*smiles ruefully*

Well I'm thinking it was a self preservation move on his part as he knows from college days that I'm soooo not a morning person. Was a good visit, especially given the news that he's moving back into the area. Not sure I'm ready for the "shall we finish what never got started" bit but we shall see.

And goodie... I'll have someone to chatter to while I engage in another lazy day of my own, assuming of course that I don't fall asleep.
*Raises a hand to hide a smile*

Well, at least he's good enough to treat you decently, and he risked rousing mama bear it being so early in the morning. Time will tell on how "shall we finish" goes.

I'm happy I've got a good soul to chat with too :D
*finishes the coffee before placing the mug to the side*

I still think it was self preservation versus decency, but yeah... he's a good egg. :)

Just remember if I go quiet for too long without warning that I'm probably slumped over with an emergency nap.
*laughs softly*

My guess is it was a bit of both, mixed in equal measure.

I understand, I may fade in and out for a few minutes here and there too.

*picks up her doodle pad from where she had left it last night*

Wonder if I can actually sketch some ideas out today... this is getting ridiculous!
Major writers block going on still?

*takes a sip from my glass and stretches out on the couch with a bowl of candied pecans*

They'll come out eventually.
*sighs softly* Yup

*gives LupineOne a sideways glance* And you can't expect me to think you accidentally used come in a sentence now, can you?