Missouri Rollcall

I keed you not. I do it every chance I get.

I hide from it. I am a teacher by trade. I get snow days! Even though I no longer teach, I will still watch the weather forecast and if the weather looks bad, I will call in sick. I will sleep at a friend's house who lives close to work. Why drive in it when I do not need too?
I love running out when it's thundering and lightning is flashing all over the place just to scream and laugh at it all. Yeah, I'm a bit crazy.
Haven't seen any newbies here, but most of the usual suspects seem to have vanished as well.
Raises hand and shakes it all about. Does that mean I am usual?!?
I just got here and have not done anything and I am already a suspect. Damn! Are there going to be handcuffs involved in this interrogation?

That depends entirely on you darlin.
in belton

wife is visiting her lover Carl. he is the father of the baby the Dr. confirmed last week.