Missouri Rollcall

Good Evening All!
Wow nobody's been around since.. October?
Im trying to search this thread for a previous conversation and when I click on "search this thread" the search box opens, when I try to click into the box it closes and my cursor goes up to the upper left corner of the page.
Yes! Yes it does!
Can anyone confirm this is happening or is it maybe because I'm mobile?

Yup. Im on my phone and does the same thing.
Oh and 20/m/KC checking in.
Missouri male here. Spend time bouncing between Springfield, St. Louis, and NWMO. Any ladies in those areas up for some casual encounters ;)
Wow, there are a whole lot more responses to this thread than I expected to see. Im a 29/m in the kc area just looking to make friends for now. I wouldnt be opposed to more but time will tell that. Anyway im gonna scroll through the thread and see how many of you interesting folks are in kc. hope to talk to some of you soon