MLP~Mystic Lake Poetry

hey girl
I am well. I just work ALL THE TIME reading and creating legal contracts for a construction company. Too much to do and not enough me. This work kills my creative side but it is what I need to do for a while as we get out of debt and save for that house in SD. After five years of debt consolidation my last payment is next month. this is wonderful and hopefully I can begin to breath again. I pop on to read but rarely post because I don't hear the poetry in my soul right now. Working to get it back. California does that to you...

How are you? What is happening? Tell all...


the world is out of balance...poetry too...a strange situation..each of us has debt
troubles...and as we spin on this ship of the mother we must keep to this mantra....

My situation may not bring me peace
I choose
to feel
my situation...
this is a gift from the grok. world...big
thanks blue

funny how when we are out of balance we forget the most simple of lessons!

many thanks for the Mantra I will keep it close and say it regularly!
you are wise blue one!:rose:
I heard that a snow owl flew through the threads...
I just had to see (~_~)

blessed be you!
...and blue too!

I heard you are getting hitched. Blessed be I can not think of a more deserving person!

Miss my Lit friends. Trying like hell to find the rhythm of my soul.... seems to be hiding in the mists..............

the snow owl floats in the future
finding a hardness to life that she knows
to be false
how to find her way to her soul
she has not a clue
the snow falls
and the owl sits in the heat
waiting for the moment to call........

by the way do you know what
Blessed be means? HA:devil:

I stand now divided
between who I was
and who I will be
lost in the fog
of my own destiny...
...DS 1.31.11
In the works

Lost within the fires of yesterday
drenched in the rains of today
a woman stands within the shadows
of tomorrows story

Eagle's fly into the nest
searching fish to feed their young
Now is the time they worry about
the story is still unsung

We wait by the river
to hear to the song
Still the woman stands alone
her story echos through the bone

One day we all will know
the legend lost but found
a woman standing
waiting for the eagles crown....
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Lost within the fires of yesterday
drenched in the rains of today
a woman stands within the shadows
of tomorrows story

Eagle's fly into the nest
searching for the fish
feed their young
Now is the time they worry about
the story is still unsung

We wait by the river
to hear the river sing
Still the woman stands alone
her story echos through the bone

One day we all will hear
the legend lost but found
a woman standing
waiting for the eagles crown....

a tree limb lay
like thoughts
fallen yesterday
I know this sucks but I wanted to get the thoughts out there...

She floats on the water
a lost queen of the Nile
grasses cling to her knees
hair lost in the river breeze

Her eyes stare into the night
waiting for the whispers to come
lessons lost in the weeds
waiting for the woman who bleeds

Miles and days seem like minutes
moments pass like days
dead to the moment
reeds along the banks hold her at bay

breathing is too hard
drowning is too easy
listening will get her by
but to cry is to heal

The crane sees the misery
as it watches her pass
floating on the rivers tides
Finally sinking Ophelia's mask...
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She floats on the water
a lost queen of the Nile
grasses cling to her knees
hair lost in the river breeze

Her eyes stare into the night
waiting for the whispers to come
lessons lost in the weeds
waiting for the woman who bleeds

Miles and days seem like minutes
moments pass like days
dead to the moment
reeds along the banks hold her at bay

breathing is too hard
drowning is too easy
listening will get her by
but to cry is to heal

The crane sees the misery
as it watches her pass
floating on the rivers tides
Finally sinking Ophelia's mask...

the thing about tossing thoughts on a page
gives the real feel of where your heart or eyes were
then comes the white out to repair, replace and enhance
I always did like the rough stuff (grin)
hey guys..

I was a little busy thawing out up here... I just read that last poem and I see so much work it needs and boy is it a downer lol.. I wrote that about a character in a book I was reading and how I saw her...hmmm looks like I need to read some happier stuff lol...hope your day is fantastic it is warm and blue skies up here in the Pacific NW! woo hoo
reworking it...

She floats on the water
a lost queen of the Nile
grasses cling to her knees
hair woven with river reeds

Her eyes stare into the night
waiting for the whispers to come
lessons lost in the weeds
waiting for the woman who bleeds

Miles and days seem like minutes
seconds pass like days
dead to the moment
catails hold her at bay

breathing is to hard
drowning to easy
listening will get her by
only to cry is to heal

The crane sees the misery
as it watches her pass
floating on the rivers tides
Finally sinking Ophelia's mask...
I was a little busy thawing out up here... I just read that last poem and I see so much work it needs and boy is it a downer lol.. I wrote that about a character in a book I was reading and how I saw her...hmmm looks like I need to read some happier stuff lol...hope your day is fantastic it is warm and blue skies up here in the Pacific NW! woo hoo

thawed out down here in Texas
where its next to heaven
and the weather is hell

100 degrees
mystic lake,
mystic lake

where fore is thou poetry?

along the shore
where waves meet the sand
or the grand Tetons
that rise above

perhaps its hidden
in its depths
or lies only in the eye
of that which sees
A feather floats gently on a cloud,
broken sunlight burns glow-holes
through grey and building thunderheads,
while otherworldly dreams silently pull.

Where in the realm of deities
did energized synapses engage
recognition of purest love-light
and make tangible within weary souls?

Blessed by ancient manuscripts
written in archaic tongues, summer's truth
no longer partitioned by insidious walls
of failed reckoning and past choices.

Empty cups litter multiple paths;
life's opportunities; passed and acted,
coalesce into today's inspirations,
joyous possibilities in new dimensions.

Two hearts spin, in unison,
fusion of the all, reconciled.

This is beautiful ....

hey.. thinking of you...

where far for art thou

I feel I lac the du

I have been busy with puppies and a new kitten.. lol.. life is fun here in Washington State.. will start writing more soon...
happy holidays
du lac...