moderator responsibilities

Really darlin'..Don't worry about it

i think the furor has pretty much died down. This thread has been mostly heartfelt support for your efforts, which i believe most of us really appreciate.

The only reason this thread was so close to the top was that a bunch of us newer kids got to talking, kinda. It was Willow's fault! (just kidding... she is fun though)

i hope you get to feeling better about this soon. The last thing you need is to start worrying about whether you've lost the support of the Litizens who hang out here.

i don't see that as even a possibility.:rose:

Be VERY well!

You were not wrong to remove those threads. I have considered this to the point it exhausted me.
I even have taken a haitus from lit althogether because I was exhausted. I understand your being tired.

Whatever the case may be, discussions have ensued and while I feared for a flame war to beat all flame wars, it hasn't happened.

My respect for the posters here and visiting from the other boards has increased ten fold! In the GB, it would have gotten much uglier than it has.

To the point, if you are tired, rest.
If you chose not to mod, you will be missed in that role as all three mods bring their own piece to the pot that makes our forum good.

Now, to address the general issue once again, I have one little thought that has not been expressed by anyone and am going to share it.

Why do we care if poster A calls poster B,C and D names or hurts feelings?

Well, we have talked about teh need for a feeling of safety on this thread. Safety to ask questions, post thoughts, work out our issues by bouncing them off others.

It goes deeper and I will offer myself as an example. No, keeping the "safety" at a level where everyone is nicey nice isn't the issue. The issue is SAFETY. Personal safety, emotional safety, physical safety!!!!

If the monster thread were rife with judgemental comments, slams, and flames, I NEVER would have entered the discussion.

If I had not, where would have learned how to use a "safe call?" Who else was telling me, "YOU don't do anything you dont' feel comfie with?" No one! And yes, I was on other sites at that time. Where did I learn what SSC really meant and that it was sincerely adn truly a standard to follow? Where did I learn how to differentiate those Doms who were abusing their ability to control and those who could turn into meaningful friends/lovers.

I have seen novices struggle with the parameters of power exchange and perhaps, some of them, errr I mean US have avoided potentially harmful contacts in real life because of the lessons we have learned here. I know I have.

So, we want this forum flame free. We want posters to come in, say "Hi" and ask their questions, share their thoughts. A jouney into D/s in not only emotionally difficult, but when lacking in guidance and meaningful information, can place those travellers in harms way?

So, for those using the arguement of "free speech", as far as this one is concerned, it only applies within the parameters of the board. Paramenters which have been decided upon democratically.

IF you want to flame me, meet me on the General Board. I don't want Wide Eyed Suzie to think she can't benefit from posting here and risks judgement, persecution etc.

Enough from me.
I am tired, too, RS.
AFter a few days away though, lit has been put back into perspective in my life.

I like, love and respect many people here.
I am invested in this forum on a very personal level.
However, I cannot let it get it take over my energy, my thinking, my motivation to help others.

And what has exhausted me was trying to diplomatically intervene in charged topics.

I am back, sans diplomacy.

Fuck em if they can't take a joke, RS!


You were not mistaken. Being MissTaken is my job!

if anyone finds that post too lengthy to read, let me know.

I will do an outline and over view to be viewed in the next edition of BDSM Quarterly!

RisiaSkye said:

The fact that this still needs explained makes me tired.

cym--are you ready to let me quit moderating now?

Okay, in all seriousness, I'm a bit at a loss for what to do with all of the chaos which resulted from moving two troll posts.

I undertook the removals (technically, they were moved, not deleted) in good faith, within 5 minutes of their arrival, as I happened to be here at the time.

I had NO idea that anyone would object to their removal. I almost never remove anything, prefering to foster an open conversation. If I hadn't been so certain, I would never have removed them. Those two removals account for a full 50% of my (apparently) imperious use of moderator status.

The troll didn't appreciate being removed. (Surprise, surprise.) KillerMuffin, a moderator on another forum and thus one of the few people who could have ever seen the removed posts, decided she was angry about their removal and that the best course to take was to bitch publicly and inaccurately about it.

I got annoyed with the factual error and accusatory tone of Muff's post, and responded defensively and somewhat childishly, in a manner unbefitting my typically diplomatic self.

I then went out of town for a few days, fully expecting the whole thing to drop. I came home today, and this is all still going on.

What to do now?

Here's what I know:
1. I'm sorry I was defensive, and I apologize if I offended KM or anyone else.
2. I no longer know what actions I'm "allowed" to take without generating significant complaint about it.
3. I don't have the time, energy, or enthusiasm to continually defend even the simplest of moderator responsibilities when I enact them.
4. I do not know what the consensus is on whether or not I did anything wrong. In my opinion, I did not.
5. I will uncomplainingly remove myself from the Mod pool is that's the will of the court of public opinion.

Chime in, please. I need a little guidance here.

Risia, the fact that this thread is still going after all this time and we are still having this discussion really pisses me!

First, I don't think that apologies are necessary. You have a jop to do and you have done it graciously.

There are always going to be those that complain... remember you cannot please everyone all of the time. I think that you should just do what you have been doing.

Also, others who are not necessarily members of this community and moderate other forums might want to look at the fact that this forum is operated a little differently in order to protect its integrity. This is not the General Board or even the How to board.

As a community early on, we made a decision about how this forum was to be operated and what was to be tolerated. Risia I see your role as the balance, the sometimes sane voice among the moderators here (no offense WD and cym). You tend to be more cool headed for the most past and we need that balance among the moderators.

I personally can see nothing that you have done wrong. I know when you were out of town and cym asked me to watch the board, along with others, we did have someone post a personal here... I pm'd WD and Laurel and asked them to move it, which Laurel did. Am I to be criticized for that action?

Let's not go off half cocked here, Risia, and quit because KM did not like what you did.

I personally have a problem with moderators behaving badly in public... I think that if there are personality conflicts or dissenting opinions with other moderators or even members of the community it needs to be discussed behind closed doors so to speak. For the god's sakes PM the person you do not agree with. Please do not bring this out into an open forum. It only serves to bring create problems for the community. We don't need to know who has a problem with who. There are bound to be personality conflicts here, given the diversity of people and opinions. Just take your conflicts elsewhere.

So I'm not voting you off the island, Risia. Stay around a little longer!
I think it is apparent that the majority of posters in this forum are entirely supportive of the moderators and the policies that have allowed this area of Lit to become such a productive, informative community.
I have nothing but respect and admiration for KillerMuffin, but as a self-described outsider to bdsm, her point of view is on occasion far removed from the sensibilities of the board in general. I think this makes her a very valueable contributor, and if it occasionally leads to a bit of a dustup, that's a small price to pay, in my opinion.
We all want the safe place that Miss T so ably described, but we need not be too thin skinned either. The removal of the posts did no great harm, and neither did KM's objection, unless we let bad feelings simmer. I think we are all above that. Risia, stay, please, and let's get back to the good discussion we all value so highly.
RisiaSkye said:
cym--are you ready to let me quit moderating now?
You go, and so do i, R.

It's not a veiled threat at all.
It's straight out blackmail, simple and plain.

You and i have been in this thing as de facto moderators since the very beginning of the M thread. You're my friend, on this board and off. I'm not staying here and doing what this moderator gig is turning into without you.
cellis said:
I personally have a problem with moderators behaving badly in public... I think that if there are personality conflicts or dissenting opinions with other moderators or even members of the community it needs to be discussed behind closed doors so to speak. For the god's sakes PM the person you do not agree with. Please do not bring this out into an open forum. It only serves to bring create problems for the community. We don't need to know who has a problem with who. There are bound to be personality conflicts here, given the diversity of people and opinions. Just take your conflicts elsewhere.
You know what?

It's a fucking nightmare trying to balance being a person, a real person just like you, with being some kinda goddamn god figure - but one who doesn't ever get to vent, doesn't ever get to have a bad day, doesn't ever get to have a hot flash moment, doesn't ever get to have a fucking opinion on anything because one has to be aware of being
~trumpets please~
A BDSM Forum Moderator

all the fucking time.

I fucking try to be perfect but i don't always succeed.
It's because ~gasp~ i'm not fucking perfect.
I'm going to have a bad day every now and then. Sue the fuck out of me when i do, okay? Flame me for it. Bring it up forever. Tell me i can't be in your club anymore. It'll be a goddam relief, to be honest. This club isn't so much fun for me anymore anyway.

I can't post as myself, just me inside my brain, EVER, anymore without doing disclaimers to that effect. Even then, i have to choose my words very very very very the fuck carefully, always with an eye toward offending goddam anyone who happens into this place because if i offend anyone at all ever then i'm a bad person, as someone here is going to point out.

So i've taken to greatly reducing my posts, to not commenting on what interests me a lot of the time, to reducing my presence in this forum way the fuck down. I can't post freely, as i wish to, as i always have, at all, anymore. I can't post freely because if i do, then i can't do the mods job effectively. I have to do it to do the mods job effectively because i can't do a half-assed job of it.

And you still castigate me? Even though i've barely said a word, relatively speaking, for weeks now?

I just thought i'd toss that out to balance your statement about me, cellis.

Thanks for the opportunity.

R, can i quit moderating now?

Edit: Unreg is me, cym, of course, the flawed mod who doesn't even log into Lit at all anymore until she takes a peek to see what, if any, ugliness is waiting. Sometimes i peek in and then just back away and don't come back for awhile. Sometimes i look and then move a post or two, or delete an email-in-the-post addy or two, and then go away. More and more often i post to two or four threads, mild things, nothing offering much personal opinion, and then just go away quietly, knowing that i can no longer stay and post as freely as can everyone else here.
Last edited by a moderator:
RisiaSkye said:

The fact that this still needs explained makes me tired.
Explanation? Who needs an explanation? The only reason this thread was near the top is because of a few of us (me, Doc, Monster and WillowPuss) were kinda using it for idle chitchat. The original topic is deader than canasta.

cym--are you ready to let me quit moderating now?

Okay, in all seriousness, I'm a bit at a loss for what to do with all of the chaos which resulted from moving two troll posts.
My opinion? Don't do anything you haven't already done. I have much respect for her, but KM...... Hm. She's entitled to her opinion, though I strongly disagree with it, and the ensuing discussion was something we apparently needed to have, since some of us didn't know what exactly you forum mods do, or how you've fostered this place for open and frank discussion, free from the type of judgemental crap any of us would take if we were somehow identifiable as BDSM'ers in our day-to-day existence. If I wanted to be harrassed, I'd start wearing a T-shirt that says, "Vanilla is for Ice Cream", then explain it to passers by.

I undertook the removals (technically, they were moved, not deleted) in good faith, within 5 minutes of their arrival, as I happened to be here at the time.

I had NO idea that anyone would object to their removal. I almost never remove anything, prefering to foster an open conversation. If I hadn't been so certain, I would never have removed them. Those two removals account for a full 50% of my (apparently) imperious use of moderator status.
You had no reason to believe anyone would object to you helping to file those posts in a place other than this one which has a different purpose than painting a bullseye on us for flames and assholier-than-thou crap. You were doing the community a favor by continuing to protect the environment which allows us to be so open. This space needs to remain a place for new and curious people to post their questions and opinions. We are, in ourselves, a BDSM resource, in my opinion on a par with "Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns". We're on a par, because we're a continuing, living discussion of so many aspects, from the toybox to the inbox. But we can only stan that way as long as people don't feel that by posting here, they're going to get flamed, ridiculed or judged. You did the right thing. Stop worrying about it.

The troll didn't appreciate being removed. (Surprise, surprise.) KillerMuffin, a moderator on another forum and thus one of the few people who could have ever seen the removed posts, decided she was angry about their removal and that the best course to take was to bitch publicly and inaccurately about it.

I got annoyed with the factual error and accusatory tone of Muff's post, and responded defensively and somewhat childishly, in a manner unbefitting my typically diplomatic self.
You were a hell of a lot nicer than I would've been, and I like and respect KM. That's why I've been doing a lot of biting my electonic tongue on this one. How can anyone with such a great understanding of the issues we face miss the need for this type of action? I'm still looking for an answer to that one.

I then went out of town for a few days, fully expecting the whole thing to drop. I came home today, and this is all still going on.
Not really. like I said before, a bunch of us hijacked this thing to be friendly.

What to do now?

Here's what I know:
1. I'm sorry I was defensive, and I apologize if I offended KM or anyone else.
2. I no longer know what actions I'm "allowed" to take without generating significant complaint about it.
3. I don't have the time, energy, or enthusiasm to continually defend even the simplest of moderator responsibilities when I enact them.
4. I do not know what the consensus is on whether or not I did anything wrong. In my opinion, I did not.
5. I will uncomplainingly remove myself from the Mod pool is that's the will of the court of public opinion.

Chime in, please. I need a little guidance here.
1. You were defensive because you were attacked.
2. You're not "allowed" to take any actions, you're entrusted with the integrity and protection of this space. You're going to piss some people off in the exercise of those responsibilities. Thant's their problem.
3. Don't bother defending, then. Hell, just link this thread if anyone grows a beef about what you're doing.
4. Consensus appears to agree with your assessment of no wrongdoing.
5. It is the opinion of this court that the defendant is not guilty of abuse of the power and trust given to a moderator, and that she acted with due restraint in the execution of her duties. The constitutional question is moot, as this was private property and proper defense of that property. The court therefore moves that all charges against the defendant be dismissed.
Cym posted as Unregistered?

Christ, this is getting worse than I thought.

If I were on more often, I'd volunteer for a mod spot, just to take the heat off, even though I'm not a sub. Ther's already a Switch doing mod duties, and I don't feel she should quit, unless the stress is piling up. I thought the Triumvirate were picked to represent the three "divisions" of basic type (if there is such a thing), and wouldn't feel comfortable upsetting that balance.

heh. Maybe November elections are a good idea, if only to give the mods a break. (nah, then we'd have to deal with term limits, campaign funding reform.... too much goddamn politics already.)

good point, too. The Mods are human beings, too. They're part of the community, too. They also have an ugly, misunderstood job. They are entitled to be humans, to have opinions, hell, even entitled to be assholes from time to time.

Doesn't mean I won't say something, but I don't hold the mods to a higher standard of personality than I hold anyone else. The standards I have are high enough as it is. Anything more would be impossible. And yes, I hold myself to those same standards I call other people out on.
It doesn't seem like too tough a chore for anyone reading here to distinguish between cym, Risia, or WD's personal opinions, and their moderator voices.
I have to conclude that those who can not do so, are making a willfull decision to not understand that the moderators are posters as well.
I have said it before, and I will again, I think the moderator's do a tremendous job, and in the rare circumstances where I might not agree with a decision, hey, I can be a big girl and suck it up.
What isn't said enough , obviously, is that the value they have here as posters is enormous as well.
I'd like to see this forum continue to grow as a warm place of sharing, and I'm willing to give people the benefit of the doubt now and then. But if you come here to cause trouble, hit the road, go to aol and enter the RealDom4U chat or something. I don't blow my top much, but when I do, it's not something you'll soon forget. Let's all play nice, and assume good things about each other, and stop looking for every little thing to nitpick the moderator's about.
Well, I really would feel better, cym, if you had just gotten the flogger out and whacked me a few times.

I truly meant no disrespect towards you and I am sorry if I hurt your feelings about all of this.

You role as a moderator is greatly appreciated and wanted here.
RisiaSkye said:

The fact that this still needs explained makes me tired.

cym--are you ready to let me quit moderating now?

Okay, in all seriousness, I'm a bit at a loss for what to do with all of the chaos which resulted from moving two troll posts.

I undertook the removals (technically, they were moved, not deleted) in good faith, within 5 minutes of their arrival, as I happened to be here at the time.

I had NO idea that anyone would object to their removal. I almost never remove anything, prefering to foster an open conversation. If I hadn't been so certain, I would never have removed them. Those two removals account for a full 50% of my (apparently) imperious use of moderator status.

The troll didn't appreciate being removed. (Surprise, surprise.) KillerMuffin, a moderator on another forum and thus one of the few people who could have ever seen the removed posts, decided she was angry about their removal and that the best course to take was to bitch publicly and inaccurately about it.

I got annoyed with the factual error and accusatory tone of Muff's post, and responded defensively and somewhat childishly, in a manner unbefitting my typically diplomatic self.

I then went out of town for a few days, fully expecting the whole thing to drop. I came home today, and this is all still going on.

What to do now?

Here's what I know:
1. I'm sorry I was defensive, and I apologize if I offended KM or anyone else.
2. I no longer know what actions I'm "allowed" to take without generating significant complaint about it.
3. I don't have the time, energy, or enthusiasm to continually defend even the simplest of moderator responsibilities when I enact them.
4. I do not know what the consensus is on whether or not I did anything wrong. In my opinion, I did not.
5. I will uncomplainingly remove myself from the Mod pool is that's the will of the court of public opinion.

Chime in, please. I need a little guidance here.

RS, as person seriously considering taking up the position of resident "troll" around here, I'd like to do my best to reassure you, honestly, about anything you might feel bad about.

1. I've always (in my admittedly short tenure) considered you to be an extraordinarily reasonable and even-tempered person, and the KM exchange did nothing but re-inforce that impression.

2. I don't think you need to apologize for anything, but your willingness to do so anyway only makes me think more highly of you. (I thought you handled KM well.)

3. I've never questioned your decision to more or re-move the unreg posts. Though I have questioned other things around here, and intend to continue to do so, until someone tells me to get the fuck out.

4. If you were im-moderate in your response to KM (and I'm not saying that you were) everyone's entitled to an unreasonable post once in a while (even included KM, I guess.) I doubt there's anyone who's posted long who hasn't posted something somewhere that they didn't later come to regret. The truth is many peeps are here as an escape hatch from real life; and when real life gets bad enough, posts may reflect that.

5. I don't think there's been much chaos as a result of the unregistered's post. And sometimes a little chaos can be a good thing.

6. I hope you don't remove yourself from the "mod pool." I think it's a tough job, and you're doin better than most folks could.
RisiaSkye said:

I then went out of town for a few days, fully expecting the whole thing to drop. I came home today, and this is all still going on.

What to do now?

The only thing that has kept it alive is people posting in support of what you did. And it was very much appreciated.

I'd like to see the focus back on bdsm and away from the Mods. I think by all the focus on deleting posts, we're keeping members away who are looking for real discussion. Those that disagree are being respectful enough to let it go. We should as well.
I'm only going to say this once. Which is a good thing cause once is all that's needed.

I have PMed Risia and cym with an apology for chucking rocks into your BDSM oasis. I did not mean to stir up a fight or to make people bash each other's heads in.

I'm not the troll. I've never trolled anyone under an assumed name or as unregistered. I stand behind my opinions strongly enough to own up to them, no matter what those opinions are. However, I identify pretty strongly with that troll. I'll be the first to tell you that I do trollish things.

Anyway, I'm going to stick to places where I can say whatever I feel is necessary to say without having to concern myself with whether or not it's the popular thing or whether or not it'll offend someone's sensibilities. Cause it always does eventually.

Call me a bitch if ya wanna, you won't be the first. Just think of it this way. If I were really a bitch, I'd stick around and continue to bring my nastiness to you on a regular basis rather than respect your wishes enough to leave you in peace.

So long.
Muff is not the troll. I know her very well, offline and on, and she has more self-worth then to troll as an unreg. She has more integrity. She has more respect for other people. If she thinks you suck, she'll tell you to your face without mincing words.

Muff did not troll this forum.

But someone who knows us did.

At the end of the day, though, (and it must be the end of the day for some of us somewhere even though it's only 3:37pm on Sunday afternoon here), i don't give a flying fuck who trolled this place.

I just want things to settle down and the flaming and shit-stirring and other assorted and non-random acts of utter total complete crap to stop. I want my peaceful haven back. I want the slow, steady, even-tempered, loving, caring, nurturing, accepting BDSM Forum back.

Can't we do that?
I've run some Egroup and yahoo clubs in the past, and I have run into the problem cym describes. Because you are the moderator or list owner, people put extra weight on every word you post. I had occasions where I simply said I was not personally interested in a particular subject, and people interpreted that as meaning those subjects were banned.
It seems pretty clear to me when the moderators are speaking as moderators and when they are giving their own views. And if I get confused, and for some reason it matters, Ill just ask them, and not cop an attitude about it. The mods on this board have so much to offer in terms of insight and experience it is a disservice not only to them for their voices to be stifled, but also to everyone who comes here to learn or share ideas.
OMG.. i can't believe how much trouble that unreg has brought to this forum.. he definately succeeded in what he wanted, didn't he? Now we have 2 of our moderators thinking about leaving, and WD already voicing his want out... cym, risia... PLEASE don't let this get to you... those of us that have been here for awhile, and have talked with the 2 of you, as both women, and moderators, truly appreciate everything you do, and contribute to this forum.. if you 2 leave, then so do i, and probably A LOT of other people too... You guys have done NOTHING wrong.. your opinion is exactly that.. YOURS, and if others don't like it, they can take their business elsewhere... you are women in the lifestyle FIRST, and then moderators... being a moderator is a thankless job, with no pay, and i for one, don't think you have done anything wrong.
About KillerMuffin... i've read many of her posts here, and feel she has a grasp on what we are about, but does not have the emotions that we have, living this type of life, therefor, doesn't understand how we feel about things that are said against us... this forum is for US, the BDSM community, and anyone who does not live this life, or have an interest in what makes us tick, or sets us off, in my opinion, doesn't have a say in how the forum is run.. (except of course, Laurel)... we would not go into one of their threads on the GB, and tell them how they should post, or run their forum...
ok, enough said by me.... if anyone is still reading.. lol...
take care all, and i love my home (here) away from home... let's get back to discussing BDSM, and not the moderators.. they are doing a fine job, IMHO
:heart: :kiss: :rose:
( for each of the moderators)
Really sorry to 'bump' this thread...but I HAVE to say:-

As a relative 'newbie', I have found this Forum to be VERY different ! From the moderators to the 'old timers' I feel that this place is used by some very special people.(not denegrating your ages folks...just appreciating your experience).

These are warm, sympathetic and THINKING people......and mostly with wonderful senses of humour too. If that is what BDSM does for you...perhaps it should be made compulsory ! lol

Moderators, please do not hang up your keyboards and ride off into the sunset !! The way this forum is run is a tribute to you all, and if it takes the odd deleting of a troll thread to keep the warm, family feeling then so be it !

Remember, for the 'baddies' to triumph only takes the 'goodies' to do nothing. Sometimes action IS required.....and I am sure the vast majority of us back you 100%........and are willing to jump in the trenches with you, if needs be.
cymbidia said:
At the end of the day, though, (and it must be the end of the day for some of us somewhere even though it's only 3:37pm on Sunday afternoon here), i don't give a flying fuck who trolled this place.

I just want things to settle down and the flaming and shit-stirring and other assorted and non-random acts of utter total complete crap to stop. I want my peaceful haven back. I want the slow, steady, even-tempered, loving, caring, nurturing, accepting BDSM Forum back.

Can't we do that?

It was the end of the day for me cym ... eight hours ahead of you here in London.

And, seriously now ... I too want the forum back to the way it was when I first dipped my toes into these waters.

Perhaps it was just all holiday madness?

And Sierra ... I heartily agree with every word you said!
I know I wouldn't want to stay here if there were wholesale changes in the way the forum was moderated.

I don't know why some people have difficulty in distingushing between the personal post of any of the moderators and their posts with their 'moderator hats' on. Maybe it has something to do with the way some people read a post? Just skimming the words ... not really reading them. Or seeing something that is only there in their view? I dunno - I had it when I was a moderator of a yahoo group. Maybe, and this is just a tentative suggestion here, they should use the handle of 'BDSM Forum Moderator' when making moderator type posts. That way, even the most obtuse of people - those who are deliberately trying to shit-stir - wouldn't, couldn't be mistaken then? And that would also give each moderator a bit of anominity too?

And ... I want my home (from home) back too! I'd only just got myself moved in ... and I really don't want to go house hunting again!
I'm not sure i want to know what brought all of this about.

RS, cym, and WD have done an excellent job. IF they decide to try and resign, i suggest we tie them all up and refuse to untie them until they promise to stay.
WillowPuss said:

It was the end of the day for me cym ... eight hours ahead of you here in London.

And, seriously now ... I too want the forum back to the way it was when I first dipped my toes into these waters.

Perhaps it was just all holiday madness?

And Sierra ... I heartily agree with every word you said!
I know I wouldn't want to stay here if there were wholesale changes in the way the forum was moderated.

I don't know why some people have difficulty in distingushing between the personal post of any of the moderators and their posts with their 'moderator hats' on. Maybe it has something to do with the way some people read a post? Just skimming the words ... not really reading them. Or seeing something that is only there in their view? I dunno - I had it when I was a moderator of a yahoo group. Maybe, and this is just a tentative suggestion here, they should use the handle of 'BDSM Forum Moderator' when making moderator type posts. That way, even the most obtuse of people - those who are deliberately trying to shit-stir - wouldn't, couldn't be mistaken then? And that would also give each moderator a bit of anominity too?

And ... I want my home (from home) back too! I'd only just got myself moved in ... and I really don't want to go house hunting again!

You just stay put, girlfriend!
You haven't been here long, Willow, but already it's hard to imagine this board without your kind and tender presence.
morninggirl5 said:
I'm not sure i want to know what brought all of this about.

RS, cym, and WD have done an excellent job. IF they decide to try and resign, i suggest we tie them all up and refuse to untie them until they promise to stay.
i like the way you think, mg... count me in.. i'll bring the rope!!
morninggirl5 said:
IF they decide to try and resign, i suggest we tie them all up and refuse to untie them until they promise to stay.

That could work .... oh waitasec ... two of the three might just enjoy that toooooooooo much!;)

And, Caroline ... thank you for those kind words. Thank you so much.