Monthly Poetry Challenge for June 2007

Kinda like the most delicious orgasm
spend all day, hours leading to it

familiar words too oft used, reliable
try something different, even strange

but nothing, the timing just isn't, it's
nerves, nervous to toss them out

wait until the last possible minute
near midnight, not a second beyond

an orgasm is senseless, but it feels
feels so so good, the slightest

the slightest syllable
but not yet.
A stab at a Triolet, Untitled

Orgasms, strictly speaking, are
Mother Nature's response to pain.
Greatest of all feelings, by far,
orgasms, strictly speaking, are
a good way to keep yourself sane
and feel like a human again.
Orgasms, strictly speaking, are
Mother Nature's response to pain.
Shiny plastic orgasm
on display.
It was that funny pink
called flesh-tone
but isn’t.
Metrosexual abstinence
creates celibacy,
or celebrity.
Friction caused by ozone
depletion and chafed anorexic thighs
no longer able to hold a pea
in place.
Nobody cares.
Even if she squeals
higher than the rest.
Another case of lust
sodomized dry.
Honey look! Fresh Orgasms!
Let's get some.
Oh fresh orgasms, farm orgasms
Been so long
once they were common, fresh orgasms
now, you go to the grocery store,
you taste one orgasm, you taste
you taste another orgasm.
plastic, that's all the orgasms are
that you get in the grocery store.
But here! Look! now those
now that's an orgasm.
Hmmm mmmm Mmmmm!
Yes, let's get these!
We'll take a bushel of this orgasm
of that orgasm, another bushel
Thank you ma'am and bless your clan
Keep these orgasms fresh,
We'll come again,
do be sure.
The_Fool said:
Shiny plastic orgasm
on display.
It was that funny pink
called flesh-tone
but isn’t.
Metrosexual abstinence
creates celibacy,
or celebrity.
Friction caused by ozone
depletion and chafed anorexic thighs
no longer able to hold a pea
in place.
Nobody cares.
Even if she squeals
higher than the rest.
Another case of lust
sodomized dry.

Wow! (wouldnt just let me put wow)
hmmnmm said:
Honey look! Fresh Orgasms!
Let's get some.
Oh fresh orgasms, farm orgasms
Been so long
once they were common, fresh orgasms
now, you go to the grocery store,
you taste one orgasm, you taste
you taste another orgasm.
plastic, that's all the orgasms are
that you get in the grocery store.
But here! Look! now those
now that's an orgasm.
Hmmm mmmm Mmmmm!
Yes, let's get these!
We'll take a bushel of this orgasm
of that orgasm, another bushel
Thank you ma'am and bless your clan
Keep these orgasms fresh,
We'll come again,
do be sure.

Pick Your Own?
Picodiribibi said:
Orgasms, strictly speaking, are
Mother Nature's response to pain.
Greatest of all feelings, by far,
orgasms, strictly speaking, are
a good way to keep yourself sane
and feel like a human again.
Orgasms, strictly speaking, are
Mother Nature's response to pain.
OMG oaa OM

Oh My God! oaa -- Oh MY! ;)
UnderYourSpell said:
Pick Your Own?

orchard of orgasm trees!
that's better, much better.
so caught up with orgasm itself, failed to see that obvious application.

Honey! Look! An orgasm orchard!
Ohh, look at it, rows and rows
and they are ripe. We have no choice, but to stop and look, pick a couple?

Nahh, not so fast. Still a few hours. As usual came too late. It's hard to choose just one orgasm, they all invite, each one that I see, though they appear alike to the naked eye, only closer look reveals the unique shape and peculiarities of each. Surrounded and bombarded, want each orgasm, but must leave some for another who really needs it. Just grab a few. We'll taste one or two each day. And we know where they grow, this secluded orgasm orchard.

Nothing like an orgasm orchard to save one from the clutches of erotic prose.
Now, it is proper to bestow credit and thanks to the seed that brought this idea to fruition, so a big juicy orgasm from the orgasm orchard, to the member with a username, UnderYourSpell.

to play the mighty orgasm
he had to use his feet
on the carpeted pedals
as well as his hands
on the many stops
finally the sound explodes
to fill the empty pews
except for her
longing for a fag
hmmnmm said:
orchard of orgasm trees!
that's better, much better.
so caught up with orgasm itself, failed to see that obvious application.

Honey! Look! An orgasm orchard!
Ohh, look at it, rows and rows
and they are ripe. We have no choice, but to stop and look, pick a couple?

Nahh, not so fast. Still a few hours. As usual came too late. It's hard to choose just one orgasm, they all invite, each one that I see, though they appear alike to the naked eye, only closer look reveals the unique shape and peculiarities of each. Surrounded and bombarded, want each orgasm, but must leave some for another who really needs it. Just grab a few. We'll taste one or two each day. And we know where they grow, this secluded orgasm orchard.

Nothing like an orgasm orchard to save one from the clutches of erotic prose.
Now, it is proper to bestow credit and thanks to the seed that brought this idea to fruition, so a big juicy orgasm from the orgasm orchard, to the member with a username, UnderYourSpell.

I am with you I can taste your orgasms like never before .. some sweet .. some bittersweet from being plucked from a forbidden tree .. some from a newly awakened maiden like a leaf freshly opened on the tree.. the best ones growing from the upmost branches only plucked by those that dare reach such extremes ..
Hello, citizen Tihmmnmm with a message that is special,
blind testimonials rub against my grains
just to dispel doubts and understandable suspicions
so please lend ear, elixir news I bestow
sometimes nothing closes your day quite like refreshing

homemakers and family men, this syrup in the bottle
you can’t see that I hold it, but trust it is so
a tablespoon before bed, another on the lifting of slumber
gulp it down, this elixir thou shalt not spit
I wish all souls try this that I hold in my hand, for all deserve
first timer

In the end you die
continue on that path
it comes sooner
like an orgasm that never evolves
he loves
she loves
he lies
and then you are at line one

I saw it in your eyes,
the frustration of partial loving,
the inability to make your body work
as your mind expected.
It was good, though,
better than good
the way your hands
smoothed my brow,
gentled my trembles
and built them
one on top of another
until the room held no walls,
no ceiling,
and laying flat on the bed
was all that kept me falling
through one orgasm after another.

(FINALLY managed to write one for here - it needs editing and a title, something to work on later. - added to today's 30/30 )
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