Monthly Poetry Challenge - September 2007

manipulatrix said:
Love moves through us like waves, of space, of time. We are on a continuum of love and lust and longing; we all have those waves moving through us like radio waves like light waves like radioactive waves too small too narrow of a bandwidth for the naked eye to see.

If we could see it with magic glasses, with a subatomic microscop,e with our hearts we would see it moving in the air around us.

And like radiation we would see how it makes us glow, makes us decompose, makes us implode again and again and again as the waves wash over us, wash through us, wash us clean to love again.

There is no end to waves no beginning there is just the endless curving symmetry striking us through the heart, the loins, the head.

Love has a half-life that exists somewhere in the present and the past and the now especially the now the now the now and so when I loved you first, I loved you last. I loved you on this wave that we will ride forever because I heard a fairy tale that energy never dies it is only transformed like we are by the waves that move through us.

Saving your left-hook for the end game, eh?

Well, ok.

I am loving all of these. It's great to see all the different pieces that sprang from the same base. Isn't it wonderful and exciting how different we all are? But they are all so lovely..good thing this isn't a contest and I am not a judge. More, more!!Not much time left..Did I mention I would like more? :D
manipulatrix said:
tzara wore an unexpectedly poignant bathing suit? and I missed it?


You're in charge; tell him to put it back on.

And I don't know about hmmmnmmm's bathing suit, or his poignancy in general, but his entry in this is rather fine too. He may give TZ's bathing suit a run for its poignant money.

manipulatrix said:
tzara wore an unexpectedly poignant bathing suit? and I missed it?

If I were to wear a bathing suit, it would in no way be poignant, except perhaps for the designer of said suit. BJ had me in a string bikini at one point, but then happily decided it might be better if she donned that herself. A wise, and aesthetically well-considered, decision.

Carry on, Your Manipulatrixness. :kiss: