Moochie’s Mementos (and a pic or two)

Take a moment to meet Monty.
He’s my miracle.
I’ve never been a proud plant mom.
In fact, I have several sickly plants and
A bad track record of plant unintentional sadism.
But Monty…
He has done nothing but thrive since I got him.
He’s a monstera delisciosa and I’m pretty sure I need to help him climb soon,
But I’m scared.
Scared to let him get too big for me to care for him.
Scared to allow him more room in my life to grow.
Scared not to do right by him and give what he needs.
I’m just scared.
All the time.
And not just for Monty
But for life.
I’m scared to live the way I want to.
I’m scared to not live the way I need to.
I’m scared for my family.
I’m scared for my patients.
I’m scared to wake up
And I’m scared that I won’t.
Fear is halting
And changing
And I try so hard to hit it

Cross my fingers and knock on wood
I won’t over or under water this beautiful plant.
Take a moment to meet Monty.
He’s my miracle.
I’ve never been a proud plant mom.
In fact, I have several sickly plants and
A bad track record of plant unintentional sadism.
But Monty…
He has done nothing but thrive since I got him.
He’s a monstera delisciosa and I’m pretty sure I need to help him climb soon,
But I’m scared.
Scared to let him get too big for me to care for him.
Scared to allow him more room in my life to grow.
Scared not to do right by him and give what he needs.
I’m just scared.
All the time.
And not just for Monty
But for life.
I’m scared to live the way I want to.
I’m scared to not live the way I need to.
I’m scared for my family.
I’m scared for my patients.
I’m scared to wake up
And I’m scared that I won’t.
Fear is halting
And changing
And I try so hard to hit it

Cross my fingers and knock on wood
I won’t over or under water this beautiful plant.
I love thos on so many levels!
Take a moment to meet Monty.
He’s my miracle.
I’ve never been a proud plant mom.
In fact, I have several sickly plants and
A bad track record of plant unintentional sadism.
But Monty…
He has done nothing but thrive since I got him.
He’s a monstera delisciosa and I’m pretty sure I need to help him climb soon,
But I’m scared.
Scared to let him get too big for me to care for him.
Scared to allow him more room in my life to grow.
Scared not to do right by him and give what he needs.
I’m just scared.
All the time.
And not just for Monty
But for life.
I’m scared to live the way I want to.
I’m scared to not live the way I need to.
I’m scared for my family.
I’m scared for my patients.
I’m scared to wake up
And I’m scared that I won’t.
Fear is halting
And changing
And I try so hard to hit it

Cross my fingers and knock on wood
I won’t over or under water this beautiful plant.
You have had much better luck than me. I no longer allow any plants in the house as they never last more than a few weeks at worst or a couple of months at best.
Take a moment to meet Monty.
He’s my miracle.
I’ve never been a proud plant mom.
In fact, I have several sickly plants and
A bad track record of plant unintentional sadism.
But Monty…
He has done nothing but thrive since I got him.
He’s a monstera delisciosa and I’m pretty sure I need to help him climb soon,
But I’m scared.
Scared to let him get too big for me to care for him.
Scared to allow him more room in my life to grow.
Scared not to do right by him and give what he needs.
I’m just scared.
All the time.
And not just for Monty
But for life.
I’m scared to live the way I want to.
I’m scared to not live the way I need to.
I’m scared for my family.
I’m scared for my patients.
I’m scared to wake up
And I’m scared that I won’t.
Fear is halting
And changing
And I try so hard to hit it

Cross my fingers and knock on wood
I won’t over or under water this beautiful plant.
Beautiful picture Moochie, just as you always are.
Sweet Lady, your words are matched by your beauty. THANK YOU! I to have a plant that just grows, 30 years a gift from my mother when I was in hospital she passed away the next month. I remember that love every day I care for for that special plant.

Be Well and Enjoy the journey,

old borg fred

Some days it literally feels like the world is ending, Fred. You are always so kind. Thank you for sharing your story with me. May these plants live forever, just like the love we feel for them. 💕

A great tribute to a great piece of vegetation, (sorry, lust gets the better of me sometimes. He's a great chlorophyll based lifeform) and his all-too human Mom.

You are doing great with him.

Love the matching outfits. It really highlights your er, hair.

I’m thinking the sunlight is doing all the highlighting for both of us… but thank you. 🤣🌷

Did you make it to the Tulip Festival this year? I waited too long, and it was sold out. :-(

I did! I didn’t buy tickets this year and just went. Lots of traffic as it was last week on Saturday, but we got in and saw such beautiful flowers.

Careful, Moochie. He appears to be one to lay roots with you.

I will be as careful as I can, but he’s in my heart now… no one makes it out of there. 🌷


I love this on so many levels!

I do too! (And thanks) 🌷

You have had much better luck than me. I no longer allow any plants in the house as they never last more than a few weeks at worst or a couple of months at best.

For so long I have been a killer of houseplants, but I’ve decided recently that, if they’re the only plants I see, I should learn to treat them right. I’ve been doing research and am trying to keep the babies alive. 💜


Beautiful picture Moochie, just as you always are.

Thank you, tnman. 🌷
Well Damn. I had read that you couldn't just show up. I will have to remember that next year. Those fields are just gorgeous. :love:
Take a moment to meet Monty.
He’s my miracle.
I’ve never been a proud plant mom.
In fact, I have several sickly plants and
A bad track record of plant unintentional sadism.
But Monty…
He has done nothing but thrive since I got him.
He’s a monstera delisciosa and I’m pretty sure I need to help him climb soon,
But I’m scared.
Scared to let him get too big for me to care for him.
Scared to allow him more room in my life to grow.
Scared not to do right by him and give what he needs.
I’m just scared.
All the time.
And not just for Monty
But for life.
I’m scared to live the way I want to.
I’m scared to not live the way I need to.
I’m scared for my family.
I’m scared for my patients.
I’m scared to wake up
And I’m scared that I won’t.
Fear is halting
And changing
And I try so hard to hit it

Cross my fingers and knock on wood
I won’t over or under water this beautiful plant.
Monty is lucky to be in your house and not mine.
And thank you for the tulip pics. 🌷💜🌷
Just a thought…
I like the way you think. Clear logic poking through a fog of half-baked opposing views, rising to a peak of brilliance. (Yeah, I reached for that last one lol).

Gorgeous, Moochie.

Thank-you for brightening my afternoon.
I love the Black and White.. But I do miss that beautiful hair color in that pic
Hmmm… it is odd, isn’t it - I mention I’m taken (I.e. Daddy) and I get one like from the weekend population.

The thing is, I’ve been “taken” by my husband since 2009 and my Daddy as well since 2018.
What makes me different now?
What makes my breasts less coveted?
Why do I maybe get a like when I mention I belong to someone
When I get so many on a three word post and pic?

Is it because I’ve never been what you want?
Or because when I mention a partner you feel like saying something will step on nonexistent toes?
Let me lay things to rest:
My husband doesn’t know I’m here - at least I don’t think he does.
My SO won’t say a word here and hasn’t posted on lit in years.
It’s just me unless you get me so uncomfortable that I bring a mod (likely my fav, TPH, who will rain down the pain) into the conversation.

So why don’t you say something
When I post a vulnerable pic?
Why don’t you tell me about your day and how my ass makes it better?
Why am I left thinking I’m not as pretty as the fake guel posters, when I am literally 50 times the baby gurl they are?

Answer me this.
The drooling, demanding lumps are not respectful of boundaries and limits. They dont undersrand your expression of freedom in all its forms.

I know you know some of us are appreciatve of your spirit and everything you share. I wish I had spent more time here instead of fooling around elsewhere. But the Real People if Lit support each other.

That's all.
Hmmm… it is odd, isn’t it - I mention I’m taken (I.e. Daddy) and I get one like from the weekend population.

The thing is, I’ve been “taken” by my husband since 2009 and my Daddy as well since 2018.
What makes me different now?
What makes my breasts less coveted?
Why do I maybe get a like when I mention I belong to someone
When I get so many on a three word post and pic?

Is it because I’ve never been what you want?
Or because when I mention a partner you feel like saying something will step on nonexistent toes?
Let me lay things to rest:
My husband doesn’t know I’m here - at least I don’t think he does.
My SO won’t say a word here and hasn’t posted on lit in years.
It’s just me unless you get me so uncomfortable that I bring a mod (likely my fav, TPH, who will rain down the pain) into the conversation.

So why don’t you say something
When I post a vulnerable pic?
Why don’t you tell me about your day and how my ass makes it better?
Why am I left thinking I’m not as pretty as the fake guel posters, when I am literally 50 times the baby gurl they are?

Answer me this.
Is it really 5 years since Daddy came on the scene, I remember us having some discussions about how DD/lg can work online, and encouraging you in your search.

I, like Tan, am finding my time here is becoming more limited and my commenting in general getting less and using the ‘like’ buttons more. Real life is getting more complicated.

I have noticed as well, several ‘fake girls’ who are not worthy of a single comment or like from me, and they certainly don’t match up to your intellect and beauty in any way.

Even if I don’t comment on your posts, I do look them over and send a ‘like’ your way. This hasn’t changed, and isn’t likely to going forward.
Hmmm… it is odd, isn’t it - I mention I’m taken (I.e. Daddy) and I get one like from the weekend population.

The thing is, I’ve been “taken” by my husband since 2009 and my Daddy as well since 2018.
What makes me different now?
What makes my breasts less coveted?
Why do I maybe get a like when I mention I belong to someone
When I get so many on a three word post and pic?

Is it because I’ve never been what you want?
Or because when I mention a partner you feel like saying something will step on nonexistent toes?
Let me lay things to rest:
My husband doesn’t know I’m here - at least I don’t think he does.
My SO won’t say a word here and hasn’t posted on lit in years.
It’s just me unless you get me so uncomfortable that I bring a mod (likely my fav, TPH, who will rain down the pain) into the conversation.

So why don’t you say something
When I post a vulnerable pic?
Why don’t you tell me about your day and how my ass makes it better?
Why am I left thinking I’m not as pretty as the fake guel posters, when I am literally 50 times the baby gurl they are?

Answer me this.
Moochie, for me I have enjoyed your words as much as your pics. They match and flow in so many ways. Like others my time has been limited due to much in life though mostly health and aging parents. I appreciate you for your work, words, and wisdom. You share much often candidly about your wants and needs. To me you are so desirable on many levels, I can only imagine the fun and freedom of being in your life. Pain and pleasure in someone who can talk it so good and play it better. Thank you for whole you!
I wrote this while upset and not thinking much - instead of pointing, whining, and flailing my arms, I’m going to simply be away from lit for a while.

Be safe and kind to yourselves.
Lovely Lady, You too.
*sending more hugs*
I hope you find your peace, @Moochienanu.
We all need a break sometimes.
Please be safe. Take care of you.
I'm only a pm away if you need someone to talk to. 🤗🤗🤗🌹🌹🌹