Moonlight Sonata

Hmm, although I like aggressive/angry music and it can put me in the mood, I've never actually scened to it, considering it too distracting. I'm thinking perhaps a night of Jane's Addiction (if Mistress could be convinced, that is). :)
"Army of Me" by Bjork is outstanding, but then, it's Bjork. Kinda goes without saying as far as I'm concerned. Not only is it BDSM themed, but it's also set to a very acievable, yet still jackhammer tempo. I just love fucking to that one.
majka said:
I just finished playing a few bars of it on the piano and realized what a great song that would be to hear in the background while blindfolded, bound and....

Is there any music that inspires you (litsters)?

I would have so say Fur Elise is one of my favorites. One of his shortest works but one of the best for me.
Re: Re: Moonlight Sonata

leathercrow said:
I would have so say Fur Elise is one of my favorites. One of his shortest works but one of the best for me.

That one's nice, too...just played it last night. But I realized why I don't play it that often - it's short to hear, and beautiful, too, but LONG to play...repetitious and tedious. I lose patience with it too easily!

I'm not all about the "Piano Lesson" peices like Fur Elise, Ravel's Bolero, or Moonlight Sonanta on musical grounds. Sure, they sound all right, and are hard to play, but there's just no content. I guess they'd be alright to fuck too, because they've got a definite rythm, but I'd rather go with Greig's "Hall of the Mountain King" for that steady increasing temo, and Fortissitude.
Someone in another thread brought up "Carmina Burhana(sp?)" and I can dig on the "O Fortuna" portion for scening because it's got an operatic quality to it. There's vast portions of Gotterdamurung(Sp?) that have the same overwhelmming sound. The one classical peice I enjoyed the most for Dominating is the little fugue in E minor By J.S.Bach. While it doesn't creshendo like the others, it makes up for cheap "Surprise Symphony" power with mind numbing complexity. Much easier to talk over too. I like "Baba Yadga's Hut" from "Pictures at an Exhibition" the same. It's not overwhelming, but it's definitely got that relentless Macabre feel.
There's more, but I'll save it. You get the idea.
psiberzerker said:
I'm not all about the "Piano Lesson" peices like Fur Elise, Ravel's Bolero, or Moonlight Sonanta on musical grounds. Sure, they sound all right, and are hard to play, but there's just no content. I guess they'd be alright to fuck too, because they've got a definite rythm, but I'd rather go with Greig's "Hall of the Mountain King" for that steady increasing temo, and Fortissitude.

I'm sure those are good tips. I look forward to checking them out.
I definitely got off topic there, though, didn't I? big OOPS.

I don't think I can agree w/ you that there's no content in the Moonlight Sonata...Perhaps I don't understand what you mean by "content".
Quint said:
Carmina Burana, the entirety but especially the first act, "O Fortuna," which although the name may not sound familiar, anyone who has ever been to a movie in their life will recognize it. It's that popular/overused. Nevertheless, very very powerful music with amazing dynamics.

"O Fortuna" is a fav of mine, but it's not long enough to get much sexual gratification going during it. (The version I have lasts less than three minutes.)

I am very fond of Moonlight Sonata also, but though it's deep, it's a tad slow. Bach is more intense.

Almost any musical piece with thunderous, heavy bells appeals to me.
Artina Heartflash said:
"Aching Hunger"? "Bad Horsie"? "For the Love of God"? ...
Yep, and "Tender Surrender", "Blue Powder", any of those burning mid-tempo things he does.
Scratching back into the brain cells the one that came to mind outside some heavy rock or Marilyn Manson was something totally different to these in the track from A Star Is Born (Barbra Streisand), With One More Look At You/Watch Closely Now which starts off so slow, soft,and melodic to build to the teasing slow, then rocking beat and raw emotion of Watch Closely Now. Is one of my all time favourites as I am a sucker for pace and volume changes in a piece of music anyday. Lyrics are fairly good too for a scene.


With one more look at you
I could learn to tame the clouds
And let the sun shine through
Leave a troubled past and I might start anew
I'll solve the mysteries if you're the prize
Refresh these tired eyes
With one more look at you
I might overcome the anger
That I learned to know
Find a piece of mind I lost so long ago
Your gentle touch has made me strong again
And I belong again
For when you look at me
I'm everything and more that I had dreamed I'd be
My spirit feels a promise
I won't be alone
We'll love and live more
Love and live forever
With one more look at you
I'd learn to change the stars
And change our fortunes too
I'd have the constellations paint your portrait too
So all the world might share this wonderous sight
The world could end each night
With one more look at you
With one more look at you
I want one more look at you
Are you watching me now?
Watch closely now
Your eyes are like fingers
Touching my body
Arousing me so
I'm riding the passion arising inside me
How high can I go?
You're coming with me: I'm gonna show you how
And when it's scary, I won't look down
Are you watching me now?
Watch closely now
I see the hunger arise in your eyes
And it's urging me on
Higher and harder and it's faster and farther
Than I've ever gone
Your pleasure is part of the secret
Of flight that I found
When I feel like an eagle
My soul has no place on the ground
Born out of madness
I'll double the danger with no net at all,
If you don't look away I'm secure
In the fact that you won't let me fall
Watch closely now
Are you watching me now?
I'm the master magician
Who'll help you escape
From the lies you've been told
When they're breaking your back
Bring the last straw to me
I turn straw into glod
I break chains made of boredom that others have lived with for years
I leave good news on doorsteps
And laughs where there used to be tears
I'm gonna need you later
When you're not around
But I can take it
I won't look down
Watch closely now
Are you watching me now?
Watch me now
Are you watching me now?
Are you watching me now?

In high school my Latin teacher used to translate the Carmina Burana with us... they're actually Medieval folk songs, critizising the church and glorifying booze, gambling and love... the songs are full of implicit sexual lyrics, 'conquer me with your spear' and stuff... no wonder its so popular over here....;)

Personally I used to fuck wild on Lenny Kravitz 'Mr Cab Driver', no particular reason, just a good beat...
wolf2002 said:
Personally I used to fuck wild on Lenny Kravitz 'Mr Cab Driver', no particular reason, just a good beat...

Wolfie, how many times did you have to cry, "let me in"? ;)

I get challenged hearing Lenny's version of "American Woman".
And "Black Velveteen".

Black Velveteen
Simple and clean
Oh what a bad machine
Black Velveteen
Supple and lean
The 21st century dream
Ready to please
Free from disease
She's waiting on her knees
It's not a sin
Titanium skin
Just take her for a spin
Black Velveteen
Simple and clean
Oh what a bad machine
Black Velveteen
Supple and lean
The 21st century dream
Nice piece of kit
Electronic clit
Just sit down for a fit
Ready to trip
A guaranteed hit
She's all you ever wished
Black Velveteen don't give a damn she'll do dishes
Black Velveteen knows all the night spots in France
Black Velveteen's cat smells like strawberry kittens
Black Velveteen always is ready to dance
Black Velveteen
Simple and clean
Oh what a bad machine
Black Velveteen
Supple and lean
The 21st century dream
Black Velveteen don't give a damn she'll do dishes
Black Velveteen knows all the night spots in France
Black Velveteen's cat smells like strawberry kittens
Black Velveteen always is ready to dance
Black Velveteen
Simple and clean
Oh what a bad machine
Black Velveteen
Supple and lean
The 21st century dream
Classical music is my favorite genre. In addition to what has been mentioned, I will add Rossini and Vivaldi to the list.

I have also been listening to David Bowie's "Reality" lately and think it has some potential. :devil:
Just for a change of pace, since alt rock is my everyday music of choice, I occasionally like to play something with a Mid-eastern feel. I have several instrumental tunes featuring Ravi Shankar, Morning Love being one. Some how his sitar playing seems to lend and exotic/erotic almost mystical feeling.