More fodder for the race baiters.

When it comes to all these federal "Equality" programs, I have realized over the years that they all have the same flaw.

Whenever you "Mandate" that a certain group MUST be included, you are also "Mandating" that other groups MUST be excluded.

The end result is that you are creating the mirror image of that which you profess to oppose.

How many times have we all seen this play out? How many more times until we learn.

This isn't about Dems or Repubs,,,,, it's about doing what's best. And that usually means keeping the government out of it.
Exactly, and as pointed out by Hayak, that creates competition for government and that leads to (in his case) Hitler...

;) ;)
When the government gets powerful enough to fight over, the people will fight over it, and to the victors go the spoils, thus setting up the next fight.
A_J, the Stupid
OH Petey...

I recommend a degree in Hispanic Studies.

Robert Weissberg is Professor of Political Science-Emeritus, University of Illinois-Urbana.
The American Thinker


However, a few classes in Chinese might help me get through this summer class.
I love watching an Ishtard-AJ love in with Vettebigot clamouring for scraps.