Morning Coffee And Sweet Surprises (Closed to Poprockz)

"Oh, Artemis is this hot red-headed zombie guy who was vacationing here when shit went down. Apparently he went to the same school Angelique went to, but like, a couple grades down." Lisa answered excitedly, always happy to gush about him, it seemed.

One of the other women piped up in response to the questions about bearing eggs. "Hell yeah, we get benefits! We can basically eat whatever we want, and the egg-heat is something else! Like... I know it's kind of like, weird to say, but like, there's nothing quite like it. It feels super good."

The others nodded, some more shyly than others. Sayori blushed and avoided Cora's gaze. She too knew what they meant by that- it had been like the most exquisite fire burning her up inside with lust. And when that lust was satisfied... It had been so very satisfying, as though her very soul was being fulfilled. She assumed that was what everyone felt like during that birth period.

"We don't get to go to the club or anything though..." Martsia grumbled.

"The club?" Sayori asked, lifting her head with interest.

Martsia nodded. "Yeah... They've got a bona-fide club here with music and stuff, but you have to be invited."

"Why can't you guys go?" The smaller woman tilted her head curiously.

The women traded looks and the older one shrugged and said, "well, Angelique doesn't want us in that space because she doesn't want anything happening with us or the eggs or anything. Some people like taking party drugs, and she doesn't want to take that chance."
Sayori avoiding her gaze made her blush slightly out of embarrassment for what had happened between them-Sayori and her brother. She had no ill feelings towards Sayori and deeply felt it in her gut that this was a good women. Had they both been in their right minds, they never would have done something like that without first having a conversation. But it was clear that the two of them would be feeling the effects for a long time to come, so Cora would simply begin to make it a habit to act as if she didn't even notice anything was wrong.

So, a redheaded half zombie with a unique name? Shouldn't be too hard to spot him in a crowd. And if he went to the same school as Angelique then he was definitely someone who Cora wanted to avoid. The information about the club was certainly interesting but not what she was looking for. She couldn't focus on anything other than getting out of there, and therefore the club was not something she imagined would be in their future. But in the interest of keeping the girls talking, she went ahead and played along, hoping she could steer the conversation a bit later.

"Well that's understandable. People can be unpredictable sometimes, unfortunately... Ahem, anyway. It doesn't sound like to bad of a gig. Being pampered with a side of pleasure?" she laughed, looking around to get a read of the room.

"Where do you sign up?" she said, laughing again and leaving it a bit open ended as to whether or not she was joking.

"Although I guess I should probably read the fine print. Like, is this a Beauty and the Beast situation? Are you girls not allowed in the west wing?"
The girls looked happy to have someone to talk to, appreciating her interest and lack of condemnation for what they were doing. It only made them more willing to chat with them.

"I mean, just the club for the most part," Martsia mused.

"Actually," the older woman interjected, "we're not allowed to go up to the top floor either, but that's because of Sophia." The women traded uncomfortable and pitying looks.

"Who's that?" Sayori reached for some chips and took a bite of one.

There was a bit of quietness for a moment before Lisa spoke up, "She's... well, she's Angelique's fiancé. I think Angelique is poly, but she's nuts about Sophia."

"We don't really see her much though..." one of them said, looking down at the snacks. "She's immunocompromised and struggles with mental health issues, so Angelique keeps her away from the rest of us. Apparently they're high-school sweethearts."
Why was she getting a pit in the bottom of her stomach? Something about what they were describing just felt...wrong. She didn't believe Sophia was just an innocent partner of Angeliques, at least not in the way it was being betrayed. What was it about what they had said, was bothering her so much? It felt...familiar. Well, it didn't matter a whole lot at the moment. But it was a check mark on a small list of information that she could share with Quinton later.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I hope she is able to get some help. I won't sit here and pretend to know what I'm talking about, but from my own personal experience with mental health struggles, it can really take a toll on you to be isolated. For her sake I hope she can get to a point where she can come and gossip with you lovely ladies."

This time when Cora smiled, there was some genuine warmth behind it. Whoever these girls were, she doubted they truly understood the implications of who it was they were working with. So many innocent people so often played unwilling roles in a cruel world, and she had no doubt that these women only wanted the best for Angelique and this Sophia woman.

She was quiet for a moment, letting the conversation settle and allowing the girls to pick up the reigns. Cora feared that if she kept prodding, it might began to feel unnatural, and therefore apparent just what it was she was doing here.
She received warm smiles back, and the older woman simply sighed before saying, "well, at least she gets to come to shows and such. Angelique always has her watching from the VIP balcony, and she's always with one of the zombies. I think it's because they can't get sick anymore or something."

There was more idle chatter here and there before one of the girls leaned forward curiously with her head resting on her hands and her hands resting on her knees. "So... tell us about the outside a bit. Like... Is society nonexistent at this point?"

The other women looked a little bit nervous at the question, as though they hoped that it wasn't true. To know that there was little left of the former world they knew was a nail in the coffin for their modern way of living.