My Father, My Friend

Angeline, I forgot to answer your question about song writing. I don't know the first thing about music notes and what not, but do draw great inspiration from music and it is a huge influence on my writing. In fact, I refer to myself more as a lyricist than as a poet. I have been asked many times to put my poetry to music but have yet to do so. I'm a huge fan of Jimmy Buffett's music and the only time I seriously tried my hand at song writing was when I submitted some lyrics to him. I did get a hand-written letter back in October of 2005 saying he was considering recording it. I've included it below......

Tipsy Gypsy

Fifty some odd years ago
he was a sailor in his prime
Eager to learn the things he didn't know
readin' pirate novels from the five and dime

But time faded like a sunset
and stole his youth away
Now he lives on an island hamlet
where he dreams of yesterday

Chorus: They call him the tipsy gypsy
as he stumbles from bar to bar
How he longs to trace Orion's face
but his shaky fingers can't reach that far

There's a winter squall brewin' on the sea
and the waves are rollin' in
He harkens back to a time when he was free
though he can barely remember when

Because time faded like a sunset
and brought him here today
Where he lives alone with deep regret
so far removed from yesterday

Chorus: They call him the tipsy gypsy
as he passes out on the floor
but tonight in his dreams he'll recapture the means
and sail his ship to a distant shore

Bridge: Once upon a time
he was guilty of the crime
of being a man of the water and a practiced schemer
of loving the sea and his rusty steamer
A shrimpboat captain and a nautical wheeler
he steered his vessel with the trained eye of a blackjack dealer
A jolly old soul who was loved by all
the gypsy pitched his anchor at his final port of call

Chorus: They called him the tipsy gypsy
as they buried him by the shore
but he'll ride the breeze and pilot the seas
as a part of the old folklore