My First ..nuub,so i hope i got it rite

BooMerengue said:
What are YOU smokin???? I never finished/entered one. :rolleyes:

I need a new Av. I've cooled off enough. Anyone got any suggestions?

*wondering if I'm gonna regret this...

Oh good grief, I could've sworn I read it?! Maybe you posted it on a thread...?

Hell, I'll have a hunt tomorrow and see if I can find what I was looking at.

New Ave? Hmm, something sweet and innocent. No. Wait. Something where you're on top of the world. Where nothing and nobody got in your way. Something SEXY. Striking. Straight Up!

wildsweetone said:
Oh good grief, I could've sworn I read it?! Maybe you posted it on a thread...?

Hell, I'll have a hunt tomorrow and see if I can find what I was looking at.

New Ave? Hmm, something sweet and innocent. No. Wait. Something where you're on top of the world. Where nothing and nobody got in your way. Something SEXY. Striking. Straight Up!


I did a Glosa a very long time ago. But recently we had another Challenge and I picked up a pen, and instantly went brain dead.

hmmm. I think you got the right idea! lol But I better wait til this slap fight is over, huh?
FlixRKix said:
OK..I posted to the wrong place..There..I feel better,now that I've said that..I was just looking for a place to post,maybe get to know some people,then,with some people that I may identify with,get some constructive criticism.My fault entirely.When I removed it,that went wrong too,so, oh well.Not the end of the world,either..
As for the whole issue of the lunar display,well,there's a time at sunset,that the colors actually highlight the moon..To me..A lunar display.To others,something different..Difference being,i don't critique,what i don't understand..
Sorry for the misunderstanding..I was my mistake,that started it all,anyway

If you want to introduce yourself and share your work and get some tips at the same time you should check out my thread 'Recognition for new poets' you might find it helpful :rose: