My girlfriend has talked me to tears.

K. was more than happy with the gifts. I was more than happy to see her in my favorite outfit.

Shoes and a smile:D

If you had to exchange an expensive gift to receive sexual favours, doesn't this run pretty close to prostitution :confused:

Mind you, nearly every interpersonal transaction does. :eek:
Quasimodem said:
If you had to exchange an expensive gift to receive sexual favours, doesn't this run pretty close to prostitution :confused:
Oh, Quazzz: leave it to a man to cast a long shadow. Dest's original issue was NOT about sex.

I used to like buying prezzies for my men, but it wasn't so they'd drop their pants.

harrumph, Perdita
Quasimodem said:

If you had to exchange an expensive gift to receive sexual favours, doesn't this run pretty close to prostitution :confused:

Mind you, nearly every interpersonal transaction does. :eek:

I didn't have to give her a gift to get sex. I had to give her the gift because we had a fight.

Anyway it worked she wants me to "marry" her so there:nana:
gauchecritic said:
As do several other girlies on these threads.
Oh, Gauche-hombre,

Girlies know how to flirt with each other so no one gets scared. We suss each other out and then just have fun with it. I love to grab at my gf's tits or get nasty lewd but they know I don't want to fuck (well, mostly).

gauchecritic said:
As do several other girlies on these threads.


Well I'm taken. Although I'm not adverse to flirting and cheap paltry tricks to get my attention:kiss:
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perdita said:
Oh, Gauche-hombre,

Girlies know how to flirt with each other so no one gets scared. We suss each other out and then just have fun with it. I love to grab at my gf's tits or get nasty lewd but they know I don't want to fuck (well, mostly).


Quasimodem said:

If you had to exchange an expensive gift to receive sexual favours, doesn't this run pretty close to prostitution :confused:

Mind you, nearly every interpersonal transaction does. :eek:

Careful quasi you can't be calling my fiance a prostitute on a whim got it.

ROTHFLMFAOASTC = Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Fucking Ass Off And Scaring The Cat. :D
Quasimodem said:
ROTHFLMFAOASTC = Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Fucking Ass Off And Scaring The Cat.
Well, now that you've cleared that up for me, just what was so funny about my post? Really, I don't get it.

Perplexed Perd

p.s. I wonder if Gauche will think it funny. Rather doubt it; he's so particular about girlie components (physical and other).
Is the GF who talked you to tears the same one who has proposed and been accepted? I assume she is.

Congratulations and modified rapture.

Is this thread now redundant because she was talking you to tears while working herself up to propose? What would her reaction be to reading this thread?

Concerned Og
Now I'm confused and slightly dissapointed.

Confusion: I'm not taking the piss honestly. I'd really like to know. Who gets the ring? If there're two are they both girly rings?

Dissapointment: I was expecting a pic of a completely different sort of ring.:(

oggbashan said:
Is the GF who talked you to tears the same one who has proposed and been accepted? I assume she is.

Congratulations and modified rapture.

Is this thread now redundant because she was talking you to tears while working herself up to propose? What would her reaction be to reading this thread?

Concerned Og
I wouldn't say it's redundant, unless she's been working up to proposing to me for 4 yrs (that's how long we've been dating). She's just one of those people who has to analyze and talk everything over. She's way more extroverted than I am. I see a man fall over in the street and I say damn that's crazy. She see's the same man and she wants to know who he is and what lead him to the point in his life where he would keel over in the street and why. As for how she would react we would have to discuss it ad nauseum which has already happened. I tell her all the time she talks to much but she just says I don't talk enough.
gauchecritic said:
Now I'm confused and slightly dissapointed.

Confusion: I'm not taking the piss honestly. I'd really like to know. Who gets the ring? If there're two are they both girly rings?

Dissapointment: I was expecting a pic of a completely different sort of ring.:(


We both get a ring I from her and she from me. I'll probably design one for her though as I'm more artistically incline and I do know how to make set and design jewlry. I'll design it then take it to tiffany's to pick the stone and the metal. So we wont have matching engagement rings but I'll get her a nice matching band.
Now I need to decide what to wear. I'm thinking classic chanel circa early 20's blck suit w/pencil skirt gloves and hat. Very Jackie O with a lot more dramatic flair.

pS: both of our fathers are paying for the wedding as there was some aurgument over who would pay for their "little girl's" wedding. Plus my mothe and her mother are both mother of the bride so to speak. This is going to be chaos but there's always the honey moon I'm thinking italy but I have to discuss it with K
destinie21 said:
This is going to be chaos but there's always the honey moon I'm thinking italy but I have to discuss it with K

Here's an idea for a honeymoon. Fly to England, see London for a day or two (boring). Then Yorkshire, take in the scenery. Go to Doncaster (still Yorkshire) and catch the Orient Express to Venice. Week in Venice. Romantic no?

Ok, I don't mean to be rude or anything, so if any of you take offence at this, just let it go right on out the window.

Destinie - If you are both in love and in lust, wouldn't a simple 69 quiet your partner? Or at least change the form of your social intercourse?

But then again, it sounds as if maybe a pattern presents itself here, she talks, you get bored, she keeps talking, you tell her to stop, she cries, you get her something, she gets naked, you get happy, she gets happy, she talks...

Making up is good to do.

ps. I really like your picture of her too. Wow, I think I could listen to her.

Venice is my (and many other's favorite place on earth.) You know the pictures but to be there is another reality. Best time is off-season (too crowded in summer, though I'd love to go for Carnevale some day). I know of two ideal/idyllic places to stay, but there are many at any Euro level (I was so sad to see the Lira go).

A gondola ride at twilight will have you two making your gondolier blush, and believe me, Veneziani don't blush that easily, haha. Venezia is not Italy, and the people make the distinction, Veneziano vs. Italiano, but it's a great introduction to a people who know how to live Life. There's great art too, you will be stunned.

Your early Chanel sounds chic-de-chic.

Perdita :heart:
ffreak said:
Ok, I don't mean to be rude or anything, so if any of you take offence at this, just let it go right on out the window.

Destinie - If you are both in love and in lust, wouldn't a simple 69 quiet your partner? Or at least change the form of your social intercourse?

But then again, it sounds as if maybe a pattern presents itself here, she talks, you get bored, she keeps talking, you tell her to stop, she cries, you get her something, she gets naked, you get happy, she gets happy, she talks...

Making up is good to do.

ps. I really like your picture of her too. Wow, I think I could listen to her.

Because I love her I wouldn't completely ignore her feeling just to get right to sex. If we're having a problem then my first priority is to straighten things out on the emotional level before we make love. I would never want her to be a "Fucked" by me. I could have that with anyone. Also I'd like to point out that I buy her things all the time as she does for me. It's not a necessity but it's nice that I can. She was withj me through the lean times so now that I can I spoil her. I'd also like to point out despite the nature of my original post which was made in frustratin and anger part of the problem is me. I'm very introverted and private. I don't need to talk things over I can generally resolve things on my own. if I have a bad day I write or draw or whatever then I'm over it. She on the other hand is extroverted and will tell me what happened and so on. Take note I never said I was bored with her talking or what she has to say, I just want quiet sometimes. We're both working on it, I'm trying to be more open and all, It's weird when for the first 17 yrs of my life no one paticulary cared what was going on in my head then the next 4 years someone wants to know it all. I'm adjusting though and she's trying which is what matters.

pS: I know she's beautiful but I can't tell if she's beautiful to me because I love her. I work in fashion so I see my share of beautiful people but not a single one of them makes my heart skip a beat with a smile, plus K. has the amazing ability to make me blush with a slow knowing look.
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destinie21 said:
K. has the amazing ability to make me blush with a slow knowing look.
That's it, Dest. I know that feeling well, nothing like it, eh?

Perdita :heart: