My very first rant :)

Thank you for this thread!

Thru/through (see readers complaint in red) Lit I have been trying to express myself and I appreciate Lit being there to make it possible.

I've never written erotica before and I have enjoyed the opportunity to do it here. I have received many anonymous opinions, many favorable and a few negative. What bothers me are the people who have emailed me recently who are so insensative with their approach, as in one I received today about my Santa story:

Yet another illiterate


It's 'THROUGH' not thru You got one star because you can't even be bothered to write properly.

Another one I got from a male the other day, complained about the way I described a scene and then said how it should have been written. The way he wrote it I'm sure he was a young man who had no sexual experience AT ALL!

I'm trying very hard to write a good story and use good grammer. I know I make mistakes. Even spell-check has let me down. I've read and reread and rereread and yet I can't believe something gets thru/through. Mabey at my age the cranium is getting thick.

Maybe I should use my old line. When someone tries to one up me I say, "Yea, but do you know fractions?" That usually shuts them up.

The only problem I find with the neg. email comments are you can't write back to them. They walk away with a smirk on their stupid faces.

So my only option is to turn off all emails from readers. I hate to do that.

Anyway, thanks again Lit authors.
Howdy from a rank newb. Loved the rant. I live in Texas, and that's germane because among the American Taliban who dominate discourse in my county, I see a great deal of wicked perversity. More than a few high-standing Preachers who shriek all Sunday about the perils of homosexuality are later discovered sucking off young men, for example.

My sense is that especially in the LW comment rodeo, a lot of folks read stories that fascinate and excite them, and are terrified or disgusted by their own response. Thus they feel compelled to lash out, as if berating the author will somehow cancel out the horror they experience at their own erotic imaginings.

Of course, the vast majority of comments probably come from 14 year old kids with nothing better to do than to hurl invective. I do like my little pet theory, though.
Thru/through (see readers complaint in red) Lit I have been trying to express myself and I appreciate Lit being there to make it possible.

I've never written erotica before and I have enjoyed the opportunity to do it here. I have received many anonymous opinions, many favorable and a few negative. What bothers me are the people who have emailed me recently who are so insensative with their approach, as in one I received today about my Santa story:

Yet another illiterate


It's 'THROUGH' not thru You got one star because you can't even be bothered to write properly.

Another one I got from a male the other day, complained about the way I described a scene and then said how it should have been written. The way he wrote it I'm sure he was a young man who had no sexual experience AT ALL!

I'm trying very hard to write a good story and use good grammer. I know I make mistakes. Even spell-check has let me down. I've read and reread and rereread and yet I can't believe something gets thru/through. Mabey at my age the cranium is getting thick.

Maybe I should use my old line. When someone tries to one up me I say, "Yea, but do you know fractions?" That usually shuts them up.

The only problem I find with the neg. email comments are you can't write back to them. They walk away with a smirk on their stupid faces.

So my only option is to turn off all emails from readers. I hate to do that.

Anyway, thanks again Lit authors.

Well, there isn't such a word as "thru" in formal language. Erotica is literature, not shorthand. You'll find it in the dictionary, but it's the sort of "not-yet-fully-accepted" word that will throw the a reader out of your story (as evidenced by the reader who objected to it). And throwing the reader out of your story really shouldn't be one your goals in offering a story for public reading.

That said, I'd agree it isn't anything to hyperventilate about.

But if you are going to hyperventilate about such comments from readers, you probably should try to figure out what bothered them and check out what might be a legitimate complaint.
slammed by drive bys

I agree with this threads originator. The non filled out profiles of authors and the annonymous feedback posters are crude, their observations are not constructed very thoroughly, most are confusing, and arrogantly written in a texting language writers are ashamed to even know of. But what else can be expected from those that have never read a book or experienced life? They are for the most part written from in the me me me fast lane, the back seat or from a Starbucks table. If a way to find out who they are and where they live was available and implemented, they'd be around sixteen - twenty-six years old and still living at home with mom and or dad. ;)
But only the anonymous commenters who pan the story, right? The anonymous commenters who praise it are brilliant, right? :D
One could argue, incidentally, that there is a lesson to be learned here that goes well beyond obnoxious comments on erotica. Any writer, or heck, any artist of ANY kind, has to deal with critics.

I'm sure there are writers like Hemingway and so forth who had some critic write a scathing review of one of his books.

At the end of the day, I think one of the most essential qualities of a writer is the ability to sift through the mountains of criticism - some well-intentioned, some not - and find the nuggets that will help you improve your work. And then the further ability to flush the rest of it from your mind permanently, without dwelling on it. :)

Easier said that done, especially for those of us who don't have a lot of experience with putting our writing out into the public eye.

Good luck! :)

At the end of the day, I think one of the most essential qualities of a writer is the ability to sift through the mountains of criticism - some well-intentioned, some not - and find the nuggets that will help you improve your work. And then the further ability to flush the rest of it from your mind permanently, without dwelling on it. :)

A long time before the end of the day, a prolific writer will have felt comfortable enough in his/her storytelling and writing ability to not be reading what the critics say about the writing at all. Just focusing on writing more of what they are comfortable and feel confident writing.
.... And the ones that get me are those (especially in LW I have noticed, but I am not pointing fingers!) who claim to know the difference between fantasy and real life (some fantasies are acted upon while others are not) yet say things like "I cannot believe you would let your wife do such a thing" or "the character obviously has no moral qualities, somebody who would succumb to such temptation does not truly love their spouse" after reading a fictional story based on a fantasy.

Dear Ella:

I am guessing you either read some comments from my LW story, or the same person is writing the same drivel on lots of stories! I am amazed almost every time I "lurk" through some of the comments and forums how much negativity there is here in Lit. Kind of sad, really, and I actually let it get to me not long ago before some wonderful new friends reached out to me and gave me some great advice.

(Basically the advice was "Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke!")

I'm really glad you spoke up, honestly. Although I have been a member on Lit for almost a year, I've only been wandering on the threads since about October. While I find the majority of posters to be genuinely nice people who act civilly, there are a handful who are just damned rude, opinionated, and ignorant. Sort of like real life. :heart:

So hang in there sista'. Hit me up if you ever need to talk...shouldn't be too hard to remember my name, after all!!!

Where's Brenda?

This story of mine received a great many negative comments along the lines that Ellafun alludes to:

.."where do you people come from, it's a contest to see if someone can convince the readers that sleeping with someone else while married is excepted behavior this idiot tries the deep thinker approach. I give the sickos more credit at least you know they don't care, this idiot is fooling no one with his dribble."

OR, how about this one:

"The author develops the wife's character as a Biiter cold aloof shallow and hatefuil woman .

For years she will NOT talk to him.

for years she will NOT open up.... and tllk about US

For years she ALWAYS says "Late" r and kills any meaningful conservation.

so they solved their marriage problem and reeconnectied by having this cold bitter emotionally stunted women FUCK a Trucker driver?

sure... very believeable."

But I am also in SR71's camp. I kept these comments because, collectively, the readers are telling me something about a failure in the plot and I can learn from those thoughts. I knew the line I took was risky and I paid the price in the scoring. Cel la vie. Going public with your writing invites criticism, some of it unfortunately not well-meaning. These you brush off. Others you use to improve your storytelling and understanding (in my case) of what Lit (and LW readers in specific) are looking for.
Gald its not just me!

Great to hear that other users are suffering from the morals of a few idiots.
It would be nice if they could only send emails if they included a return email address so that we could tell them what we think.
Because the last message was so abusive I have included a note at the end of my new story.
Hope they read it and think about their behaviour.
Here it is.
Just a quick note for one of our readers…you know who you are!
Please note that if you do not like this kind of story please do not send nasty emails commenting on our lifestyle. You don’t know us so have no right to comment.
Maybe you feel guilty after you have masturbated.
I find it a little sad that you feel the need to be abusive; just don’t visit Litorotica if it upsets you. It would be nice if I the facility was there to reply to your emails. It is easy for a coward to send such nasty remarks when they know there is no chance of repercussions. I see from the way that you word your emails that you have little education, I would like to point out that Steven is far from being a wimp. It is a pity that you don’t know us because then you would know of his reputation and would not be so threatening. By the way because a woman enjoys a healthy sex life does not mean that she is a slut. Try and enjoy your own life instead of judging other people.
That was a VERY well written "rant" and completely accurate! I am not even scrolling down to read any or the comments, in case the "trolls" did write something negative, which really takes no skill or brain power. Seriously, how tough is it to rip something apart? Creating something, takes much more work, or "brain power" and imagination, than the weak minded. If the person doesn't like to read the material...then why the fuck are you here on what the public would consider a "porn" site you sick fucking perverts....

See, it really doesn't take any effort at all to be an asshole....

Thanks for the rant and I wish you the best! I know Lit is founded on free speech, but I wish Lit would ban those that are abusive. I know some "trolls" love to be abusive, so put it into a story, and spare those looking for ways to improve their writing/craft. It will be win-win for those making an effort not to have to read such slash/burn comments and your abusiveness will turn others on by reading "your" story.
Someone used this to their advantage

Hi All,

Having now taken the time to read this thread fully, I can't help but agree with Ella - trolls abound here at times, and while much of the feedback we all receive is useful, there is an element that demonstrates more about the shortcomings of the writer than it ever will about the story they are commenting on.

I posted a thread yesterday (The Voice of Reason) about a story I came across which was obviously triggered by this sort of moronic troll feedback...

... and, as I mention in my post, although I don't come here to actively promote other authors, I think that a read of this story will raise a smile - especially for those of us unfortunate enough to have received the sort of feedback that Ella is ranting about.

Oh My God!

It just hit me... I do believe I've come up with possibly the perfect way to eradicate (If not the majority) at least quite a few of the 'Uppity Up' morality driven trolls. I'm almost sure that many of them would die from a heart attack... or at least be so disgusted... they'd never ever want to set eyes on any Literotica material again.

"How?" you ask...

Well... someone most definitely must come up with a very special story to use as ammo to accomplish the above concept. And... perhaps it can be entitle ‘The Blood Bath’... where a group of females undress... unplug... and drown an unsuspecting troll with a copious amount of menstrual fluids.

This should do the job, eh? Should cause them to scurry away in all directions... clutching their hearts... or at least screaming like crazed banjies...

You think? Eh?

Hmmm... However...

In retrospect... I wouldn’t be too surprised if a lot of these so called moral driven trolls were turned on and driven to ecstasy by something of this nature... and even ask for more while they voiced their indignity and disgust between each drenching...

Oh well... risking a possible vengeful troll tongue lashing... it was just an idea... lol ;)
Well, yes, a good many of the trolls get off on the reaction to them, as exemplified on this thread.