Cause he kept getting out of his cage and making nests in my underwear drawer. You have no idea what a rat's teeth can do to Vicky's finest. My cat was too much a snob, she left him be. I guess the whole interspecial wasn't her bag, but oh how he lusted after her. I am going on again aren't I.
LMAO at all of you! Wow, there are so many good suggestions here I don't know where to begin. Here's what I'm gonna do: I'm going to write all these down, go out to their pen, and say them one at a time. The name they come to is the name they get. I'll let you know how it goes!
When I showed the pic of your cute little, darling tortai (plural?) to my husband, he said that you should name them "Cuff" and "Link" because they'll make great ones once they're dead.
Should I knee him in the nuts or do you want first "crack"?