Nead to illustriate

gauchecritic said:
Vituperative; To use violently abusive language. There's no wonder you edited it.

Dear Gauchie,
Yes, I was thinking of "vipereauative." But you knew that, didn't you.
Gabriel_Lee said:
Hold on to your wallet, love. :rose:
Emptied of all dirty pence and the odd Bill (poor sod).

Umm, we'd better not upset the uninspired. Turn around, babe. :kiss:

Next time you find DurtGirl in a talkative condition, ask her whether she ever had a romantic relationship with Mick Jagger.

DG reminds one of several of Mick's former sweeties. :cool:

In any case, DG has the authentic persona of someone who has rolled with, or out from under, any number of 'The Stones' Rocks. :rolleyes:
Quasimodem said:
Next time you find DurtGirl in a talkative condition, ask her whether she ever had a romantic relationship with Mick Jagger.

Dear Quaz,
Only if it was one of those railroad situations and she wasn't taking names or noting faces. She has SOME standards, you know.
weights and standards

MathGirl said:
Dear Quaz,
Only if it was one of those railroad situations and she wasn't taking names or noting faces. She has SOME standards, you know. MG
MG: do you think you could reveal those standards, in say 25 words or less? Just askin'. P.