Negative feedback!

Hey there Chewey,
i'd like to echo what Rigged for Dive said way back at the beginning of this thread.

"I'm not sure which one he read" he was referring to your unknown negative feedbacker.
(can you nounize a word like that?)

i read "A Girl's Weekend Fun"
and "Kelly & the Last Delivery"

i thought they were both quite good :D

i suspect your unidentified critic is a frustrated lesbian in intense denial who just felt jealous!

i was jealous of the husband in "Weekend Fun"
it would be really nice to find a scene like that when i opened MY bedroom door (sigh)

What ever you do, keep up with the writing!
and READING helps a lot too!

Practice is the best teacher.
That's all doctors ever do.

Doctor Blue
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I get feedback good and bad. Thank god more good than bad. Most of you have seen me threaten to quit sharing what I write often enough. I write to stay sane. I do not edit to stay sane. I edit so that at least a little of what I write is almost suitable for others to read.
I began sharing these murky thoughts of mine just to see if anyone at all understood what I was doing. To see if a writer who wrote crude and in southern dialect would be accepted. Well I found out that yes some people understand that I and probably some of you write to keep our minds active for one reason or another. Most of us share it for the praise and the encouragement. I am not sure that writing has anything to do with showing it to anyone else but I do show mine here and there.
if someone would ever come to me and say, "If you edited a few dozen more times it would be more enjoyable for your readers," I would faint. Instead what I get is you write like a tenth grade drop out... get a dictionary and learn to spell... I grant you they all have a valid point (well not all). I dont always do all the editing I should. I sometimes pull stories i wrote five years ago. Most of you know the more you write the better you get at it. So they are pretty rough.
My point is yes I deserve a lot of the negatives. What neither I, nor any other person willing to put his ass on the line, deserves is disrespect. We dont accept your money for our work and we should not have to accept your contempt either. You have not been defrauded by my spelling error. So if you cant give us constructive criticism,, in a decent manner, dont bother to email us. If you have something that will help me grow as a writer or even something that will make your reading of my work more pleasant, please pass it on but do it in a respectful manner.
I have read a lot of the other writers here and if I weren't such a terrible thief I would read more. The one thing they all have in common is they write more then the twenty words in a nastygram email. So if you have to write one, give us your address and all of us will be happy to write back to you.

ps. I ain't much of a writer but my ma'am dont make me go to bed at eleven either..
Negative/unconstructive feedback

Hey Chewey and the rest of the authors-

I've gotten very little negative feedback on my stories, but I agree and confirm that all the negative one's (except for 1) have been anonymous. One person who, originally had negative feedback, actually sang a different tune after I replied to her and explained some things about my stories. She and I are e-mail friends, now. So, there are 'rehabilitated haters' as I like to call them! ha! Also, my worst negative feedback is the repetitive accusation that I am a man pretending to be a woman. My stories are about my fantasies! I am the Shayla in my stories! I am a woman! I guess because I write 'too manly' for some people (probably inexperienced teens and sexual rejects), I'm a man pretending to be a woman. Well, if so, I'm doing damn good! (smile) Anyway, like the rest of the crew has stated, don't let the negative feedback stop any of you from executing your gift - the gift of giving thousands of readers soft to explicit pleasure in the safety and comfort of their own homes every minute of every day. I think this site is amazing! I could never publish my stories under my real name or identity because, deep down, I really don't want to have a lesbian experience. It exists in my fantasy. If I came public with these stories, I would do a great deal of people a great deal of injustice by not 'living the part'. I'm glad to be able to write without pressure, but still receive the love from my dedicated fans. Think of it in this sense, and those anonymous nay-sayers will not affect you in the least...keep up the great writing!
