*NEW* Currently Masterbating Thread

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I am masturbating. I've been wet all day. Master requested I edge and deny orgasm. He will decide when I cum. I was slipping around my clit and got too close and was able to shut it down immediately. I do not wish to make a mistake.

My legs are spread wide open and I am using 1, yes, just 1 finger. I am finger fucking for a minute then stopping for a minute. I get close and it pleases me to withhold. I've been squeezing my nipples for some pleasure/pain.

I will edge until I go to bed.

Sounds amazing...:rose:
i will be some time today...

On Skype...hopefully with a lady but I know that is almost impossible to find so...
I have continued edging this morning. It feels so good. I avoid my clit though. I don't want my pussy to get too close to an orgasm. Yesterday I remained so wet edging I changed my panties twice. I am currently soaked wet in my panties and will need a changing when I stop this current round of edging.
I have continued edging this morning. It feels so good. I avoid my clit though. I don't want my pussy to get too close to an orgasm. Yesterday I remained so wet edging I changed my panties twice. I am currently soaked wet in my panties and will need a changing when I stop this current round of edging.

it might be today...then again it might not...
I have continued edging this morning. It feels so good. I avoid my clit though. I don't want my pussy to get too close to an orgasm. Yesterday I remained so wet edging I changed my panties twice. I am currently soaked wet in my panties and will need a changing when I stop this current round of edging.

Thank you for sharing.
This is how wet edging gets my pussy. Yes I licked my fingers clean after the photo. I do love how i taste.

Photo will not upload. Will try later.
I just finger fucked up to three fingers as I listened to masters voice. He gave me permisssion to rub my clit. My pussy is soaked. I came exactly when given permission. It was very intense. My body needed the release very much. Thank you Sir.
I just finger fucked up to three fingers as I listened to masters voice. He gave me permisssion to rub my clit. My pussy is soaked. I came exactly when given permission. It was very intense. My body needed the release very much. Thank you Sir.

you have pleased me today.:devil:
Trying the photo again of how wet I was edging. I licked my fingers clean once the photo was taken. Every woman should try edging. It's intense.


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Trying the photo again of how wet I was edging. I licked my fingers clean once the photo was taken. Every woman should try edging. It's intense.
I would have loved to licked them for you

and it was a great pic to see just as I starting stroking my cock
Spartygirl has me hard and stroking again. Wish I could see that video too. And watch her master lick those fingers clean.
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