New mini-challenge for fun

I'm not a widow, not
lonely nor some grotesque
attention-seeking genius
dangling from a chandelier
with a carrot unfortunately

I'm no mole hiding
from the sunlight either:
I'm right there
on the bench, a decoy
for all that appears

smiling carefully
keeping my offbeat
warble to myself.
Were you to clasp my cool
fishbone fingers in your warmer
grip you might

the oddness swarming
through me, a generosity
of strange yet wholesome
girl, not decadent a

drinker brimming
with solemnity
and a wayward white
mustache, bursting with
the dawn and looking
out across the green

where I

Cute and romantic; it made me smile, very Angeline. A good use of the words too.
bloody hel! :eek: :D

I have no fricken idea where that came from. I am not into BDSM and no little about the scene. I think it was my perverse subconscious riffing on fishbone and the title off PoetGuy's poem. I have dark corners it's probably best not to poke a stick into, let alone look into.:D
bloody hel! :eek: :D

I have no fricken idea where that came from. I am not into BDSM and no little about the scene. I think it was my perverse subconscious riffing on fishbone and the title off PoetGuy's poem. I have dark corners it's probably best not to poke a stick into, let alone look into.:D

that'll larn 'im fer being a ginge -

fishbone piercings? awesome, v *high 5's*

shocking and hilarious

with solemnity, the widow inserts the fish bone
warbling as it infiltrates the penile flesh
her devious genius makes him cry, warmer still
his carrot pubic hair already bloodied
the fishbone burst through his glans.

she shows generosity with pain
swarming pain, so grotesque, so decadent
like outhouses trimmed with gold leaf.
last week she inserted a mole into his anus;
that hunting decoy on the bench will be next.

I have been trying to come up with something, anything to no avail but this... this is pure genius!

bloody hel! :eek: :D

I laughed my ass off at this comment...
I have been trying to come up with something, anything to no avail but this... this is pure genius!

I laughed my ass off at this comment...

only have a shot if it feels like fun for you, and you don't need to include all the words, or think you are competing against poems already here. if some of the words spark something, then that's cool - if not, enjoy what others are writing and let them know. it's all good! these challenges are just little kick-starts to get creative juices juicin' :D

(i haven't even tried taking a shot at this!)

p.s would you mind picking that up? your arse, i mean. health n safety n all that... it's a hazard, just sitting there, on the floor, someone might trip over it!
Come back here you! You've got the goods and I know it. :kiss:

"Skill envy," he judges, is no adequate excuse, or should not be.

Tessaaaaaaaa !!!!!!

Okay, you flattering bullies, you asked for it. Now I need a bottle of asperine. Cool challenge chips and great verse all who preceded this.

Reality Star

A widow by grotesque circumstance
owing to her decadent life,
she worried the sticky fishbone
of grief from her throat
and burst upon the world
with a warble warmer than
genius would allow.

Using the carrot of her
generosity in all solemnity
she found decoys to clasp,
red herrings to fool the swarming
paparazzi who thought nothing
sitting for hours on the bench
of her outhouse waiting for a glimpse
of the mole on her right buttock.
Okay, you flattering bullies, you asked for it. Now I need a bottle of asperine. Cool challenge chips and great verse all who preceded this.

Reality Star

A widow by grotesque circumstance
owing to her decadent life,
she worried the sticky fishbone
of grief from her throat
and burst upon the world
with a warble warmer than
genius would allow.

Using the carrot of her
generosity in all solemnity
she found decoys to clasp,
red herrings to fool the swarming
paparazzi who thought nothing
sitting for hours on the bench
of her outhouse waiting for a glimpse
of the mole on her right buttock.
see? :cool:

you've summed those papz up to a t. and you took that old cliché of a fisbone in the throat and made it into something new - 'worried the sticky fishbone of grief from her throat'. :cool:
see? :cool:

you've summed those papz up to a t. and you took that old cliché of a fisbone in the throat and made it into something new - 'worried the sticky fishbone of grief from her throat'. :cool:

Thanks but it's rubbish all the same - fun to write but rubbish none the less.

There should be an "of" at the end of 5th line last verse.
Okay, you flattering bullies, you asked for it. Now I need a bottle of asperine. Cool challenge chips and great verse all who preceded this.

Reality Star

A widow by grotesque circumstance
owing to her decadent life,
she worried the sticky fishbone
of grief from her throat
and burst upon the world
with a warble warmer than
genius would allow.

Using the carrot of her
generosity in all solemnity
she found decoys to clasp,
red herrings to fool the swarming
paparazzi who thought nothing
sitting for hours on the bench
of her outhouse waiting for a glimpse
of the mole on her right buttock.

seeeeeee told you so and lol @ right buttock :)

Thanks but it's rubbish all the same - fun to write but rubbish none the less.

There should be an "of" at the end of 5th line last verse.

do what Ange told me go back n edit
Mount Katahdin

"Hypothermia," the ranger said
in that State of Maine drawl,
preferring wisdom in fewer syllables,

looking out like a mole salamander,
wearing a black brown Smokey the Bear hat
in his tollbooth mound in the ground.

"But it's the Fourth of July," I said. Christ!
I would have suffered a hot summer's generosity
of horseflies swarming to have hiked Katahdin.

“Chimney Pond trail half a mile up,” was all I got
before my decoy “that’ll work” was accepted,
and he waved us through his trollhouse gate

until a meager mourning sun
would surely burst the clouds that hid it
while we parked by two outhouses.

"Either bench would chill two tramps in mudtime,"
I said as you inspected both two holers, boys and girls,
“as if one smelled much better,” I added.

It was my birthday after all,
I could be a wiseguy if I wanted
on this trip in my gifted boots.

"I might have known you'd pick a poem by Frost,"
you replied with what seemed solemnity
until I realized you were holding your breath,

"but decadent man that you are,
you can now add plagiarist."
God, how we loved our newlywed banter

while each of us ate a nearly frozen carrot
and clasped our not much warmer thermos,
looking up at snow top covered Katahdin

whose peak was a frozen grotesque fishbone
God dangled in the sky, the skeleton of which
was a remnant of a snow cold forest fire.

For some strange reason I thought of Moses
and told you I’d hasten up the mountain
to hasten back within the hour

in what was two and one half hours
and now thirty birthdays since
you say again you thought you'd be a widow,

and I repeat every time you say it
how there was no genius in Youth
whose brother was Fool, when I warbled down the mountain.

"However,” you say as we laid ourselves to bed
“that smell and you weren’t that bad,
but damn! There was no plug for my curling iron.”

“Happy, Happy Birthday, Baby”
sings a Downeast accent sound
as sweet as Tune Weavers is to me

because in our lyrics there was no other
and both of us knew there would never be.
Last edited:
gm - the poem had me so immersed it wasn't till afterwards i even noticed the inclusion of most of the words from the list. i had to go check. now that is a great way to use the list - to lose the words in the imagery you offer. this is an example of what i mean about how some poets can make the words disappear - the poem becomes a shared experience. thankyou for bringing us to the foot of the climb, gm.
gm - the poem had me so immersed it wasn't till afterwards i even noticed the inclusion of most of the words from the list. i had to go check. now that is a great way to use the list - to lose the words in the imagery you offer. this is an example of what i mean about how some poets can make the words disappear - the poem becomes a shared experience. thankyou for bringing us to the foot of the climb, gm.

Thanks, chibutty. I always enjoy your challenges.

It occurred to me that because you're British, you may not have ever heard a State of Maine accent. With my apologies to all the law abiding citizens there, this will give you an idea and it's damn funny IMO:
Thanks, chibutty. I always enjoy your challenges.

It occurred to me that because you're British, you may not have ever heard a State of Maine accent. With my apologies to all the law abiding citizens there, this will give you an idea and it's damn funny IMO:

oh, i have seen that clip loads of times on brit tv shows. that trooper's amazingly restrained, isn't he? like a deputy dawg.... :cool:
"Hypothermia," the ranger said
in that State of Maine drawl,
preferring wisdom in fewer syllables,

looking out like a mole salamander,
wearing a black brown Smokey the Bear hat
in his tollbooth mound in the ground.

"But it's the Fourth of July," I said. Christ!
I would have suffered a hot summer's generosity
of horseflies swarming to have hiked Katahdin.

“Chimney Pond trail half a mile up,” was all I got
before my decoy “that’ll work” was accepted,
and he waved us through his trollhouse gate

until a meager mourning sun
would surely burst the clouds that hid it
while we parked by two outhouses.

"Either bench would chill two tramps in mudtime,"
I said as you inspected both two holers, boys and girls,
“as if one smelled much better,” I added.

It was my birthday after all,
I could be a wiseguy if I wanted
on this trip in my gifted boots.

"I might have known you'd pick a poem by Frost,"
you replied with what seemed solemnity
until I realized you were holding your breath,

"but decadent man that you are,
you can now add plagiarist."
God, how we loved our newlywed banter

while each of us ate a nearly frozen carrot
and clasped our not much warmer thermos,
looking up at snow top covered Katahdin

whose peak was a frozen grotesque fishbone
God dangled in the sky, the skeleton of which
was a remnant of a snow cold forest fire.

For some strange reason I thought of Moses
and told you I’d hasten up the mountain
to hasten back within the hour

in what was two and one half hours
and now thirty birthdays since
you say again you thought you'd be a widow,

and I repeat every time you say it
how there was no genius in Youth
whose brother was Fool, when I warbled down the mountain.

"However,” you say as we laid ourselves to bed
“that smell and you weren’t that bad,
but damn! There was no plug for my curling iron.”

“Happy, Happy Birthday, Baby”
sings a Downeast accent sound
as sweet as Tune Weavers is to me

because in our lyrics there was no other
and both of us knew there would never be.

As a former Maine-ah I thoroughly enjoyed this one, GM.

Okay, you flattering bullies, you asked for it. Now I need a bottle of asperine. Cool challenge chips and great verse all who preceded this.

Reality Star

A widow by grotesque circumstance
owing to her decadent life,
she worried the sticky fishbone
of grief from her throat
and burst upon the world
with a warble warmer than
genius would allow.

Using the carrot of her
generosity in all solemnity
she found decoys to clasp,
red herrings to fool the swarming
paparazzi who thought nothing
sitting for hours on the bench
of her outhouse waiting for a glimpse
of the mole on her right buttock.

Well done, PoeTesse. I knew you could!

Flattering Bully
This is horrid....

The false solemnity of her words deceived
her generosity--a carrot, a decoy, a ploy.
She was the black widow lying in wait
a mole revealed to late.
He collapsed upon the bench; a final warble,
grotesque cry burst from his lips he dies.
Swarming about him, she smiles
the poisonous clasp of her fishbone corset retrieved.
Evidence now buried behind the outhouses,
concealed by snow until warmer climes reveal.
By then she"ll have vanished without a trace
her genius plan complete.

P.S. chipbuty, my arse has been retrieved... the mess, wiped clean.. ;)
The false solemnity of her words deceived
her generosity--a carrot, a decoy, a ploy.
She was the black widow lying in wait
a mole revealed to late.
He collapsed upon the bench; a final warble,
grotesque cry burst from his lips he dies.
Swarming about him, she smiles
the poisonous clasp of her fishbone corset retrieved.
Evidence now buried behind the outhouses,
concealed by snow until warmer climes reveal.
By then she"ll have vanished without a trace
her genius plan complete.

P.S. chipbuty, my arse has been retrieved... the mess, wiped clean.. ;)

Applauds. You go, girl! :rose:
Good on you Bull for having a go, pretty damn original go too.:rose::D
The false solemnity of her words deceived
her generosity--a carrot, a decoy, a ploy.
She was the black widow lying in wait
a mole revealed to late.
He collapsed upon the bench; a final warble,
grotesque cry burst from his lips he dies.
Swarming about him, she smiles
the poisonous clasp of her fishbone corset retrieved.
Evidence now buried behind the outhouses,
concealed by snow until warmer climes reveal.
By then she"ll have vanished without a trace
her genius plan complete.

P.S. chipbuty, my arse has been retrieved... the mess, wiped clean.. ;)
my apologies for coming to this so late, Tonya!

i like the concept behind this - the luring, the murder, the disposal of the evidence and the disappearance. but best of all i like your:
Swarming about him, she smiles
the poisonous clasp of her fishbone corset

good to see you taking part, T :cool: