New Poems Review Comments Moved Here

DeepAsleep said:
If you keep that up, my head'll be too big to be twenty-two.

And yeah. I am 22.

And I'm a libra, which means I rule your booty.


fucking libra
tara, keep up the good work, when you need a break from the feedback on the feedback, I'll step in again for a bit.
perks said:
tara, keep up the good work, when you need a break from the feedback on the feedback, I'll step in again for a bit.

Thanks, Perks. :rose: It's a deal, partner.
thenry said:
Victoria, I do not see why you defend so on a poem you admit took 15 minutes.

And seriously, the International Society of Poets, aka, is nothing to brag about. Please read this. It does not count as a writer's credit and I hope you have not spent any money on their scams.
I followed your "this" link and the Pie is so Good poem is hysterical. But hey, it's actually better than a few of the poems I've read at literotica. At least, it showed a sense of humor. :)
Eve, I found a whole thread of warning stories about, many sadder than pie is good, but figured humor is better. The story posted at 1/30/02 is a perfect example.