New Poems To Talk About

Re: a formal q.

Senna Jawa said:
Is this and the other thread about new poems for praise only or may/should some misgivings about the praised poems be voiced here too? May be only in other threads, with the author's encouragement only?



Senna, apparently you haven't taken time to learn a little about UP. He's a real critic that some love to hate. Personally, I prefer him over all the slapping on the back crap.

I don't know anyone that cranks out masterpiece one after another so when all I hear folks doing is gushing over one another, I'm suspect. I think somebody is lying or at the least working too hard to be nice. Try being honest and nice. That doesn't require lying.

I think a work that illustrates real craft should be praised, and I think areas that clearly could be improved should be discussed.

I'm not interested in talking about how a poet feels. That's none of my business. Feelings shouldn't be disputed. What we can discuss is how a poet expresses what he feels. Big difference and those interested in hanging the "poet" shingle out for all to see should know the difference.

