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Re: They rejected it!

Desamy said:
Apparently there was some problem reading the .doc file.. I have no idea why. So I resubmitted it through the form, hopefully they'll add the italics where I asked for them.

Oh well! Hopefully it'll come through faster this way too!

Thanks for your help
- Desamy
I THINK they prefer a simple TXT or HTML file format. They state that .DOC or email submissions will be handled manually and take longer. I suggest you put in the <i></i> and <br></br> tags yourself so you know they are in the right place. This is what I had problems with in my first submission, (as well as page breaks in bad places).
I suggest using Wierd Harold's TEST Submissions document in the help pages here. You can see exactly what it will look like after it is posted!

And, I am pretty sure that the "Submit Button" problem has been reported to the Lit gurus, but I don't know if they found or fixed any problem with it yet.
I wasn't sure if I could put html in the text box, but it's all gone through now and they did a good job of putting in the italics where I asked for them. Next time I'll include the html myself, thank you!