New to This

Well Irish, I think judging is a negative terminology to apply, especially when you came seeking advice and thoughts, which you received from posters who have experience, and like you and everyone, an opinion based on that experience. Isn't what you have said about us also judging? And this is okay as this forum is supposed to be a place to come to discuss issues and concepts from various different perspectives and experiences, not a place to come to be always agreed with and validated no matter what.

I wouldn't say you were judged so much as given some insight into the concerns some of us had for the decisions you sounded as if you were about to make, and the safety or lack of safety, those decisions may result in for you. That is what this community is about and you will see this after awhile. While most of us who openly discuss our thoughts here find we disagree with friends often, at the end of the day we try to keep it in perspective and agree to disagree, but remain friendly and ready to discuss the next topic. This is not the only thread which at this moment is discussing the issue you raised, and will not be the last.

So I do hope you come back often as it is a great place to learn and explore in a safe and supportive environment. You will always find someone who can offer some thoughts on a topic and though it may not correlate 100% with your own, it gives you an idea of where you are at and where you are going. People are different, experiences differ, and so it is natural opinions are also going to vary. Makes life so much more interesting and keeps the conversation flowing.


irishcatsmeow said:
He said the training would determine whether or not this was for me. I didn't feel comfortable with this ...

Smart fucking move. No one should just jump into BDSM to decide if the like it. That's a pretty fucking tramatic way to figure out it's not for you. Read, watch, talk to people, maybe, and I stress maybe, get a spanking.
irishcatsmeow said:
Have discussed with hubby to no avail. I also did not go looking for a Master ... I also hope that this post did not create any bad feelings amoungst the members here ...

... welcome to "in your face opinions among equals."

If the spouse has locked down that hard, and you still have an interest, sounds like you have a decision to make.

Best of luck whatever it may be.
lady-kat said:
ah damn. what the hell was i thinking?
*scribbling a note to myself here*

self: do NOT EVER post an opinion that does not conform to the mainstream idea of the "sanctity" of marriage...

it is apparently as hot button a topic as politics and religion. with that said, i will bow out, and leave the OP's thread. leaveing it to more experinced, honest poeple to answer her questions. oh, and yes, perhaps to give her a little help while making her feel so welcome..

Puleeze. I do not give a shit about the instititution or so called sanctity of marriage. In this day and age, it is no more than serial monogamy ,if that.

But, when you post these things on the public board, be prepared to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly.

I agree with johnny. It is cheating, plain and simple. But since everyone is an adult, they can do what they please. But there are consequences to those decisions.

I get lots of married men wanting to submit to Me behind their wives backs. I tell them that if their wife approves, we can talk. None of them have taken me up on it.

I think that the person who posted this thread should read the gamut of responses here so that she can make an informed decision.

As for walking in each other's shoes, I have found that no one can walk in anyone's shoes. So if there was something posted hear that you like, act on it. If not, ignore it.
But please park the platitudes.

[Edited for harshness]
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