Newbie needs help on self-torture techniques

Ice is also fun (especially with pureed or sliced ginger frozen inside) and menthol products like Vicks or even toothpaste will make your eyes water.

Isn't ice fairly dangerous for the nerves in sensitive areas? And mints or toothpaste has to give an infection of some sort? Just wondering, still a little noob here!
Ice is dangerous if it is left there for a long time. Mint and toothpaste and such can screw with the ph balance inside the vagine, which can lead to yeast infections. Most people apply this sort of thing to the outside of the vagina, as the clit is wonderfully sensitive to such things.
Watch reruns of Seinfeld. Loudly.

No? Then tigerbalm/ben gay your naughty bits. Go a day burning. Or better yet....burn through a long commute or road trip. Make it fun? masturbate periodically to have the wetness and nerves assist. Compound it by denying yourself an orgasm until you get to your destination.


I'll pass on the Seinfeld, but I like your other ideas. I think I'm going to rub chili pepper paste on my pussy before going for my daily bike ride and see what happens. I'd rather keep it organic and see if that works before trying tigerbalm or ben gay.

I like candle wax; it's easy to do, and it's fairly effective.

1)Light candle
2)Hold over area of skin
3)Let hot wax drip on skin

Different kinds of wax yield different kinds of burns, so be careful. Depending on your pain tolerance, start with the one with the lowest melting point and work your way up (I think it's paraffin wax that melts the easiest, but I'm not sure)

Other things that are nice: boiling hot water in a porcelain cup and holding it on your skin until it burns, self-piercing (haven't done the nipples, though; that's fucking hardcore or I'm just sensitive).

Excellent! Thanks, I've been thinking hot wax for a couple days, since others suggested it here, but it's great to have somebody with more experience give you the lowdown.

I'm going to pass on the boiling water and self-piercing. I realize now from my OP, it could seem as if I pierced my own nipples. I actually had them pierced by a professional. It was still torture though. I went to a place that was all about the ritual and they didn't use clamps. My nipples are very thick, so they recommending using a 14-gauge ring, which is very thick, and it hurt and bled like crazy. My best friend was with me and she fainted after they did the first one, and then begged me not to do the other one, but I had to.

Imagine that you've made the mistake of thinking that an unethical alcoholic is going to respect your confidentiality. Then imagine that you've heard that she has been repeating every personal story you've ever told her to any drunk that perches on a stool beside her.
That's torture.

Ummm, ok then.
I like the thought of ginger root, it's always intrigued me, or menthol products, though not in my eyes, but my pussy and maybe my ass.

Great suggestions, thanks.

Thank you so much! Btw, I love your stories, I read them before I ever signed up to post on Lit and perved on them a lot.

I really like your thoughts on ritual, that's exactly what I'm looking to do. I've never thought about orgasm denial. I had a lot of trouble reaching orgasm before I became sesually active and worked very hard to achieve it. Now I'm super orgasmic, I come without even touching my pussy sometimes, so I'm not sure how I could pull this off, nor if it would do anything for me, but it's worth a try.

I agree, the burning thing scares me, and not in a good way. Irritants are a def. turn-on, and I also like plugs and maybe the candle wax. Thanks for your suggestions.

The ginger and the vicks type products work great, even for a bit after washing off the vicks depending on how long you wait to wash. I often would dis- allow myself pleasure, yet would tease the heck out of myself to the point I could not handle it. That sometimes took a few days. I must agree though being burnt intentionaly is a scary thing I do not think I could even try that one.
I know that you said no to drinking pee...but what about holding games? you can challenge yourself to drink a few pints of water and deny yourself from peeing until a set time or event lets you you will get some delicious hopping and squirming discomfort followed by a blessed (and to some) very sexy relief...

you can take the permission to go out of your hands by waiting for a random, but inevitable event, like choosing your own safe-word,

example, once I decided I had to wait for someone to say the word "vote" on the TV before I allowed myself to go, I pretty much knew it would come up but had to wait for a long uncomfortable time before the voice over man said it during an episode of Big Brother because I missed the local election report on the news!!

That was a fun and excellently frustrating night!
Figging. Have you ever tried that? You buy yourself a nice fat hand of really old funky ginger and cut off a skinny piece, then peel it down.

A slender sliver in your anus or vagina would really hurt, it might sting, too, if some of it was ground up and applied to your nipples and/or clitoris. Yeowch!
Figging. Have you ever tried that? You buy yourself a nice fat hand of really old funky ginger and cut off a skinny piece, then peel it down.

A slender sliver in your anus or vagina would really hurt, it might sting, too, if some of it was ground up and applied to your nipples and/or clitoris. Yeowch!

Never tried that however I have been reading the thread and wondering what it would be like... something for me to show Master.:cattail:
I love self-discipline too. Never tried any of the food stuff on here, sounds scary but I might give it a try.

Personally I like to go shopping or go to work with a butt plug inserted. Not too big but just enough to cause irritation. I like to see how long I can keep it in before sneaking off to the loo on the train!
Hi all. I'm a GBer and I've been lurking here for a bit. I don't have a lot of experience with bdsm. I don't consider myself a sub and I'm not looking for a dom or master, just into exploring my own sexuality.

I've been spanked, humiliated and abused (in a good way) quite a bit by different bf's and enjoyed it wholeheartedly, but I've always been in control of the situation, and I'm not sure I want that to change.

I feel like I'm at the beginning of a new stage, I'm ready to take theory and put it into practice, but I'd like to start by creating a regimen for myself. I'm incredably turned on by ritual and ceremony and want to incorporate that into a discipline for myself.

I see myself as a modern-day martyr saint, but I need some help with structuring a regime. Any ideas?

I've tried hitting myself with belts and plastic hangers, but it's never hard enough and I end up laughing at myself and frustrated. I also pierced my nipples a few years back, but I don't think I want to go that route again.


One product that l have enjoyed by myself and with others is paint that will give you a big burn sensation in ya pussy...l like the idea of you playing with peppers too...sound hot..!!!
One product that l have enjoyed by myself and with others is paint that will give you a big burn sensation in ya pussy...l like the idea of you playing with peppers too...sound hot..!!!


Is that even safe?! :confused::eek:
I'm male and maybe not a good advisor; but, for intense sensations, I insert a birthday candle in my penis and allow it to burn down to the point just before nerves get damaged -- you have to be quick.

Also, not recommended for everyone/anyone, cinnamon oil on or in any sensitive tissue is extraordinarily ... (pick you adjective: painful, pleasurable, stupid etc).