No Policy, No Content, No Morals, No Candidate for President in GOP

The thing is, the details of public policy actually do matter less than what kind of politics are in the ascendant. If you want universal healthcare, you can better spend your energies persuading people to vote for leftists (and that does include putting down the RWs, and centrist Dems, in every way you can find) than explaining why the Canadian system is better -- if progressives take control, we will get UHC.

No we won't. Obama had majorities and still gave us a for profit Republican healthcare system that by design kills 45,000 Americans every year. Personalities can lie, be corrupted, discredited, etc. You can't kill an idea. Championing personalities over policies is putting the cart before the horse.

Vague "vote for a leftist" will go nowhere. Only the demand for specific policies will work.
No we won't. Obama had majorities and still gave us a for profit Republican healthcare system that by design kills 45,000 Americans every year. Personalities can lie, be corrupted, discredited, etc. You can't kill an idea. Championing personalities over policies is putting the cart before the horse.

Vague "vote for a leftist" will go nowhere. Only the demand for specific policies will work.

What you need to do is identify the actual leftists. Obama never was one. Bernie is, but too old now to have any future except as a senator.
How is it "too far gone"??

I think you just don't like having the fact that blue states could have their UHC like right now pointed out.

But they won't even attempt to subject their residents to the kinds of policy they want nationwide, probably don't like that being pointed out either.

Why would I call you a commie, do you support a violent revolution of the proletariat seizing the means of production and distribution of goods and services???

You seem to think I'm some partisan hack who makes excuses for Democrat run Blue States. Corrupt politicians who take money from the healthcare and drug industries are responsible for 45,000 needless deaths yearly. Democrats and Republicans are equally guilty.
You seem to think I'm some partisan hack who makes excuses for Democrat run Blue States. Corrupt politicians who take money from the healthcare and drug industries are responsible for 45,000 needless deaths yearly. Democrats and Republicans are equally guilty.

Of course, we're not talking about bribes in the usual sense, but campaign contributions -- the unfortunately legal form of bribery. Something should be done about that.
What you need to do is identify the actual leftists. Obama never was one. Bernie is, but too old now to have any future except as a senator.

What politician or party has had in their hand in any major change that benefits Americans? None that I can see. All you get is vague promises and endless excuses for failure. The two major progressive advances in recent years, legalization of marijuana and gay marriage, were not championed by Democratic Party. In fact they ignored the issues or worked against them. It was policy focused activists who demanded change and got it. Politicians are functionally useless.
What politician or party has had in their hand in any major change that benefits Americans? None that I can see. All you get is vague promises and endless excuses for failure. The two major progressive advances in recent years, legalization of marijuana and gay marriage, were not championed by Democratic Party. In fact they ignored the issues or worked against them. It was policy focused activists who demanded change and got it. Politicians are functionally useless.

Sometimes, those policy focused activists run for public office.

But, they usually have to choose a party, and it can only be one of two.

The real problem is the limits of the two-party system.
Of course, we're not talking about bribes in the usual sense, but campaign contributions -- the unfortunately legal form of bribery. Something should be done about that.

Yes they are bribes in the usual sense. The fig leaf of legality does not impress me. The lobbyists are not giving that money out of the goodness of their hearts and the politicians are not taking that money without the strict understanding that they are to do the bidding of the donors.

These laws that permit corporate donations to politicians are no more legit than Jim Crow era laws. Legality be damned.
Intelligencer âś“
Twitter › intelligencer

Mike Pence has a big book deal and gets paid upwards of $100,000 for speeches.
But the gravy train depends on Pence continuing to be in the public eye
and viewed as a potential future president.

(Intelligencer via New York magazine)

5 hours ago
Intelligencer âś“
Twitter › intelligencer

Mike Pence has a big book deal and gets paid upwards of $100,000 for speeches.
But the gravy train depends on Pence continuing to be in the public eye
and viewed as a potential future president.

(Intelligencer via New York magazine)

5 hours ago

Does anyone really view Pence as a potential president? He has the charisma of untoasted Wonder bread.
I've never had anyone explain to me how if CA passed UHC how we would stop people from Arizona and Nevada taking a road trip.
I've never had anyone explain to me how if CA passed UHC how we would stop people from Arizona and Nevada taking a road trip.

It's called an ID.

No California ID? No CalCare.

Maybe just ID white people so it's the "correct" racism for California and it's residents.

No the real question for Californians at that point would be the same as any other leftist states, how do you keep productive people in?? How do you force them to be slave labor for the state of California without them going to a state where they are allowed to prosper instead of slave for others.
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You seem to think I'm some partisan hack who makes excuses for Democrat run Blue States.

Most collectivist lefties are, to an extreme sense, hard core partisans who will tolerate nothing but PROPER praise and worship of their political idols.

Just look at how they lined up the last few days to defend heroic Comrade Baldwin, and how he's in NO WAY shape or form responsible at all for his movie project or the gun in his hand.

Because good comrade.

Corrupt politicians who take money from the healthcare and drug industries are responsible for 45,000 needless deaths yearly. Democrats and Republicans are equally guilty.

While I disagree with you on the responsibility for deaths, I respect that you're not a partisan hack.
You seem to think I'm some partisan hack who makes excuses for Democrat run Blue States. Corrupt politicians who take money from the healthcare and drug industries are responsible for 45,000 needless deaths yearly. Democrats and Republicans are equally guilty.

Nice post and Corncobb thinks everyone is a leftist. He has an inferiority complex because lefties make better sex.
Nice post and Corncobb thinks everyone is a leftist. He has an inferiority complex because lefties make better sex.

Will lies about me compulsively because he's perma-triggered about the fact that I pointed out just what an authoritarian control freak he is. :D I only assume people who value equity over hierarchy are lefties.

My mistake was assuming he was a partisan Democrat.... a (D) boot licker like you free of any principles or values, just on team (D) no matter how vile it gets. You....basically.

Seems BD might be more like myself, a person of some actual principals, values and ideals instead of putting party and loyalty to party above all else.
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Ah, so that is it.... chuckles. Have a nice day littledicksie.

It is, especially the part where I laid out how your white hot searing hatred for pretty much all of our civil rights totally fuckin' disqualifies you and near entirety of (D)'eez for that mater from being "liberals". Who are now about as scarce as libertarians are in the GOP.

Can't hate liberty and be a liberal. :)
It is, especially the part where I laid out how your white hot searing hatred for pretty much all of our civil rights totally fuckin' disqualifies you and near entirety of (D)'eez for that mater from being "liberals". Who are now about as scarce as libertarians are in the GOP.

Can't hate liberty and be a liberal. :)

Lol....tough to get owned everyday. But, you keep coming back for that dick slap, dirty Sanchez, everyday. Lol.