not sure how many words

no rules in this one
he throws a world wide open
invites exploration
*steps over the threshold
looking for footprints in an
endless sea of words
Through a screen
I watch your hands
working their magic
on metal and wire,
bringing back to life
and light that once lost.
You talk to me all the while.
explaining. Looking up
to smile, you mend me too.
I'm not wistful. Think of me as wishful
a willow, a buttercup, the seed pod blowed

and gone to fill the lawn with dandelions,
hoping a crocus or morning full furious

with birdsong, flash of feather, blue
in the hickory tree and me, longing

to be showered with green, but stuck
in muddy limbo with Rimsky-Korsakov.

Thank you, Senna, for sharing the music. My father loved classical music and opera and had quite a collection of records. He had a few of Rimsky-Korsakov, one of which included Scheherazade. I was enchanted by it, and still think it a beautiful composition. I was listening to it when I wrote that half-baked poemlet though considering its content, I probably should have ended with Stravinsky!
The Man Who Moiled For Gold
(with apologies to Robert Service)

The banker's life in the midnight sun
chaffed under your cuffs and collars
and you watched another Klondike run
the black ink stained gold earned dollars
as the paddle steamer clawed
at the current blend at the confluence of the Yukon flow
the yearning deep down in your heart
made you pick up stakes and go

Up through the valley where stories wait
right there beside the stream.
In the sluice run and in blackened pans
you wash out your bit of spec and gleam.
A loaf of sourdough down in the town
would cost you a day of digging
But then the fever takes and the fall
goes by and the miner's tweak the rigging

Get gravity and the water flow
do the heavy lifting for ye
and when winter comes and trees are felled
the fires will burn in hell
Then the assayer with his silver scale
will speak your doom this day
Farewell cheechako you did not last
the dark season of the year
A sourdough you'll never be,
so go on back south of here.

Mining's not for every man and the Klondike
will not relent,
the midnight sun is three months long
but so is the noontide night.
A fortune spent earns a fortnight's rent
down in Gertie's town,
So drown yourself in rotgut brew
and forget those golden wights
That sparkle seen within the dirt
is the shine of foolish pyrite.
I hope y'all can keep the polemics out of the thread. This thread means a lot to me and I know eagleyez would have wanted to keep it friendly (and poetry-based). Thanks. :heart:
It's an American sentence and a poor attempt at humour with a bad pun. I will move my poem to my personal thread Angeline. I agree, it got a little heavy.
I hope y'all can keep the polemics out of the thread. This thread means a lot to me and I know eagleyez would have wanted to keep it friendly (and poetry-based). Thanks. :heart:

Sorry Angie, I didnt think it went that far; however my idea of "not that far" is a little bit skewed to the side of don't stab me and we're cool.

and know you are more important than an opinion so I took my posts down with no animosity

Hope you're doing well :rose:
It's an American sentence and a poor attempt at humour with a bad pun. I will move my poem to my personal thread Angeline. I agree, it got a little heavy.

Sorry Angie, I didnt think it went that far; however my idea of "not that far" is a little bit skewed to the side of don't stab me and we're cool.

and know you are more important than an opinion so I took my posts down with no animosity

Hope you're doing well :rose:

Thank you both. I really appreciate it. I know it may sound silly but I am happy when this thread is about love...not that I expect all sunshine and rainbows but I like to avoid anything that might be hurtful to poets. Just cause this will always be my sweetheart's thread and I have so little left of him. ♥️

I'm hanging in there. I am soon moving back North to be near both my kids. Between a long-distance move and my health issues I'm kind of going crazy. It's like trying to solve a very difficult puzzle. Just transporting me up there because of my respiratory problems is a big hassle! I still come by daily to check for spam and such, but that's all I can handle for a while.

Love you all. :rose:
Five Bucks

Five bucks ain’t
what it used to be
and neither am I,
time and inflation
have taken their toll
but I’m still here for
Five Bucks

Five bucks ain’t
what it used to be
and neither am I,
time and inflation
have taken their toll
but I’m still here for

nickel and dime
once bought a rhyme

later on, a diamond
made best friends bond

then your credit-card
could melt a big girl's heart

but when bitcoins came
chased away with name and shame
Me, Myself and I

There is a disconnect
between me, myself and I
or should that be among?
The editor in me is always
there ready to correct
me and gets really irate if
I blurt out “Donald and myself”
instead of “Donald and I”
when we are subject
rather than object, although
there are times when I definitely
feel like the object, but
that is a different matter.
My grammar guide simplifies
it by saying take out “Donald”
and see how it sounds, and
I must admit that these days
it does sound better without
Donald and I would love to
do it but can’t because I only
had one vote and it’s probably
going to be disqualified because
it was a mail-in and the Supreme
Court is more Conservative
than ever now, leaving me
caught between politics and
the people, another existential
divide which myself is
hesitant to cross because
among me, myself, and I,
we are all rather nervous
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November 30 – Exit Poem

As November ends, and December
looms, the exit numbers continue
to rise until they lose meaning but
to each number a name is attached,
some famous, others infamous,
but most relatively anonymous
known only to family and friends.
So far, we have been spared
immediate grief but it feels
like it is only a matter of time.

The aptly named Black Friday
passed with little more than a
ripple as it is hard to catch the
holiday spirit with everyone
isolated in one way or another
and we are not sacrificing a tree
at home, this year as our family
gathering will be at the in-laws.
Unfortunately, our daughter will
not be with us as they are caught
in the Atlantic bubble.

But there are only thirty-one days
to December and in twenty-one
days, daylength will again increase.
The latest news on vaccines is
promising, so as we meet the
coming New Year, we will all
Skype together raising our
glasses of non-virtual spirits
high as we bid farewell to the
year which Christmas forgot.
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Chocolate ice cream
for dessert today, one small cup
waiting on the tray, a sweet
denouement to the morning,
or an amuse-bouche for hours
that will nod through afternoon
like drowsy daffodils, hours
stretching upon hours.

One small cup of chocolate, silky
dark and cold, savored and swallowed
in delicious bites, thinking of you
and our last meal together.
I brought you ice cream
from the Sweet Shop, from
Sam's on the corner. They always
ask after you although the news
is never good anymore.

This is the good stuff.

I spoon it into your mouth.
You are the baby bird now,
and your smile that in our time
has shone with love or pride,
care, bemusement now
holds gratitude.
It's not easy seeing that
expression in your fading gaze
without crying, but I've learned
to manage that.

Your cup is empty. And now
so is mine and yet these memories
keep my glass full.
Forty days and forty nights
Christ spent wandering in the desert
but it’s now over ten times that,
four hundred twenty days and
counting in this isolation desert
cut off to varying degrees from
contact with other humans with
remote meetings getting more
remote and a takeout dinner
from a fancy restaurant is just
a takeout dinner, although live
streaming music and plays
help a little but ain’t really
all that live and I have a
desperate nostalgia to return
to what was my mundane
existence before, while the
days of our lifes trickle like
water from a leaking faucet
as I as I sit on my back porch
bench denied the taste of your
tongue as we are together apart,
suspended between heaven and hell.

This was intended as a response to tod's ques in the 5 senses challenge but I was sidetracked and Desejo got in before me. The ques were

Sight: desperation
Sound: running water
scent: nostalgia
Taste: forbidden
touch: a bench
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