November Poetry Challenge

Variation 1:

all night
windowless office
in the morning
snow outdoors

variation 2:

eyes hovered over the keyboard all night
blinked at the snow outdoors in the morning

wlodzimierz holsztynski ©


s t r e t c h

windowless office
sleepless eyes hovered over keystrokes
blink awake the morning snow​
is this the right place?

to post original works? i placed a poem once and people seemed quite distressed as it was in the "wrong spot."


Good day mlady!

Please do not ever get distressed about anything around here :) especially putting things in the wrong spot, it is actually very much a part of the culture.


This particular thread is for a specific challenge, if you go to the opening page of the thread, you can read about it.

There are many many places to put original works, depending on your intention or wishes.

You may submit them the usual way (if you are not familiar with that yet, please ask) so they show up in the New Poems. If you are looking for a place to put specific kinds of poetry, there are threads galore out there...

I will put up some links in a minute. Some people start new threads for their poems and we are not quite sure what they are looking for, so if you decide to start one for a poem, just let us know if you are looking for critique, a wave hello, or just a place to show your work in public.

There really is something for almost everyone here, if you do not like a particular thread, just close it and move on :)



mlady said:
to post original works? i placed a poem once and people seemed quite distressed as it was in the "wrong spot."


Here is the link to the Welcome Thread that has a lot of great resources:

There are many places to post original poetry. Here are a few from the first three most recent pages of threads:

Poetry Discussion Circle post two comments on previously submitted poems in this thread, and then you are eligible to have your own critiqued

Some challenges have to do with number of words:
Challenge: Three Words or Less
The Perfect Ten

Or not.... Not sure how many words

Feeling Ambitious?
30 Poems in 30 Days Challenge

Spontaneous? all of a sudden passion suddenly and writing live both of these have the same premise: write it down in a passion, do not edit, do not copy paste just let it out, no spell check etc etc etc. Here is an exerpt from the originator of these threads: ~no cheating allowed~ take all the time you want but start and finish your piece without leaving. Don't edit either.

Some threads are made to work on poetry, ask for suggestions, etc.
The GymnasiumA place to work it out.
Poetry under Construction poetry in progress

Some threads are intended for trying out different forms of poetry:
Free Verse Falling Post your free verse poetry; comment, dish, do whatever you want with that little mouse you're carressing there in your fingertips:

Mystic Lake Poetry What is Mystic Lake Poetry? ... poems of the mystical essence.... a thread for all to share and explore this style of writing.

illustrated poetry and images

Concrete Thread The rules are simple here. Write poems about concrete objects, things you can touch and feel.

Haiku River

13-o-clock (darker poetry) if you have the devilish urge, to cook something up, some 13 o'clock poetry stew, be my guest and post here

Cherilew A Clerihew (or clerihew) is a very specific kind of short humorous verse, typically with the following properties....

I only pulled threads from the first three pages, and certainly misses some on those pages... there are DOZENS of threads dedicated to sharing poems, hopefully you find one or two or three that you like! If not, start your own or revive one of the older threads....

Go for it!
Write on, girl :)

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November draws to a close, poets, and with the end of the month so closes the November Poetry Challenge. I want to thank everyone who participated. I really enjoyed all of the poems. So thanks to:
  • Angeline
  • annaswirls (two poems)
  • bogusbrig
  • champagne1982 (two poems)
  • clutching_calliope
  • flyguy69
  • Lauren Hynde (two poems)
  • Minervous
  • Mistress Jett (two poems)
  • My Erotic Trail
  • SpectaclesInSkirt (three poems!)
  • steve_porter
and me, of course. ;)

Sorry about dropping the ball on the critique thing. Work was a problem for me at the end of the month. Let me offer a blanket (and completely honest) critique and just say I really, really enjoyed all of them. All of them.

Hey! Moderationers! Please unstick this thread and let it settle gently into Lit's soft nest of bytes gone by. December is up next, though I'm not sure anyone claimed it. In any case, happy end of year, people. And thanks again for your swell response to the challenge. You almost make me feel smart. :)
Thank you for the excellent challenge, Tzara. It was great fun. :)

I'm sorry that I have been away for a few days and couldn't unstick this earlier, but let me go check who was up for December and forgot about it!