Nursery Rhymes and?

Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross
to see a fine lady upon a white horse.
With rings on her fingers and bells on her toes,
she shall have music wherever she goes.

I rode the cock horse
and it changed my life:
Banbury Cross was electric
that night.

Rings spun on my fingers,
bells chimed on my toes,
music rocked me in rhythm
until the dawn rose.
Take a shower, take her flower;
Take it now or take it never.
Once you plow her, take a shower;
Once in power, rock 'er'n leave 'er.
Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross
to see a fine lady upon a white horse.
With rings on her fingers and bells on her toes,
she shall have music wherever she goes.

I rode the cock horse
and it changed my life:
Banbury Cross was electric
that night.

Rings spun on my fingers,
bells chimed on my toes,
music rocked me in rhythm
until the dawn rose.

lol and a cock horse is nothing to do with the male appendage
Pussy tat, pussy tat, where have you been?
I've been to London, visiting the Queen!
Pussy tat, pussy tat, what did you do?
I took the good knave and gave him a screw!
Pussy tat, pussy tat, where did you hide?
In the royal cock-brush, going for a ride!
Pussy tat, pussy tat, who are you now?
A messy li'l turd with white on my brow!
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall!
All the king's horses and all the king's wives
Could not together make him decide.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a side,
Humpty Dumpty had a great time!
All the king's wives and all the king's horses
All chimed in, replete with crying choruses.
little miss muffet
sat on a tuffet
eating her curds and whey
along came a spider
who sat down, beside her,
and said "i really can't believe you're eating that muck! that's per-verse."
Mary had a little lamb
her doctor was surprised,
but for knitted jumpers, her
offspring would be prized
Hey diddle, diddle
The cat had a fiddle,
The cow has just been mooned.
The dog and the dish joined in the fun
And lay in the bed and spooned.


Polly put the condom on
Polly put the condom on
Polly put the condom on
they're having an orgy

Johnny took it off again
Johnny took it off again
Johnny took it off again
they're now having twins.


Hickety Pickety my black hen
She lays down for gentlemen
Sometimes nine and sometimes ten
She's not fussy my black hen.