First off...I really dont care if I hurt your feelings for you making more money then I?? How infantile of you to bring that up, but to answer your question..NO you do not make more money then I do..stripping or whoring...whatever it is you can do that for still wont come close to what I make in a year. You obviously arent capable of having a coherent debate...without letting your illegitimate child getting in the way. Alas, I really dont care..Siren...from bumble fuck USA..I dont give a shit what you think. Hate me all you I care...hahahahahahahahahahahhaha When all is said and done..more is said then done.By the Thomas Moore...a Utopian society cannot be achieved. Take all your PC, righteous, backyard BS and shove it..I dont care!!! I dont take anyone who doesnt own an Armani suit seriously..piss off you peasant! Like I care if I am welcome or not..It is my right to post, as is yours...oh my..whats that? Your bastard son is calling..good day. Just so you all know..I dont give a shit. You bore me...Bring it.
My,my for a "goddess" are pretty freya?? As for that all you have on me?? Because I dont spell check..LOL you can do better..cant you? I didnt think so..I would love to see you assholes in New York for just one second...and when you got mugged by the same people you protect..well...god, what I would give to see your pathetic faces. Do I pay to have sex....hmmm...first off, I have a fiancee..secondly, I am comfortable enough with my self image that I would never do that..and thirdly..if I came up to you in a bar, you would give me the time of day and more..unlike most, I dont hide behind the profile and pic is there for all to see...Like it or not, at least I am honest...again...have a nice day!
I am honest, I don't have a profile or a picture here, I don't wear an Armani suit and I can spell.
Btw, would you mind telling me just who you were trying to upset in that last post because it seems that you lumped Freya and I together, (not that I mind being lumped together with a goddess). I would like to know which insults were directed at me.
This is gonna suprise the hell out of everyone... but I'm a little disappointed in what's gone on in this thread.
If you look at Kiss-met's first couple of posts, we had an opportunity to view this situation from a view point that many of you obviously don't agree with - but is 100% necessary to understand when dealing with this specific issue. I have no doubt that Kiss-met expresses views that are held by a large percentage of New Yorkers.
Instead, you people were more concerned with your feelings being hurt and the fact that you could not convince the Heathen that he should repent.
We're all losers in this particular situation. Thanks a lot.
Oh, and why we're at it... On one of your first posts Siren, you referred to Kiss-met as "our dear new poster". Take a look at the dates. Kiss-met registered 4 months before you did. It doesn't take 200 posts in a week to figure out how the world works....
I really am disappointed... There's a time and a place for everything. Don't you people get that?
At this point, I don't see a debate over what happened in NY.
I see people arguing with each other
I see people insulting one another.
I'd say this post has degraded more than slightly.
Perhaps we should drop it.
Ya' know something Lasher, I have to disagree with you here for a minute.
As you know, we're all entitled to express our opinions on this board, which is what I did. Once my words were twisted, I felt obligated to reiterate my point, so that there was no confusion on what I meant. Perhaps there were a few derogatory remarks on my part, but if that has irritated or disappointed you, then I don't know what to say. But even you couldn't help but make a derogatory remark to Siren regarding one of her comments. Does that dissapoint me, or anyone else on the board? I don't know...nor do I care.
I'm not backing down from anything that I've said. Those are my opinions, views and observations. And damn it, I'm entitled to share them as I see fit. I don't expect everyone to agree with me...and if they don't, my feelings aren't going to be hurt.
Now, as far as the comments about what I do for a living, well, anyone who has taken the time to get to know me will realize exactly how childish the ideas expressed in an earlier post were. So, I won't even dignify those comments with a remark.
I do agree with you on this...the discussion has turned into something that isn't worth debating anymore. So, on that note, I don't feel the need to speak my mind on the subject of violence anymore.
You have every right to disagree, Anjelique. I'm just not sure what you were disagreeing with. This thread went down the toilet in about 7 posts and all who were involved were to blame. I did everything in my power not to take sides with anyone. It's just been my experience on this board that when someone starts to argue personalities in a discussion that started on what passes for fact, that it's best just to ignore the personality non-issues. Unfortunately that did not happen here and the entire thread degenerated into post after post of "I know you are, but what am I..." and really did a great disservice to the issue at hand.
Doesn't anyone else find that disappointing?
As for what I said about Siren - there was nothing derogatory meant in that at all. My sole intention was to correct a misstatement of facts.
Whoa, whoa! I think EVERYONE here has valid points...BTW, Fallen Angel, I wasn't intending to name call or finger point, just to say that NYC is undeserving of its rep as the world focal point for nastiness.
I still think that this is a good forum and a good discussion. Wanna know why nothing ever gets solved, from the UN right on down? It's cause people are people. We start with good intentions, a couple folks getting together to solve a problem. Then pretty soon arguments arise, name calling starts, and the whole effort gets abandoned because everyone feels the fight has sullied the cause. This thread right here is a microcosm of that effect.
Look, the important thing to remember is that an argument is not a bad thing, as long as one remembers that the goal is getting closer to a truth or compromise, not proving yourself right and the other person wrong. I'm tickled when I lose an argument, 'cause I've been given the chance to look at some of my ideas that may have been wrong, rigid or outdated.
So how 'bout this: let's get back to the original topic, and firmly pledge to do no more sniping and insulting. It's beneath us, don't you think?
If you have never lived in Manhattan, you really aren't able to fully analyze what goes on there. There is no other city in the world like Manhattan. A crush of politically-savvy, cultural-vital, ethnically-diversed capitalists living in the heart of American and International commerce and culture. Political correctness gets swept aside like a tourist on 5th taking too long to look at St. Patrick's. The city is thick with sensory stimuli every two feet, and it's difficult to tell the difference between real trouble and the regular chaos. You can't compare witness reaction to what happened in Central Park to what might happen on Hollywood Blvd, or State Street or your town square. I agree with Kiss-met, there is so much about New York that is different that you cannot truly appreciate the complexities of any situation there unless you're a New Yorker.
And you cannot possibly begin to fathom the complexities of life as a socially oppressed, politically stifled, culturally invisible person of color, unless you're a minority.
Statistically more black people commit crimes? Of course they do. You would too if your race were paid less, underrepresented in office, institutionalized in culture as devious, evil and sub-human, denied fair treatment in the law, given little voice in the media, and then, worst of all, had your troubles trivialized by the power brokers and thought makers like you who only see them as "Those people" and wonder "Gee, how come they're so cranky? I mean, we gave them the WB Network and everything."
Nothing excuses the Central Park behavior. A man, no matter what his cross to bear, must be a man responsible for his own actions. But if you really want to claim a superior vantage point because you live in New York City you really out to try and see the whole village. A city, whose buildings, schools, political machines and corridors of power were built and shaped by the dirty, non-English speaking Irish, Italian, Black and Asian immigrants who have enriched your life and afford you the privilege you assuredly deserve. New York is great because of its history of immigration and diversity, not in spite of it.
I understand your gut reactions to the unwashed masses, I really do. But make a distinction between being annoyed at having to pass smelly panhandlers on 57th St and being condescending to a race for not being happy with their tiny slice of the pie.
New York is too big a city to view from the window of a taxi-cab, and this argument is too big to be won with hate.
[Edited by Dixon Carter Lee on 06-27-2000 at 03:14 PM]
I bow to the guru. I tried several times to come up with a reply that said something meaningful without fanning the fires. I never could and you have once again lived up to the guru title.
I have visited NY and walked through Central Park. I found it to be a great place everywhere I went in the city. Most everyone was either friendly or just ignored me. Strange but in my boots, jeans, cowboy hat and big leather coat with the wool trim everyone seemed to know where I was from. I only found a few problems while I was there. One was the subway flooding during rainstorms shutting down some of the trains. This made us sprint through the streets to get back to Grand Central before the last train left for the night. The second was the panhandlers in the subway who didn't like me telling them to get a job. Oh wait one other thing since I was there in Jan. Shit it was cold!