Oddities in Ratings and Views - Observations from New Author

I had read on these forums that LW was brutal so I purposely asked Laurel to put my story "Carole" in Erotic Couplings. I suppose because the story had cuckolding it ended up in LW. It was lambasted. Nevertheless it ended up being a good thing. My number of followers went up 200% from that one story. The number of views, favorites, and votes were five to ten fold more than any other submission.

I have since asked for the story to be put in EC and the score has risen from 3.5 to 3.9 in a month.
I'm still new here as well, only been posting stories for two months.

I've yet to come up with any rhyme or reason on why some stories do better than others, get more votes, get bad votes, etc.

Stories I thought would do well bombed, and a new story I recently posted I worried over thinking it wasn't good enough yet has done pretty damn well, far better than I expected.

Only thing I've learned: write what you wanna write, and let the chips (and the ratings) fall where they will.
Regardless, I've enjoyed the Literotica Author experience otherwise. Looking forward to publishing more stories and watching them get one-starred into the gutter as well. It's where my mind is anyway.


I just started writing here, and I'll be honest and say I have zero expectations as far as the number of views, or ratings, etc. It's selfish maybe, but writing has been very exciting for me, I think (I'm still trying to work this part out) I'm writing mostly for me, but hoping someone else may read and enjoy as well. Maybe that's some weird self-defense thing 'I'll say it's for me so I don't get upset if nobody likes, or comments, etc' Like I said, I'm still deciding why I'm writing. It has been quite enjoyable, and I've gotten some feedback that absolutely nudged me along to keep things going.
For people interested in stats, here are the stats for all of my multi-part stories published here on Literotica (in order from oldest to newest).

Fav     Reads  Rating  Votes	Comments

72	22726	4.79	419	17
20	10106	4.85	219	9
23	8943	4.81	182	5
22	7588	4.88	193	8
26	7465	4.88	187	21

35	13020	4.8	245	7
18	5982	4.83	146	8

24	13544	4.73	161	11
14	6351	4.79	137	11
28	5920	4.83	147	9

33	16437	4.76	185	10
17	5691	4.77	147	7
20	7564	4.83	135	6
15	5747	4.71	99	7
12	5085	4.88	98	13

17	9830	4.85	108	11
14	5442	4.79	91	14

15	10479	4.79	95	9
10	6056	4.79	76	8
9	5029	4.79	84	16

In general, the first part has the most reads and the last part has the fewest reads. Also, the last part is usually the highest rated part of the story except for one (and that could be attributed to readers not liking how it ended based on the comments I received). Additionally, the number of votes tend to decrease from the first part to the last part. Finally, the number of Favorites tend downward from the first part to the last part.

Interestingly enough, those patterns holds true even though my most recent multi-part story was not published (or written) in order (Pt. 2 > Pt.1 > Pt.3). In fact, each part has a unique title so there is no Pt. xx attached to the title, since each part was written as a stand-alone story that doesn't rely on the previous part(s) to make sense.

Here are the stats for all of my stand-alone stories I published (also from oldest to newest).

Fav     Reads  Rating  Votes	Comments

16	9016	4.54	150	5	(1 Lit Page story)
26	13612	4.67	190	5
23	15898	4.7	122	7
12	13937	4.49	95	5	(1 Lit Page story)*
15	15500	4.75	80	12

In general, they all rate lower than my multi-part stories. The short stories have the lowest ratings. Apparently, the readers in Lesbian Sex don't really like stories too short to develop characters fully.

All of the above stories are published under the Lesbian Sex category.

Here are the two stand-alone stories not published under Lesbian Sex:

Fav     Reads  Rating  Votes	Comments

14	4254	4.54	89	13	Non-Erotic
3	4781	4.77	13	4	How To**

* This story is not in the story universe that the rest of the stories are located in.
** This is a guide I wrote to explain the order in which the above stories (except for *) should be read since I didn't write the stories in order.
I just started writing here, and I'll be honest and say I have zero expectations as far as the number of views, or ratings, etc. It's selfish maybe, but writing has been very exciting for me, I think (I'm still trying to work this part out) I'm writing mostly for me.

Always write for you first, other second, and let the chips fall as they may. Unless someone is paying you to write for them. Then you have to follow what they want and bank the reward!