
Somewhere in the dim past I read something about two scenarios for a society to fall apart. In one, the "elite" is eliminated by some factor (in the French Revolution it was "la guillotine"). In the other, the working class is eliminated (as in the bubonic plague in medival Europe). Either way, the society as a whole is in for serious turmoil. From what I've heard, the greatest incidence of HIV infection in some countries is in the educated portion of the population. I read somewhere that the infection rate for medical students in Kenya is higher than for the general population.

My point is that both scenarios appear to be possibilities in much of Africa, and in Thailand as well. Unless there is some affordable treatment made available, these countries will be depopulated in the near future. Just the task of burying 60-75% of the population would tax the resources of even a wealthy nation, which these are definitely not. Bubonic plague only killed 40% of Europe's population, and disposing of the dead was one of the ways it was transmitted. That is not so much an issue with AIDS, but large numbers of unburied bodies present numerous health risks.

As for the rate of population replacement, how many of the births will be of HIV positive babies, starting the cycle all over again?

Given the dangers of the situation, I can safely say that there is little that could entice me to even consider a visit to Africa, even if I could afford it.

[This message has been edited by skibum (edited 05-08-2000).]
The Zimababwe situation is one of political thuggery. The white farmers were in fact attacked because they supported the opposition, with Mugabe's position weakened by many problems he is threatening those who oppose him (black as well as white)with violence.
This is why it is important to push the elections and give financial aid afterwards to prevent the situation getting worse. It is not really racial, but racial hatred is being raised to "justify" it.
My view is that the situation may have degenerated into political "thuggery" of late. I can see that. But this is very often what happens when people are left believing in a hope (which may have originated from a promise) for an unreasonably long time.

As Emile Durkheim (a leading socio-political academic) says: most societies are ripe for revolutionary change when the working class have unfulfilled expectations brought about by the ruling class. I do think, that although we are all outraged by the way in which Mugabe is handling things, that there was a definate need for some notable measure of land reform in Zimbabwe. Perhaps the expectation was an unfulfilled prophecy - and this may be partly to blame for fueling the fire.

Obviously this 'self-help' is a far cry from the type of land reform which is constitutionally valid. The result is fucking horrible whichever way you look at it.

[This message has been edited by slut_boy (edited 05-09-2000).]
Hey, SB! Long time no talk!

Yes, I agree, there is and has been a need for land reform in Zim. However, Mugabe has had TWENTY YEARS to do something about it in a legal and democratic manner.

I have some very good friends who are farmers near Esigodeni in Zim. In the last 20 yrs, there has been NO APPROACH by the government or anyone else regarding buying their land on a willing buyer/willing seller basis. On the contrary, they have been given government aid for the provision of a farm school for both their labourers children, as well as those from the surrounding area.

Two weeks ago, their farm was invaded, and both were assaulted. The reason they were given by the "war veterans" (read : ex-terrorists), most of whom are in the region of 18-25 years of age (i.e. weren't even born during the bush war!), was that they supported the opposition by lending a farm vehicle to their labourers to attend a rally. That is the reality of what's going on in Zim. Raise your voice (or not) against the totalitarian dictator, and you are a target.