Oh my gosh! Do you know what tomorrow is??????

I stand humbled before the positiveness that you all paint upon me.

It has been a very good day to be born-52 times over.

A cold Canadian air mass snuck down and ran smack dab into a sweaty crotch of air, resulting in thunder claps and rain as I type.

My sons are about to arrive and we will joke and noogie, listen for the thunder and feel the rain.

My heartfelt thanks to one, to all. Y'all are a cozy bunch and I thank each and every for the sentiment, now I must go get one more slab of cream cheese for that Angie girl.


Much love is here tonight.
It's eagleyez's birthday!
And I am late to the party, and on the wrong coast besides.
Happy birthday baby! Tomorrow we will celebrate with all your favorites:

Your favorite dinner~

OK. Comfort food. Nothing wrong with that.
Your favorite cake~

I am not a cake person, so no snitty comments here.
Your favorite music
Now, I do have an opinion on music and this is excellent. Here's my other favorite SV vid.
and your favorite favorite~

Frilly thongs? Nice butts?

No matter. Who am I to contraindicate such, uh, love. :)

Happy birthday, Mr. Younger-than-me.

I'd maybe ask for a piece of that latter cake, but perhaps you don't wish to share. I wouldn't, anyway.

Happy B.

How do I scrape off this

goopiness, eh?

I mean, geez. Get a room. You are typing like the wife and me. ;)
Thanks everyone, again, for all your kind wishes to my sweetiepoet. We had a great night. Dinner with the boys was a lot of fun. We showered dad with presents and cake and then they left and well there were more presents and cake.

Of course he has to do all this for me in three weeks, so I feel I've got the groundwork well in. :devil:
Thanks everyone, again, for all your kind wishes to my sweetiepoet. We had a great night. Dinner with the boys was a lot of fun. We showered dad with presents and cake and then they left and well there were more presents and cake.

Of course he has to do all this for me in three weeks, so I feel I've got the groundwork well in. :devil:

Only three weeks? Let the lovefest begin...
I was thinking about the two of you while driving the other day. Driving is when I have my best discussions with the Universe. The Universe suggested that I should play this song for you.

You are between the birthdays now so essentially it's both birthdays for the next couple of weeks. There's a mathematical birthday balance point in here somewhere, even.

Make wishes. Keep making wishes.

Happy Birthday ee!!! Surely Ange made it very special. :)

I was thinking about the two of you while driving the other day. Driving is when I have my best discussions with the Universe. The Universe suggested that I should play this song for you.

You are between the birthdays now so essentially it's both birthdays for the next couple of weeks. There's a mathematical birthday balance point in here somewhere, even.

Make wishes. Keep making wishes.


Thank you both from me and the guy watching sports in the other room. :kiss:

And yes wishes. I make them every day, but I'll wish even harder now!