Oh Yeah!


SierraMoon said:
Good luck MzChrista!! i hope you have fun... although kinda wishing it had been me that you met... :devil:

OMG,...me too baby,...that way I could get DE-*tails* from BOTH *ends*!(puns intended) :rose:
MzChrista said:
Yeah, girly goofy and yous are all going to forget you saw it right?

Honey, you have completely ruined your big meanie image now, it's too late.

MzChristina... details... oh plz... ^_~

makes me kind of think of when i fell for my girl, i'd known her 4 years as a friend and niether of us had ever said one way or another if we'd go for a chick even though the topic had come up a hundered thousand times. i alwayz wonder what i'll do if i ever lose her and go looking for another girl.... at least approaching a guy the worst you're likely to get is "no way" and not "eeeeewwww.... no way you sick dyke" (i mean i'm not even a lezbian i'm bi. geeeze, at least don't assume plz).

the best is winking at waitresses when you're the only chick at a table full of guys and finding out later that they don't go for guys at all anywayz. hehe. sorry boys.

MzChrista said:

Arty, you the man.
That spice is cumin I think or maybe coriander, although I dont really know what that is, I just like the name.
In the incredibly unlikely event I ever have a daughter I think Ill name her Coriander.

This is totally off topic but, being a Canadian I can't not offer help when it is needed. Coriander is cilantro. It's that lemony weird tasting flavour in Thai food and in Mexican food (and lots of other foods lest I seem food elitist). Looks like parsley. The ground kind is made from grinding the seed pods. It's not a bad name for a girl as a matter of fact.


P.S. have a great time. I'll be at home chopping coriander for pad thai.
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make sure you have a great time whatever happens :) hopefully then maybe something more than you expect will happen :)
OK nosy parkers.
It went really good, if humping around the dance floor and making out on the hood of my car in the parking lot is any sign.
so, can a couple have Bizarre Love Triangle be their song?
MzChrista said:
OK nosy parkers.
It went really good, if humping around the dance floor and making out on the hood of my car in the parking lot is any sign.
so, can a couple have Bizarre Love Triangle be their song?

That's wonderfiul, darling, but surely you know the crowd wants more details.
haha. You almost got all the details cause we didnt know where to go when the bar closed and I thought hmmm Caroline lives close by, but then I figured, Saturday night, if you are home, you be doing your jungle fever routine.
MzChrista said:
haha. You almost got all the details cause we didnt know where to go when the bar closed and I thought hmmm Caroline lives close by, but then I figured, Saturday night, if you are home, you be doing your jungle fever routine.

Please, we prefer to think of it in terms of the unity of all mankind regardless of race, creed. or color.
Too bad you didn't come over, I would have loved to see what girly goofy looks like on you.
MzChrista said:
OK nosy parkers.
It went really good, if humping around the dance floor and making out on the hood of my car in the parking lot is any sign.
so, can a couple have Bizarre Love Triangle be their song?

OK...I think it would be safe to say she's gay, or at least bi. Now, to find out if she's kinky. :) My guess is if she said she's "love to go" to a fetish party with you, you're probably in the clear. I'm happy for you girl, and best of luck!!

And yeah, we want more details. Many more.
baby I know how you can make me get that look first hand.
I wrote down a note, next time I need a place to get busy at 3 AM, go wake up caroline and she will let me use her couch. Thanks.

Hey PM me if you want to go to the art fair today.
Cirrus said:

OK...I think it would be safe to say she's gay, or at least bi. Now, to find out if she's kinky. :) My guess is if she said she's "love to go" to a fetish party with you, you're probably in the clear. I'm happy for you girl, and best of luck!!

And yeah, we want more details. Many more.

Thanks cirrus. I tried out my little tricks. I held her hands together behind her back while we was dancing and she like that, and I give her a little hair pull and ass slap in the bathroom and she liked that too, so I am thinking I am golden, although I dont want to get too geeked too soon.
MzChrista said:

Thanks cirrus. I tried out my little tricks. I held her hands together behind her back while we was dancing and she like that, and I give her a little hair pull and ass slap in the bathroom and she liked that too, so I am thinking I am golden, although I dont want to get too geeked too soon.

It seems like you have found a good one enjoy it.
MzChrista said:
OK nosy parkers.
It went really good, if humping around the dance floor and making out on the hood of my car in the parking lot is any sign.
so, can a couple have Bizarre Love Triangle be their song?

and .....

when are you seeing her again?

there will be an again?
Here you go. We Nillas like to keep up on our fellow flavorings:

Coriander, an umbelliferous plant indigenous to southern Europe, is found occasionally in Britain in fields and waste places, and by the sides of rivers. It is frequently found in a semi-wild state in the east of England, having escaped from cultivation.

In the northern countries of Europe, the seeds are sometimes mixed with bread, but the chief consumption of Coriander seed in this country is in flavouring certain alcoholic liquors, for which purpose it is largely grown in Essex. Distillers of gin make use of it, and veterinary surgeons employ it as a drug for cattle and horses. The fruit is the only part of the plant that seems to have any medical or dietetical reputation.
WillowPuss said:

and .....

when are you seeing her again?

there will be an again?

We got a date for the Hellbound party but thats not for a couple weeks. So I figured I will stop by the store in a couple days and see if she wants to go do something in the mean time.
MzChrista said:

We got a date for the Hellbound party but thats not for a couple weeks. So I figured I will stop by the store in a couple days and see if she wants to go do something in the mean time.

Keeping my fingers and (no, best leave it just at fingers :D ) crossed for you.
OK, so I went to the store last night and we hung out a while, then we went ate drank some beers and ate big sloppy burgers.
We talked about kink stuff a lot, she asked me a lot of questions and I answered her straight up.
So we drove back and parked behind the store and messed around a little, but I aint going to push too far too fast.
She cant be around this weekend, but Im thinkin I got my hooks in her pretty good.
MzChrista said:
OK, so I went to the store last night and we hung out a while, then we went and drank some beers and ate big sloppy burgers.
We talked about kink stuff a lot, she asked me a lot of questions and I answered her straight up.
So we drove back and parked behind the store and messed around a little, but I aint going to push too far too fast.
She cant be around this weekend, but Im thinkin I got my hooks in her pretty good.
MzChrista said:
OK nosy parkers.
It went really good, if humping around the dance floor and making out on the hood of my car in the parking lot is any sign.
so, can a couple have Bizarre Love Triangle be their song?

No, you need a third member to have a love triangle.

Call me.