Ok , I have a question..........

lilfrk said:
I wore a leather collar when I was in high school too. Trust me they have no clue what it's all about. I know I didn't. I wore one because I thought it looked cool and they did it in music videos. Along with my leather collar I had leather cuffs on each wrist. I was a looker let me tell ya.

Wizzie they have no clue they just think it's cool.
Actually, it depends on the "kid"... When i was in high school, I wore a collar, some times a choke chain, but unfortunately I never could get any cuffs. I knew what they could be used for. *eg*

I was in the deviant drowd as well, LOL, shaved the back of my head, wore risque clothing and chain in various places as well as pierced my own belly button at age13.

LMBO I'll never forget walking down mainstreet one night with my best friend, both of us wearing collars and I had a leash attatched to hers. :eek: :D Boy, we sure got some looks!!!

I find teenagers in general to be annoying, wearing a collar would just make me want to tie one up in the back yard to keep them from annoying me further.
The young cashier, maybe 18, at the grocery store was all cute and gothy. She was wearing a choke chain and I have to say several times while she was absent mindedly, swiping my groceries I felt the compulsion to snag the little ring;)
Teenager on board

I have a teenager at my house, not my daughter, but my sister (long story).

If she came home sporting a collar, I would put her ass out! Not because of the significance, but because I would find it just too predictable.
it's funny... just a few years ago those teens at the mall were my friends... i'm still friends with a lot of the younger crouds and honestly it's jsut a bad trend...

It came along withthe goth scene...
than the hardcore/emo scene
than the punk rock....
it manages to make a showing in any music that's not pop and i'm sure brittney spears has at some point worn a pink choker necklace that could resemble a collar too...

the big store of the times is "hot topic" if you stop in there they have about 10 to 30 variations of collars and cuffs.. i've looked.. i was disappointed becasue i don't need 7 D rings (only 4 other extreminities... if anything only 5 D rings needed...) and the ones with what i wanted had a billion overly long spikes that were not intresting at all... than a lot are made out of cheep rubber or cheep leather... I tried one on and in the span of 3 minuits it irritated my neck.

there was a girl at my college who walked arround with a belt with a billion rings hanging off of it and a pair of handcuffs clipped across the front of it. she also wore a collar and cuffs... one day i asked her who's collar it was she looked at me incrediously and said "mine" i paid for it.

which poses another question... dom's would it be normal for you to wear the collar or cuffs or stuff of that nature if you don't have a sub to put it on at the time... or did she really jsut not get the question?
Yeah..its kinda hard to miss the zillion collars and cuffs walking around right now.

Personally, I have a pair of black leather cuffs with a nice ring on each, perfect for binding. I wear them with pride, with about every item of clothing i have and the reason for that is to identify others involved in BDSM and show my own involvment.
However, I'll admit my message has become a little diluted as the cuffs in particular are pretty popular culture right now. And being "Young" (23 to be exact) I fit right into that neat little crowd..or at least in the public's eyes. lol

Yeah, it can be a little disapointing. Sometimes embarrasing or irritating when i walk into "Chili's" and see 5 highschool aged girls walking around with the same thing Im wearing. Or walking into Hot Topic coz you heard that they might have a suitable collar (a tip from a friend...a bad tip at that! lol) and finding the stereotypical spikey, ridiculously loud and absolutely NON functional collars on display all across the wall. And asking the counter girl if they have one, JUST ONE collar with a place to hook a lead..and getting a blank stare.
A bit annoying.

But then one day youre standing in line at the grocery store and see a girl nervously eye you from across the isle. You make eye contact with her and give her a short smile and suddenly see the blush fly across her cheeks. Or that Dom/me that eyes you and as he/she catches your attention, a slow smile spreads across their face. Those moments when you realize someone knows EXACTLY what it means and what youre wearing means something to them. Thats sooo worth all the other crap.

Let them wear the collars..theyll grow out of it. We, on the other hand, wont.


PS- I wonder when speculums will be worn around the neck like a necklace? lol
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Most kids dont really know what the collars are for. I myself have one (I recently turned 18 and Im a senior in high school, so Im still really a kid) and wear it constantly. I feel uncomfortable without the weight around my neck. Its really thick black leather with four sturdy steel hoops around it. A friend of mine pulled on it the other day and didnt really understand when I got mad and asked him to stop (it was in the middle of one of my classes). He thought it was simply fun to pull on. Another friend recently got into the goth trend and bought this really pretty collar. But its really thin leather and has fine chains attached to it, and it really annoyed me that he bought it because its utterly useless for bondage, and I told him so. He retorted by pointing out that I wear my collar all the time. (Ive had my collar for nearly three years, and it was a gift from my significant other at the time) I find that most people my age really dont know what collars are for, and are mortified at the thought of "being owned" by anyone. Although that said, I will never relinquish my collar for anything.

Also, Hi! Im new to the forums!